Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS)
Request for Proposals
Section B
Supplies or Services and Prices/Costs
Issued by:
General Services Administration
Office of Integrated Technology Services
1800 F St NW
Washington, DC 20405
October 2015
Table of Contents
B.1.2 General Pricing Principles
B.1.2.1 Service Areas, Services and References
B.1.2.2 Service Pricing Elements and Conditions
B.1.2.3 Effective Pricing Dates
B.1.2.4 Price Banding Structures
B.1.2.5 Pricing Domestic and Non-Domestic Locations
B.1.2.6 Price Factors and CLINs
B.1.2.7 Use of Geographic Coordinates and POPs
B.1.2.13 Adding CLINs Post-Award
B.1.2.14 Defining New ICB Cases
B.1.2.15 Task Order Unique CLINs
B.1.2.16 Task Order Number Columns
B.1.3 Catalog Pricing Requirements - General
B.1.3.1 Requirements for Catalog Pricing Information
B.1.3.2 Catalog Operational Rules
B.1.3.3 Termination of Support
B.2.1.1 Virtual Private Network Service
B.2.1.2 Ethernet Transport Service
B.2.1.3 Optical Wavelength Service
B.2.1.5 Synchronous Optical Network Service
B.2.1.7 Internet Protocol Service (IPS)
B.2.2.1 Internet Protocol Voice Service
B.2.2.2 Circuit Switched Voice Service
B.2.2.4 Circuit Switched Data Service
B.2.3.2 CCS Basic Service Prices
B.2.3.3 CCS Task Order Unique CLINs
B.2.4 Colocated Hosting Service
B.2.4.2 CHS Basic Service Prices
B.2.4.4 CHS Task Order Unique CLINs
B.2.5.1 Cloud Service Price Structure
B.2.5.2 Cloud Service Catalog Requirements for Pricing Information
B.2.5.3 Content Delivery Network Service
B.2.6.1 Domestic Mobile Voice Service
B.2.6.2 Domestic Mobile Data Add-on Services
B.2.6.3 Domestic Mobile Data Only Service
B.2.6.4 Pricing Catalog Requirements
B.2.6.5 Domestic to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling
B.2.6.6 International Mobile Roaming (Optional)
B.2.7 Commercial Satellite Communications Service
B.2.7.1 Commercial Mobile Satellite Service
B.2.7.2 Commercial Fixed Satellite Service
B.2.8.1 Managed Network Service
B.2.8.2 Web Conferencing Service
B.2.8.3 Unified Communications Service
B.2.8.4 Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service
B.2.8.5 Managed Security Service
B.2.8.6 Managed Mobility Service
B.2.8.7 Audio Conferencing Service
B.2.8.8 Video Teleconferencing Service
B.2.8.9 DHS Intrusion Prevention Security Service
B.2.9.1 Access Arrangements Pricing
B.2.10 Service Related Equipment
B.2.10.1 Definition and Online Catalog Requirement
B.2.10.2 Catalog Requirements for Pricing Information
B.2.10.3 Specific Catalog Requirements for SRE Pricing
B.2.10.6 Monthly Maintenance Charges
B.2.10.7 Wireless SRE Termination of Support
B.2.10.8 Government Option to Assume Ownership
B.2.10.10.. Area of the World Price Adjustment Factor
B.2.11.4 Other than CONUS Pricing
B.2.11.7 Service Related Labor Price Structure
B.2.12.1 Cable and Wiring Prices Table
B.2.12.2 Cable and Wiring Pricing Instructions Table
B.3 National Security and Emergency Preparedness
B.3.2.2 NS/EP Pricing Instructions Table
B.4 General Pricing and Other Requirements
B.4.1 Point of Presence Identification, Location, and Service Relationships
B.4.1.1 Domestic Points of Presence Table
B.4.1.2 Non-Domestic Points of Presence Table
B.4.1.3 Non-Domestic Site to Point of Presence Relationship Table
B.4.1.4 Services Offered by Point of Presence Table
B.4.1.5 Domestic Physical Concentration Location to Point of Presence Relationship Table
B.4.1.6 Network Site Code PCL Relationship Table
B.4.1.7 Network Site Code to Pricing Hub Relationship Table
B.4.1.8 Network Site Codes Table
B.4.1.9 Network Site Code/Address Correspondence Table
B.4.1.10 Domestic Private Line Service Gateways Table
B.4.1.14 General Task Order Unique CLINs
Appendix A
B.1 Pricing Overview
B.1.1 Overview
This section defines price tables and other pricing mechanisms for the services and features described in Section C. All prices shall conform to the format and structure defined herein. Additional price elements not included in the defined format and structure are not permitted, except as defined in separate TOs awarded under this contract. All prices and price elements defined under this contract or defined under TOs shall conform to the pricing requirements, specifications, element definitions, and numbering schemes defined in this contract.
Contract prices and price tables define the permitted charges and charging schemes. Pricing mechanisms defined for TOs must be derived from (i.e., logically flow from) contract price tables. Examples of such price mechanisms and elements associated with TO pricing may include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Pricing mechanisms identical to those in the contract, except for additional pricing discounts or reductions negotiated under the TO competition.
2. Prices for multiple contract elements or TO elements combined under a single price element (e.g., single price for service plus Service Related Equipment (SRE), so-called “solutions,” or a special labor skill need).
3. Pricing for services, SRE, or labor, that vary from the contract in some significant aspect, such as higher performance levels, additional features, or a special security service labor requirement.
4. Individual Case Basis (ICB) pricing.
5. Task Order Unique CLINs (TUCs).
All prices agreed to at the contract award are established for all contract users (e.g., agencies/customers). Agencies and/or customers are expected to conduct one or more fair opportunity actions that will result in the award of TOs under this contract.
Where price elements awarded under a TO differ from contract pricing, the contractor shall associate the TO number with each CLIN and price element awarded that differs from contract pricing. For more information, see Section B.1.2.16.
The contractor shall not process orders nor will the government pay invoices until the contractor has submitted these prices into GSA Systems (see Section J.2.3). The contractor shall submit into GSA Systems a copy of the resulting TO for purposes of validating the orders, bills and invoices as defined in Section J.2. For a complete description of the ordering requirements, refer to Section G.3.
B.1.2 General Pricing Principles
Pricing for telecommunications and networking services historically has been complex, due in large part to regulatory requirements. Simpler pricing approaches are expected for the future. Such pricing simplification is already being seen in residential and commercial pricing trends for combined services such as voice and data. Services based on legacy copper wire and circuit switching will be retired in the next few years. Accordingly, price tables and elements defined in this section reflect a hybrid of complex legacy and simpler modern pricing mechanisms. As providers retire legacy infrastructure, agencies will modernize their networks and applications, reducing pricing, ordering, and billing complexities. EIS seeks to provide an orderly path to future pricing by accommodating current legacy services pricing while allowing for the evolution of future services pricing toward greater flexibility and simplicity. This approach is expected to result in fewer pricing elements and greater pricing transparency.
Critical to the EIS approach is allowing (but not requiring) the network engineered access topography to be decoupled from pricing. This is accomplished by allowing common access prices to be defined for services and service groupings regardless of location or access engineering, which allows for fewer pricing points and simpler price structures. Legacy services may continue to be priced as in the past. Access pricing is described in Section B.2.9.
B.1.2.1 Service Areas, Services and References
Service areas refer to collections of related telecommunications services, plus discrete areas to be priced such as labor and equipment. Services refer to the components of the service areas.
The following service areas are defined in Section C.2:
1. Data Service
2. Voice Service
3. Contact Center Service
4. Colocated Hosting Service
5. Cloud Service
6. Wireless Service
7. Commercial Satellite Communications Service
8. Managed Services
9. Access Arrangements
10. Service Related Equipment
11. Service Related Labor
12. Cable and Wiring
The National Security and Emergency Preparedness requirements are defined in Sections C.1.8.8 and G.11.
Table B. defines the structure for service areas and services. The table also defines which services are mandatory (to be included in the contractor’s proposal), and which services are optional. Refer also to Section C.2.1 for a discussion of mandatory and optional services.
B. Identification Structure
Service Area |
Service Name |
Mandatory/ Optional (M/O) |
Service ID |
Service CLIN Prefix |
Section C Reference |
Section B Reference |
CBSA Based Service* |
Data Service |
Virtual Private Network Service |
M |
VN |
Yes (One-sided) |
Ethernet Transport Service |
M |
EN |
Yes (One-sided for E-LAN and Two-sided for E-LINE) |
Optical Wavelength Service |
O |
OW |
Yes (Two-sided) |
Private Line Service |
O |
PL |
Yes (Two-sided) |
Synchronized Optical Network Service |
O |
SO |
Yes (Two-sided) |
Dark Fiber Service |
O |
DK |
Yes (Two-sided) |
Internet Protocol Service |
O |
IP |
Yes (One-sided) |
Voice Service |
Internet Protocol Voice Service** |
M |
VI |
Yes (One-sided) |
Circuit Switched Voice Service** |
M |
VS |
Yes (One-sided) |
Toll Free Service |
O |
TF |
Yes (One-sided) |
Circuit Switched Data Service |
O |
CS |
Yes (One-sided) |
Contact Center |
Contact Center Service |
O |
CC |
No |
Colocated Hosting Service |
Colocated Hosting Service |
O |
CH |
No |
Cloud |
Infrastructure as a Service |
O |
IaaS |
IA |
No |
Platform as a Service |
O |
PaaS |
PA |
No |
Software as a Service |
O |
SaaS |
SS |
No |
Content Delivery Network Service |
O |
CD |
No |
Wireless |
Wireless Service |
O |
WL |
No |
Commercial Satellite Communications Service |
Commercial Mobile Satellite Service |
O |
CM |
No |
Commercial Fixed Satellite Service |
O |
FS |
No |
Managed Services |
Managed Network Service |
M |
MN |
Yes (One-sided) |
Web Conferencing Service |
O |
WC |
No |
Unified Communications Service |
O |
UC |
Yes (One-sided) |
Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service |
O |
MT |
Yes (One-sided) |
Managed Security Service |
O |
MS |
Yes (One-sided) |
Managed Mobility Service |
O |
MM |
No |
Audio Conferencing Service |
O |
AC |
No |
Video Teleconferencing Service |
O |
VC |
No |
DHS Intrusion Prevention Security Service |
O |
DI |
No |
Access Arrangements |
Access Arrangements*** |
M |
AA |
AA |
Yes (One-sided) |
Service Related Equipment |
Service Related Equipment |
O |
EQ |
Yes (One-sided) |
Service Related Labor |
Service Related Labor |
O |
LA |
Yes (One-sided) |
Cable and Wiring |
Cable and Wiring |
O |
CW |
CW |
Yes (One-sided) |
National Security and Emergency Preparedness**** |
National Security and Emergency Preparedness |
NS |
No |
General |
General |
O |
GN |
* Services identified with a Yes (One-sided) may only be provisioned in awarded CBSAs; services identified with “Yes” (Two-sided) may only be provisioned between two awarded CBSAs. Services identified with “No” may be provisioned where priced (e.g., CONUS, OCONUS, non-domestic).
** The contractor shall propose prices for at least one of the two Voice services. If prices for both are provided, the contractor shall indicate by CBSA which one the government is to regard as the mandatory service.
*** Access arrangements are required where the contractor proposes service. Section J.1.3 provides the geographic requirements for access.
**** NS/EP is listed in this table and is not a service but rather a required set of mandatory CLINs. In the AcquServe portal, the contractor shall select National Security and Emergency Preparedness in the EIS Service Selection tool and shall price the required NS/EP CLINs from B.3.2.2.
B. CLINs and Features
Each permissible individual pricing element is identified by a Contract Line Item Number (CLIN)[1]. Each CLIN is a seven-character identifier, the first two characters of which identify the service, as shown in the Service CLIN Prefix column in Table B. The referenced subsections for each service contain further CLIN discussion and definitions.
Services, as defined in this contract for pricing purposes, may include “standard features” that do not have separate CLINs. Additional features may be separately identified, ordered, and priced. Such features are identified by a separate CLIN. Their prices may be zero (i.e., not separately priced (NSP)) or non-zero.
Features are addressed in the sections identified for each service in Table B.
B.1.2.2 Service Pricing Elements and Conditions
All services will have either defined fixed prices or ICB price elements, except where previously unanticipated pricing types are needed, such as the following:
- A bandwidth that is not listed on the contract, but logically should be added and defined on the contract as a fixed price item. For example, if CLINs for 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, and 40 Mbps are defined, but the agency requires a 30 Mbps CLIN, then this 30 Mbps CLIN shall be added to the contract with a fixed price prior to the TO.
- A bandwidth that is not listed on the contract, but logically should be added and defined on the contract with an ICB CLIN. For example, if CLINs for OC12 and OC192 access are defined, but the agency requires an OC48 access CLIN, then it shall be added to the contract prior to the TO.
- A new item that does not fall into any of the fixed or ICB CLINs for that service. In this instance, the agency and the contractor shall use the TUCs defined for the specific service. A new CLIN is not required for the contract. See Sections B.1.2.12 and B.1.2.15 for further information.
Any equipment, material, facility, labor, site preparation, training, or other service required in the performance of this contract for which a price is not specifically identified in the contract will be considered to be included in the price of another item or provided at no cost to the government, except as otherwise provided for in this contract or the applicable TO. The contractor may waive any charge at any time. No charges are permitted for interconnection with a government provided circuit at a contractor’s POP. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
The following conditions also apply to prices and price structures:
- Prices shall be specified and billed in United States (U.S.) currency.
- Prices populated in Section B price tables shall have a maximum of two (2) decimal places, except for prices associated with CLINs that are priced using charging units of a particularly small measure (e.g., per minute, per six-second or per second), which shall have a maximum of six (6) decimal places. The maximum number of decimal places for each charging unit is defined in the price precision column of the “unit” reference table. In addition, at least six (6) decimal places shall be carried in all calculations up to final rounding. See Section J. for a discussion of rounding.
- All mandatory CLINs for mandatory services shall be offered by the contractor, including Individual Case Basis (ICB) items that will be instantiated as CLINs when priced. These mandatory ICB CLINs are not part of the contract as orderable CLINs until priced and added to the TO. Until then, these ICB CLINs represent place-holders for specific priced CLINs so that the service being proposed may be defined and associated with a unique identifier. ICB elements require additional information to fully specify the prices involved. This information shall be provided by the contractor in the format provided in GSA Systems. In this system, the contractor shall provide the anticipated CLIN, ICB Case Number, Case Description, Charging Unit, and, where applicable, the Network Site Code and Country Jurisdiction ID, in Table B. The Case Description shall contain sufficient information to distinguish one case from another of the same CLIN. Customers will use this description to assist in their evaluations.
- The ICB CLIN, Case Number, Description, Charging Unit, and Price are instantiated in the TO. The Case Number shall be unique for each CLIN and Case.
- Where service is distinguished between routine and critical, it is assumed that the fixed prices proposed are for routine service. Pricing for critical service levels will be obtained as specified in the TO. The critical service obtained in the TO will include one or more of the following:
o Existing diversity CLINs
o TUCs
- If a contractor proposes optional services, it shall offer the mandatory CLINs associated with those services.
- If a contractor proposes an NSP CLIN, the contractor shall populate the price table with a price of $0 for that CLIN.
- Prices shall be fixed for all services, features, and labor for each applicable fiscal year within the contract period.
- All prices proposed shall exclude the Associated Government Fee (AGF).
B.1.2.3 Effective Pricing Dates
The contractor shall maintain all price tables for the full contract period. All prices shall be binding at the time of the effective date of the contract. For prices that are effective later than contract award, the contractor shall define the day, month, and year in which the prices are to become effective. The contract shall be for a base period of 60 months, with two (2) option periods of 60 months each. Prices shall be specified for the base period. Pricing shall change only on the first day of the U.S. Government fiscal year, except as provided below.
All prices on a row of a price table shall carry a start date, which is when the prices on that row become effective and the service becomes available. These prices shall remain in effect through their listed price stop date or until the prices are changed by modification[2]. When prices are revised by modification, the newly inserted rows shall include the start date(s) when the prices become effective. If a service is ordered for delivery on or after the price start date (but before the stop date) shown on the price table row, the contractor shall provide the service at the accepted price, subject to the conditions identified in Section J.1.
Thereafter, the billed price shall be obtained from the price table row within which the billing date is contained. The only exception to this rule is the SRE MRC, for which the billed price for the duration of the SRE MRC payment term is fixed at the time of the order. The same rules regarding price table row start dates and stop dates shall apply to the start dates and stop dates for all price tables (e.g., cross-reference tables, Point of Presence (POP) identification tables, and POP relationship tables). See Section B.4 for additional information. See Section J.4 for information on the modification process.
Upon award of the contract within a Government fiscal year, the prices for contract pricing year 1 shall be effective from the award date through September 30 of that Government fiscal year. The prices for contract years 2 through 5 will remain on a Government fiscal year basis. The prices for contract pricing year 6 shall be effective from October 1 of the last fiscal year of the 60 month base period through the last day of the 60 month base period.
Upon contract award, the government will update each contractor’s price tables to change the first start date to the award date, and the last stop date to the corresponding last day of the 60 month base period.
B.1.2.4 Price Banding Structures
Some tables permit prices to be defined by bands (e.g., by distance or bandwidth). Each band is defined by a “Band Low” and a “Band High”. Where the contractor is permitted to define bands, the bands shall be contiguous with no overlapping bands or gaps between bands.
To ensure that bands are contiguous, each “Band High” shall be identical to the “Band Low” of the subsequent band. Using this convention, each band shall include the entire interval from “Band Low” up to, but not including, “Band High” except for the last band in a given table, where the “Band High” shall be included.
Each banded price table shall include a row where Band Low = 0.
Price banding can be used for fixed price and variable price components applied separately or in combination in a given price table:
· With fixed price banding, the banded value serves as an index into the price table to select the correct row, and then the value in the fixed price column of that row is used as the CLIN price.
· With variable price banding, the banded value serves as an index into the price table to select the correct row, and then the value in the variable price column of that row is multiplied by the banded value to arrive at the CLIN price.
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Band Low |
Band High |
Fixed Price |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
XX00001 |
0 |
10 |
$350 |
$85 |
10/1/2016 |
9/30/2021 |
XX00001 |
10 |
200 |
$300 |
$80 |
10/1/2016 |
9/30/2021 |
XX00001 |
200 |
1000 |
$200 |
$50 |
10/1/2016 |
9/30/2021 |
In the example above, the fixed and variable price components are used in combination to calculate the MRC.
Assuming the quantity of CLIN XX00001 for the month is 10, then the price calculation for that CLIN is the fixed component for that band – $300 in this case, plus the variable component – in this case $80 per unit of the CLIN, or $800 for the month. The total price is $300 + $800 = $1,100.
Alternatively, if the quantity of CLIN XX00001 for the month is 250, then the price for that CLIN is $200 fixed, plus $50 per unit of the CLIN, or $12,500. The total price for this item is $200 + $12,500 = $12,700 for the month.
If the Variable Price column had not been included in the table above, then the MRCs would be $300 and $200, respectively. If the Fixed Price column had not been included in the table above, the MRCs would be $800 and $12,500, respectively.
B.1.2.5 Pricing Domestic and Non-Domestic Locations
Prices for telecommunications services as defined in Table B. shall provide geographic coverage for domestic and non-domestic locations, as specified in Section J.1. Domestic wireline locations are further divided into CONUS and OCONUS as defined in Section J.12. Prices for wireline access for service at non-domestic locations, except as otherwise included in transport pricing, shall be provided in fixed price tables. Domestic wireless locations are defined in Section B.2.6.
No pass-through pricing shall be allowed for any service. Pass-through charges are defined as the actual cost of the service without markup, overhead, or profit.
Non-domestic calls are classified as:
· Outbound – calls made from a domestic service delivery point (SDP) to a non-domestic location
· Inbound – calls made from a non-domestic location to a domestic location
· Non-domestic-to-non-domestic – calls made from one non-domestic location to another non-domestic location
All non-ICB CLINs listed in price tables that do not have Country/Jurisdiction ID or Pricing Hub (PHub) ID columns shall apply to all locations, and shall be offered at the stated fixed price where offered commercially by the contractor. See Section J.1 for non-domestic coverage requirements.
B.1.2.6 Price Factors and CLINs
The fixed prices for services may depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to:
1. Geographic location
2. Access type
3. Types of data service port requirements as defined in the individual service sections in Section C
4. Types of services and features provided
5. Distance[3]
The total basic service price for a connection will consist of various CLINs, with the number and types of CLINs being dependent on the mix of conditions associated with the service. Basic service prices will vary by service type and are described in more detail in the individual service pricing sections. Prices for services may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following components:
1. Non-Recurring Charges (NRC) for access and priced features (see B.2.9 for access pricing)
2. Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC) for flat rate charges, cloud services, access, transport, and priced features
3. SRE charges
4. Service Related Labor charges
5. Usage-based charges for access, transport, cloud services, and priced features
6. ICB charges for customized or unique requirements. ICB prices are determined as needed and specified in TOs (see Section B.1.2.14).
Domestic access prices and domestic transport prices shall be unbundled except as otherwise provided (e.g., VPNS CLINs that bundle access with the transport, or CLIN bundling per Section B.1.2.12).
B.1.2.7 Use of Geographic Coordinates and POPs
For domestic locations, all distance[4] measurements shall be calculated using Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) coordinates. The V&H coordinates of a Physical Concentration Location (PCL), such as a serving wire center, fiber hotel or cable head, shall be provided by the contractor. The V&H coordinates of POPs shall be provided and maintained by the contractor. In tables and other documents prepared for the government, distances shall be reported in miles.
Price tables for transport (i.e., POP-to-POP transmission) for services are defined in the individual service subsections in Section B.2. Transport prices are for the transmission of information, including voice, data, video, and/or multimedia, across the network.
Domestic transport distance is measured between the POPs that are designated for the on-net or off-net locations. The price for transport between a domestic location and a non-domestic location or between a non-domestic location and another non-domestic location is computed on a country/jurisdiction-to-country/jurisdiction basis (except as otherwise provided for), with the locations in the domestic definition divided into separately identified regional groupings (each with its own Country/Jurisdiction ID for transport pricing purposes). See Table B.4.2.1.
The formats for domestic POPs and non-domestic POP locations are listed in Section B.4.1. Table B.4.1.5 identifies bandwidth groups available at each PCL and maps PCLs to POPs. No PCL shall map to more than one POP for any assigned bandwidth group. For each service provided at a POP in Table B.4.1.1, all bandwidth groups identified for that service shall be available at any PCL mapped to that POP for those bandwidth groups. Each POP shall provide all bandwidth groups from all PCLs mapped to that POP. POPs may be added or deleted at any time during the term of the contract; however, no increase in access arrangement pricing shall be permitted. The contractor shall give a minimum of six months’ notice of such a change, except in the case of emergency conditions.
B.1.2.8 Waiver of Charges
The contractor may waive the application of any charges at any time during the contract period, including during transition to EIS.
B.1.2.9 Pricing Volume
The contractor’s Pricing Volume shall be incorporated at award. The contractor shall provide updates throughout the life of the contract as needed to assure a clear, unambiguous understanding of pricing methods. Any significant change to the pricing methodology should be reflected. Examples include, but are not limited to:
· The introduction of new services
· Allowable changes to pricing methodologies
· End of Life services
If the contractor fails to clearly define a pricing method for any service, then the government’s interpretation shall apply. Refer to Section F for other deliverable requirements.
B.1.2.10 Usage Based Charges
The contractor shall round up usage based charges if the billable measurement exceeds the unit. For example, for usage billing in six-second increments, a seven-second call will round up usage to 12 seconds. For usage billing in one-minute increments, a 61 second call will be rounded up to two minutes for billing purposes.
B.1.2.11 Auto-Sold CLINs
Some services include other CLINs that the contractor automatically includes with those services. For example, conferencing customers may request any of the features associated with a contractor’s specific conferencing services.
A comprehensive list of auto-sold CLINs (which may include catalog items) shall be incorporated into Table B. As new capabilities and features are added to the contract for the services that have auto-sold CLINs (such as Audio, Web and Video Conferencing), contractors shall update Table B. Contractors shall populate Table B. with, at a minimum, the CLIN-to-Auto-sold CLIN relationships listed in reference table B. for:
· VPNS and ETS
· IPS, if the optional service IPS is offered
B. Auto-Sold CLINs Table
CLIN Case Number** |
Auto-Sold CLIN*** |
Auto-Sold CLIN Case Number** |
Task Order Number**** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* All CLINs
within Section B that have auto-sold CLINs
** If the CLIN or Auto-Sold CLIN is not ICB, populate the corresponding case
number column with -1
*** CLINs which are auto-sold with the base CLIN **** A row where the Task Order Number = -1 shall apply to all task orders. A row where the Task Order Number column is populated with a specific agency task order shall, for that task order only, disable the auto-sold relationship defined by that row.
B. Auto-Sold Mandatory Relationships Reference Table
Service ID |
Auto-Sold CLIN |
VN30001 |
VN30009 |
VN30002 |
VN30009 |
VN30003 |
VN30009 |
VN30004 |
VN30009 |
VN30005 |
VN30009 |
VN30010 |
VN31020 |
VN30011 |
VN31030 |
VN30012 |
VN31040 |
VN30013 |
VN31050 |
VN30021 |
VN31200 |
VN30022 |
VN31300 |
VN30023 |
VN31400 |
VN30024 |
VN31500 |
VN30025 |
VN31600 |
EN30010 |
EN31020 |
EN30011 |
EN31030 |
EN30012 |
EN31040 |
EN30013 |
EN31050 |
EN30014 |
EN31200 |
EN30015 |
EN31300 |
EN30016 |
EN31400 |
EN30017 |
EN31500 |
EN30018 |
EN31600 |
IP30001 |
IP30008 |
IP30002 |
IP30008 |
IP30003 |
IP30008 |
IP30004 |
IP30008 |
IP30005 |
IP30008 |
IP30010 |
IP40020 |
IP30011 |
IP40030 |
IP30012 |
IP40040 |
IP30013 |
IP40050 |
IP30021 |
IP40200 |
IP30022 |
IP40300 |
IP30023 |
IP40400 |
IP30024 |
IP40500 |
IP30025 |
IP40600 |
B.1.2.12 CLIN Bundling
Agencies may desire to combine multiple contract CLINs and/or TUCs into a single TUC. For example, an agency may wish to bundle a VPNS Port CLIN, MNS CLIN, and SRE into one combined CLIN. In these instances, the contractor shall provide items that have been combined for a specific TO in Table B., to facilitate the collection of the components necessary for an accurate inventory. A combined TUC shall not contain multiple component CLINs for transport (e.g., combining 50 Mbps VPNS with 100 Mbps VPNS), or multiple component CLINs for Access Arrangements. All component CLINs bundled into a single TUC must use the same billing frequency. A combined TUC defined in Table B. shall be priced using the TUC price table of the transport service that is bundled into that combined TUC and shall not be priced using General TUC Prices Table B.
B. TUC Combined CLIN Component Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Component CLIN** |
Component CLIN Case Number*** |
Component Access PHub ID**** |
Component SRE Pricing Element*** |
Component CLIN Quantity |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* From the appropriate TUCs of the basic transport service for the combined CLIN set (e.g., VPNS) ** Component CLINs associated with the combined TUC. A separate row shall be used for each component CLIN *** Where applicable, otherwise “-1”
**** Where applicable, otherwise null
B.1.2.13 Adding CLINs Post-Award
Contractors may submit proposals for contract modifications post-award (see Section J.4) and define new CLINs using Table B., which includes:
· Name – the description of the specific service provided under the CLIN
· Frequency – the billing frequency – “NRC”, “MRC” or “Usage”
· ICB – “T” if the CLIN is priced on an individual case basis, “F” otherwise
· NSP – “T” if the CLIN is not separately priced, “F” otherwise
· Unit ID – the charging unit ID from the “unit” reference table
· Notes – contains any additional information that might be useful to understand the service defined by the CLIN
B. CLIN Table
Name |
Frequency |
Unit ID |
Notes |
B.1.2.14 Defining New ICB Cases
Contractors shall define new ICB cases for which they submit pricing (see Section J.4). Contractors shall use Table B. to define ICB cases for TOs that use an ICB CLIN. Contractors shall ensure that NSCs and Country/Jurisdiction IDs in Table B. are the same as the values in the corresponding columns of the price table(s) used to price the CLIN and case number. Contractors shall populate the Terminating NSC and Terminating Country/Jurisdiction ID columns of Table B. with null values for cases where those location elements are not relevant.
B. General ICB Information Table
Case Number |
Case Description* |
Task Order Number |
Unit ID |
Originating NSC** |
Terminating NSC*** |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID**** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* For catalogs, this column is not used and shall be populated with “N/A” – the catalog description column takes precedence
** Where applicable, otherwise “-1”
*** Used only when the price table specifically identifies the NSC as a Terminating NSC
**** Used only when the price table specifically identifies the Country/Jurisdiction ID as a Terminating Country/Jurisdiction ID
In CLIN Table B., the Unit ID for an ICB CLIN shall function as a placeholder or recommended charging unit until a specific ICB case is defined using General ICB Information Table B. If no recommended charging unit is readily apparent for the ICB CLIN, the contractor shall populate the Unit ID column of CLIN Table B. with “73” to designate the charging unit as ICB. When a specific case is defined using General ICB Information Table B., the Unit ID in Table B. shall determine the charging unit used to calculate the price for that case and shall be chosen to specify as precisely as possible the unit of measure for the corresponding price. Unit ID 73 shall not be used in Table B.
B.1.2.15 Task Order Unique CLINs
As stated in Section B.1.2.2, TUCs are to be used for custom solutions not otherwise defined and priced on the contract. They allow pricing and ordering of such solutions without requiring a contract modification. Only the TUCs that are predefined for each service shall be used by agencies for ordering. Three types of TUCs are typically defined per service: MRC, NRC, and usage-based. All TUCs are priced as ICB CLINs.
When agencies and contractors define the technical and performance requirements for a custom solution, they shall include ICB descriptions for any associated TUCs. Multiple TUCs may be specified on a TO.
TUCs are also used for CLIN bundling as described in Section B.1.2.12.
B.1.2.16 Task Order Number Columns
Contractors shall populate the Task Order Number column of price tables with one of the following options:
· The value “-1” for contract pricing[5]
· The specific agency TO number for TO-specific pricing
B.1.2.17 Table Types
Section B uses four types of tables to support service pricing. Two of the table types are maintained by the contractor and the other two are maintained by the government.
B. Contractor-Maintained Tables
Price Tables contain prices by CLIN, TO number, date, and, where applicable, other pricing elements such as case number, location and price bands. Each price table specifies the pricing elements required for the particular service.
Supporting Tables do not contain prices but they contain other information that is required to price services. Examples include General ICB Information Table B., TUC Combined CLIN Component Table B., Auto-Sold CLINs Table B., and Services Offered by Point of Presence Table B.4.1.4.
B. Government-Maintained Tables
Instruction Tables accompany the price tables throughout Section B and define the CLIN structures and charging mechanisms for the CLINs. In these tables, each CLIN is given a description of the service it provides and is assigned a billing frequency and a charging unit. The Notes column indicates if the CLIN is ICB, NSP or optional. CLINs are mandatory unless identified as optional in the Notes column. When multiple CLINs occupy the same row of an instruction table (e.g., NRC and MRC CLINs, or NRC, MRC and Usage CLINs):
· If a single charging unit is listed, it applies to all CLINs in that row.
· If the CLINs in that row do not share a common charging unit, the charging units will be listed separately and separated by semicolons.
· The information in the Notes column applies to all CLINs in that row unless stated otherwise.
Reference Tables contain information that is the same for all contractors. The government will maintain each reference table for contractors to access via GSA Systems. Examples include Country/Jurisdiction Identifications Table B.4.2.1 and Network Site Codes Table B.4.1.8.
B.1.3 Catalog Pricing Requirements - General
For certain EIS services, contractors must develop and maintain catalog-style offerings as part of the pricing requirements. Following are the services for which catalog requirements exist, along with the section references where they are found:
· Cloud Service – Section B.2.5
· Wireless Service – Section B.2.6
· Commercial Mobile Satellite Service – Section B.2.7.1
· Managed Security Service – Section B.2.8.5
· Service Related Equipment – Section B.2.10
For each service that requires a catalog pricing approach as part of the overall service pricing, the contractor shall develop and maintain an online catalog that meets the general requirements specified in this section, and also the service-specific requirements found in the section associated with the service.
B.1.3.1 Requirements for Catalog Pricing Information
Prices for catalog items shall be based on a discount from the Official List Price (OLP). OLP is a common term defined under EIS to include a variety of possible list price types or trade names. For example, if the catalog item is equipment not manufactured by the contractor, the OLP could be called, “Original Equipment Manufacturer’s Published List Price.” When the catalog item is a service provided by the contractor, the OLP could be called the contractor’s “Published List Price” for the service. Many other trade names may exist to identify the price to be associated with the OLP for a particular catalog item. The contractor shall provide the OLP trade name(s) that are associated with its catalog item OLPs for each catalog offering. Other specific pricing requirements, discount strategies and catalog elements unique to the catalog items are further defined in the service sections.
All pricing catalogs provided by the contractor shall contain, at a minimum, the data elements defined in the appropriate catalog pricing section and in Section B.1.2.14.
The contractor may organize its catalogs as it sees fit, subject to the following requirements:
· Catalog content and pricing shall be accessible by authorized users at any time (i.e., 24x7x365).
· Catalog content shall be organized logically, with features that enable common online browsing functions such as search and comparison.
· The online catalog shall meet the Section 508 requirements in Section C.4.
· The appropriate item identification shall be provided in the catalog to identify the catalog items being ordered (see individual sections for specific requirements).
· Contract prices and price-related information shall be provided to users who access the catalog (TO-specific prices need not be included).
· The contractor shall supply sufficient information to allow the government to verify the OLP and the accuracy of the item description in terms of capabilities and limitations, or other distinguishing characteristics, such as color, or other cosmetic features that could affect the price.
· All prices in catalogs shall be provided in U.S. dollars.
· Contract discounts offered shall not vary by geographic location. Additional discounts may be offered on TOs.
· Each catalog item shall belong to only a single discount class.
· Percentage discounts in class discount tables shall be specified as decimal values between 0 and 1, inclusive.
· The contractor shall keep catalog information up to date including, but not limited to, the OLP.
· If the OLP for a particular catalog item is not available, the price charged shall be agreed upon between the government and the ordering agency at the time of TO award. The contractor shall populate the OLP column with the agreed-upon price, populate the No List Price column with “T”, and specify a discount class that has a discount of zero.
· Price elements other than OLP shall be provided as appropriate and available.
· Additional information may be provided by the contractor in its catalog at its option.
B.1.3.2 Catalog Operational Rules
The following operational conditions, or rules, shall apply to the contractor’s catalog for the term of the contract:
· The contractor shall be solely responsible for developing and maintaining its online catalog in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
· The catalog shall be accessible via the Internet under the access controls provided by the contractor.
· Authorized personnel shall be allowed access to the catalog at the direction of either the government or the contractor.
· For catalog-based services and equipment, only items listed in the contractor’s current catalog may be ordered.
· The catalog as provided at any given point in time during the term of the contract shall constitute the contractor’s official source of contract prices for items in the catalog.
· The contractor may change its catalog at any time at its option as follows:
o An item shall be added by providing at least the minimum data elements required for that item as defined in each service section.
o Discount classes for items shall only be added, removed, or changed via contract modification, except that TO-specific discount increases are permitted for any discount class at any time using the TO submission process (see Section J.4.1 for details).
o Items and their associated data elements may be changed at any time, except for end-of-life items. Catalog item prices shall not be increased unless the increased price results from an increase in the OLP. Discounts shall not be decreased for items with a discount structure.
o The contractor shall ensure that the OLP is current and shall only change the value in the OLP column for that purpose.
o Where appropriate, items may be removed by being designated as end-of-life; users shall have the option of masking or viewing end-of-life items when viewing the catalog.
o End-of-life items shall not be changed once designated as end-of-life.
o All changes to the catalog shall be conveyed to the government as defined in Section J.4.2.
B.1.3.3 Termination of Support
If the contractor desires to discontinue support for an item (for example, an item that will no longer be supported by the manufacturer), the contractor shall notify the GSA CO and any affected agencies at least 18 months before support is stopped (see Section B.2.10.7 for an exception for mobile devices). As appropriate, at time of notification, the contractor shall also recommend a solution acceptable to the government that ensures service continuity. The contractor shall continue to provide support for the existing item at the established price until a solution acceptable to the government is implemented by the contractor. Following notification of the GSA CO and affected agencies, the contractor shall no longer accept orders for the item.
B.2 Pricing Tables
B.2.1 Data Service
B.2.1.1 Virtual Private Network Service
The technical requirements for Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) are defined in Section C.2.1.1.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for VPNS includes the following elements:
1. Transport Charges
2. (Optional) Transport with Embedded Access Charges
3. Feature Charges
The pricing associated with a VPNS is dependent upon a number of factors, including the number of sites, bandwidth requirements, additional security services, and the type of access. Network design and engineering services can be provided using Service Related Labor CLINs as provided in Section B.2.11. SRE pricing for the user-to-network interfaces shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Access
Pricing for access arrangements is described in Section B.2.9. Access includes wireline, Ethernet, wireless, and satellite. Remote VPNS access (e.g., DSL, Cable) shall be ordered via a TUC.
As an option, specific shared Ethernet and Satellite access speeds may be acquired as embedded with the port for a combined price.
For embedded access, the speed of the access component shall equal or exceed the speed of the port with which it is embedded.
Table B. provides the pricing instructions for embedded access.
B. Transport
All configurations of Quality of Service (QoS) are defined in Section C. Capabilities #7, #8, and #9 shall be included in the port price (i.e., NSP). Since QoS is also ICB, a case number shall be assigned for each port purchase and a description shall be provided of how the port will be configured.
All network security services are defined in Section C. Capabilities #2, #3, and #4 shall be included in the port price (i.e., NSP).
Table B. provides the format for pricing VPNS ports, ports with embedded access, and QoS. Tables B., B. and B. provide the pricing instructions.
B. VPNS Port Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Case Number applies to ICB CLINs only ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. VPNS Port Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VN00001 |
T1 |
Port |
VN00002 |
T3 |
Port |
VN00003 |
Ethernet – 1 Mbps |
Port |
VN00004 |
Ethernet – 3 Mbps |
Port |
VN00005 |
Ethernet – 6 Mbps |
Port |
VN00006 |
Ethernet – 10 Mbps |
Port |
VN00007 |
Ethernet – 20 Mbps |
Port |
VN00008 |
Ethernet – 30 Mbps |
Port |
VN00009 |
Ethernet – 40 Mbps |
Port |
VN00010 |
Ethernet – 50 Mbps |
Port |
VN00011 |
Ethernet – 60 Mbps |
Port |
VN00012 |
Ethernet – 70 Mbps |
Port |
VN00013 |
Ethernet – 80 Mbps |
Port |
VN00014 |
Ethernet – 90 Mbps |
Port |
VN00015 |
Ethernet – 100 Mbps |
Port |
VN00016 |
Ethernet – 200 Mbps |
Port |
VN00017 |
Ethernet – 300 Mbps |
Port |
VN00018 |
Ethernet – 400 Mbps |
Port |
VN00019 |
Ethernet – 500 Mbps |
Port |
VN00020 |
Ethernet – 600 Mbps |
Port |
VN00021 |
Ethernet – 700 Mbps |
Port |
VN00022 |
Ethernet – 800 Mbps |
Port |
VN00023 |
Ethernet – 900 Mbps |
Port |
VN00024 |
Ethernet – 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN00025 |
Ethernet – 2 Gbps |
Port |
VN00026 |
Ethernet – 3 Gbps |
Port |
VN00027 |
Ethernet – 10 Gbps |
Port |
VN00028 |
OC-3c |
Port |
VN00029 |
OC-12c |
Port |
VN00030 |
OC-48c |
Port |
VN00031 |
OC-192c |
Port |
VN00032 |
OC-768c |
Port |
Optional |
VN00033 |
E1 |
Port |
Optional. Non-domestic only |
VN00034 |
E3 |
Port |
Optional. Non-domestic only |
VN00035 |
ISDN, 64 Kbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN00036 |
ISDN, 128 Kbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN00037 |
ISDN, 64 Kbps, backup |
Port |
Optional |
VN00038 |
ISDN, 128 Kbps, backup |
Port |
Optional |
VN20001 |
Ethernet – 3 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20002 |
Ethernet – 6 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20003 |
Ethernet – 20 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20004 |
Ethernet – 30 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20005 |
Ethernet – 50 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20006 |
Ethernet – 200 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20007 |
Ethernet – 300 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20008 |
Ethernet – 2 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN20009 |
Ethernet – 3 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN21001 |
Usage |
Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Mbps per day; 1 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Mbps |
Mbps per day |
Optional. Requires scalable Ethernet port |
VN21002 |
Usage |
Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 10 Mbps per day; 10 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 100 Mbps |
10 Mbps per day |
Optional. Requires scalable Ethernet port |
VN21003 |
Usage |
Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 100 Mbps per day; 100 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 1 Gbps |
100 Mbps per day |
Optional. Requires scalable Ethernet port |
VN21004 |
Usage |
Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Gbps per day; 1 Gbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Gbps |
Gbps per day |
Optional. Requires scalable Ethernet port |
VN30001 |
T3 burstable – 5 Mbps committed |
Port |
VN30002 |
T3 burstable – 10 Mbps committed |
Port |
VN30003 |
T3 burstable – 15 Mbps committed |
Port |
VN30004 |
T3 burstable – 20 Mbps committed |
Port |
VN30005 |
T3 burstable – 30 Mbps committed |
Port |
VN30009 |
Usage |
T3 burstable overage |
Mbps |
VN30010 |
Ethernet – 20 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
VN30011 |
Ethernet – 30 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
VN30012 |
Ethernet – 40 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
VN30013 |
Ethernet – 50 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
VN30021 |
Ethernet – 200 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN30022 |
Ethernet – 300 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN30023 |
Ethernet – 400 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN30024 |
Ethernet – 500 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN30025 |
Ethernet – 600 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
VN31020 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 20 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
VN31030 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 30 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
VN31040 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 40 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
VN31050 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 50 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
VN31200 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 200 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
VN31300 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 300 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
VN31400 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 400 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
VN31500 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 500 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
VN31600 |
Usage |
Ethernet burstable overage for 600 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
VN40001 |
Expedited provisioning within 24 hours |
Port |
Because agencies have differing interests for balancing budgetary control against ordering complexity, Table B. includes two mandatory pricing mechanisms for achieving dynamic bandwidth: scalable bandwidth and burstable bandwidth.
Scalable bandwidth is ordered in anticipation of a future, temporary need for increased capacity. A scalable Ethernet transport MRC CLIN shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity. An Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand usage CLIN shall provide the increased capacity and must be ordered for the period of time during which the increased capacity will be required. An example of a valid CLIN pairing is Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand CLIN VN21002 used with scalable Ethernet transport CLIN VN20004.
Burstable bandwidth allows an agency to subscribe to a bandwidth commitment that is less than the full bandwidth of the selected VPNS port, but may burst to the full bandwidth of the selected port. The bandwidth commitment equals the portion capacity of a circuit (as measured in bandwidth) that an agency may use in a monthly period without incurring an overage charge. A T3 burstable or Ethernet burstable CLIN shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity.
Bandwidth used in excess of the committed burstable bandwidth shall be invoiced via an overage usage CLIN. For each T3 burstable or Ethernet burstable MRC CLIN, a corresponding burstable overage usage CLIN shall be auto-sold to simplify ordering. For example, Ethernet burstable overage CLIN VN31500 shall be auto-sold with Ethernet burstable transport CLIN VN30024, and T3 burstable overage CLIN VN30009 shall be auto-sold with T3 burstable CLIN VN30003.
With burstable bandwidth, agencies shall only be charged for the amount of bandwidth used on a sustained level (95th percentile). Bandwidth shall be measured (or sampled) from the switch or router every 5 minutes. At the end of the month, the top 5% of data shall be discarded. The next highest measurement shall determine the billable usage for the month. Overages shall be billed in one-megabit per second increments for usage above the selected bandwidth commitment.
Table B. includes an expedited provisioning CLIN that shall be used to provision, within 24 hours rather than the standard provisioning period, a VPNS port CLIN at a higher bandwidth, subject to the restrictions below. This 24-hour provisioning shall be accomplished by ordering the expedited provisioning CLIN concurrent with the new, higher bandwidth port CLIN. The expedited provisioning CLIN shall only be used when moving from one bandwidth to another, where sufficient physical access capacity exists and where either:
1. The existing port is T3 burstable, and the new port does not exceed T3, or
2. The existing port is Ethernet, and the new port does not exceed the physical capacity of the existing port.
B. VPNS Port with Embedded Access Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VN01001 |
Embedded Satellite – 1.54 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01002 |
Embedded Satellite Access – 12 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01003 |
Embedded T1 |
Port |
Optional |
VN01004 |
Embedded T3 |
Port |
Optional |
VN01005 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 1 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01006 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 10 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01007 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 50 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01008 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 100 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01009 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 700 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01010 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 1 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
VN01011 |
Embedded Shared Ethernet – 3 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
B. VPNS Quality of Service (QoS)
VPNS QoS applies to the services in Tables B. and B.
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VN10000 |
Quality of Service (QoS) |
Port |
B. Features
Table B. provides the format for pricing VPNS features. Table B. provides the pricing instructions for the features supported by VPNS. The requirement in Section C., ID Number 1, high availability options, shall be priced using CLINs from other sections such as B.2.9 (e.g., access diversity) and B.2.10 (e.g., a redundant router) or a TUC.
B. VPNS Feature Prices Table
Case Number** |
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID*** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* See feature pricing instructions in Table B. for the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for each feature ** Applies to ICB CLINs only *** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. VPNS Feature* Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VN90002 |
Interworking Services |
Port |
Optional |
* See Section C. for details
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by VPNS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. VPNS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. VPNS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VN99990 |
VN99991 |
VN99992 |
VPNS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.2 Ethernet Transport Service
The technical requirements for Ethernet Transport Service (ETS) are defined in Section C.2.1.2. Access arrangements to connect to the contractor’s ETS network shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9.
B. Transport Service Price Structure
ETS pricing includes the following elements:
1. Port price
2. Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) price (E-LINE only)
3. Features
E-LINE service requires the provisioning of two ports (point-to-point) and an EVC connecting them; the total price shall be the sum of the prices of the two ports, the connecting EVC, and any selected features.
E-LAN service requires the provisioning of two or more ports; the total price shall be the sum of the prices of the ports (which may not be the same speed) and any selected features.
All configurations of Quality of Service (QoS) are defined in Section C. Capability #26 shall be included in the port price (i.e., NSP). Since QoS is also ICB, a case number shall be assigned for each port purchase and a description shall be provided of how the port will be configured.
B. Port Pricing
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for E-LINE port prices. Table B. provides the appropriate CLINs.
B. E-LINE Port Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. E-LINE Port Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EN00001 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface – 10 Mbps |
Port |
EN00002 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface – 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN00003 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface – 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN00004 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface – 10 Gbps |
Port |
EN00005 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface – 40 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
EN00006 |
E-LINE Ethernet Network Interface Quality of Service (QoS) |
Port |
B. EVC Pricing
Table B. provides the format for E-LINE point-to-point EVCs. Pricing is in terms of committed information rate (CIR). CLINs are provided in Table B.
B. E-LINE EVC Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. E-LINE EVC Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EN00010 |
E-LINE EVC - 1 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00011 |
E-LINE EVC - 2 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00012 |
E-LINE EVC - 3 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00013 |
E-LINE EVC - 4 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00014 |
E-LINE EVC - 5 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00015 |
E-LINE EVC - 6 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00016 |
E-LINE EVC - 7 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00017 |
E-LINE EVC - 8 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00018 |
E-LINE EVC - 9 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00019 |
E-LINE EVC - 10 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00020 |
E-LINE EVC - 20 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00021 |
E-LINE EVC - 30 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00022 |
E-LINE EVC - 40 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00023 |
E-LINE EVC - 50 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00024 |
E-LINE EVC - 60 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00025 |
E-LINE EVC - 70 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00026 |
E-LINE EVC - 80 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00027 |
E-LINE EVC - 90 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00028 |
E-LINE EVC - 100 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00029 |
E-LINE EVC - 200 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00030 |
E-LINE EVC - 300 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00031 |
E-LINE EVC - 400 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00032 |
E-LINE EVC - 500 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00033 |
E-LINE EVC - 600 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00034 |
E-LINE EVC - 700 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00035 |
E-LINE EVC - 800 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00036 |
E-LINE EVC - 900 Mbps (point-to-point) |
EN00037 |
E-LINE EVC - 1 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00038 |
E-LINE EVC - 2 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00039 |
E-LINE EVC - 3 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00040 |
E-LINE EVC - 4 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00041 |
E-LINE EVC - 5 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00042 |
E-LINE EVC - 6 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00043 |
E-LINE EVC - 7 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00044 |
E-LINE EVC - 8 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00045 |
E-LINE EVC - 9 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00046 |
E-LINE EVC - 10 Gbps (point-to-point) |
EN00047 |
E-LINE EVC - 20 Gbps (point-to-point) |
Optional |
EN00048 |
E-LINE EVC - 30 Gbps (point-to-point) |
Optional |
EN00049 |
E-LINE EVC - 40 Gbps (point-to-point) |
Optional |
B. Port Pricing
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for E-LAN port prices. Table B. provides the CLINs.
B. E-LAN Port Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. E-LAN Port Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EN00501 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 1 Mbps |
Port |
EN00502 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 2 Mbps |
Port |
EN00503 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 3 Mbps |
Port |
EN00504 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 4 Mbps |
Port |
EN00505 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 5 Mbps |
Port |
EN00506 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 6 Mbps |
Port |
EN00507 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 7 Mbps |
Port |
EN00508 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 8 Mbps |
Port |
EN00509 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 9 Mbps |
Port |
EN00510 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 10 Mbps |
Port |
EN00520 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 20 Mbps |
Port |
EN00530 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 30 Mbps |
Port |
EN00540 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 40 Mbps |
Port |
EN00550 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 50 Mbps |
Port |
EN00560 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 60 Mbps |
Port |
EN00570 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 70 Mbps |
Port |
EN00580 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 80 Mbps |
Port |
EN00590 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 90 Mbps |
Port |
EN00600 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN00620 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 200 Mbps |
Port |
EN00630 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 300 Mbps |
Port |
EN00640 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 400 Mbps |
Port |
EN00650 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 500 Mbps |
Port |
EN00660 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 600 Mbps |
Port |
EN00670 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 700 Mbps |
Port |
EN00680 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 800 Mbps |
Port |
EN00690 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 900 Mbps |
Port |
EN00700 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN00720 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 2 Gbps |
Port |
EN00730 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 3 Gbps |
Port |
EN00740 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 4 Gbps |
Port |
EN00750 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 5 Gbps |
Port |
EN00760 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 6 Gbps |
Port |
EN00770 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 7 Gbps |
Port |
EN00780 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 8 Gbps |
Port |
EN00790 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 9 Gbps |
Port |
EN00800 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 10 Gbps |
Port |
EN00850 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 20 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
EN00900 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 30 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
EN01000 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 40 Gbps |
Port |
Optional |
EN20001 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 3 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Port |
EN20002 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 6 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Port |
EN20003 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 20 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN20004 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 30 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN20005 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 50 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN20006 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 200 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN20007 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 300 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN20008 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 2 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Port |
EN20009 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 3 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Port |
EN21001 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Mbps per day; 1 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Mbps |
Mbps per day |
Requires scalable E-LAN Ethernet port |
EN21002 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 10 Mbps per day; 10 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 100 Mbps |
10 Mbps per day |
Requires scalable E-LAN Ethernet port |
EN21003 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 100 Mbps per day; 100 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 1 Gbps |
100 Mbps per day |
Requires scalable E-LAN Ethernet port |
EN21004 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Gbps per day; 1 Gbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Gbps |
Gbps per day |
Requires scalable E-LAN Ethernet port |
EN30010 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 20 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN30011 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 30 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN30012 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 40 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN30013 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 50 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
EN30014 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 200 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN30015 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 300 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN30016 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 400 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN30017 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 500 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN30018 |
E-LAN Ethernet – 600 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
EN31020 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 20 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
EN31030 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 30 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
EN31040 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 40 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
EN31050 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 50 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
EN31200 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 200 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
EN31300 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 300 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
EN31400 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 400 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
EN31500 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 500 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
EN31600 |
Usage |
E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage for 600 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
EN40001 |
E-LAN Expedited provisioning within 24 hours |
Port |
EN50001 |
E-LAN Quality of Service (QoS) |
Port |
Because agencies have differing interests for balancing budgetary control against ordering complexity, Table B. includes two mandatory pricing mechanisms for achieving dynamic bandwidth: scalable bandwidth and burstable bandwidth.
Scalable bandwidth is ordered in anticipation of a future, temporary need for increased capacity. A scalable E-LAN transport MRC CLIN shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity. An E-LAN Bandwidth-on-Demand usage CLIN shall provide the increased capacity and must be ordered for the period of time during which the increased capacity will be required. An example of a valid CLIN pairing is E-LAN Ethernet Bandwidth-on-Demand CLIN EN21002 used with scalable E-LAN Ethernet transport CLIN EN20004.
Burstable bandwidth allows an agency to subscribe to a bandwidth commitment that is less than the full bandwidth of the selected E-LAN Ethernet port, but may burst to the full bandwidth of the selected port. The bandwidth commitment equals the portion capacity of a circuit (as measured in bandwidth) that an agency may use in a monthly period without incurring an overage charge. An E-LAN Ethernet burstable CLIN shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity.
Bandwidth used in excess of the committed burstable bandwidth shall be invoiced via an overage usage CLIN. For each E-LAN Ethernet burstable MRC CLIN, a corresponding burstable overage usage CLIN shall be auto-sold to simplify ordering. For example, E-LAN Ethernet burstable overage CLIN EN31500 shall be auto-sold with Ethernet burstable transport CLIN EN30017.
With burstable bandwidth, agencies shall only be charged for the amount of bandwidth used on a sustained level (95th percentile). Bandwidth shall be measured (or sampled) from the switch or router every 5 minutes. At the end of the month, the top 5% of data shall be discarded. The next highest measurement shall determine the billable usage for the month. Overages shall be billed in one-megabit per second increments for usage above the selected bandwidth commitment.
Table B. includes an expedited provisioning CLIN that shall be used to provision, within 24 hours rather than the standard provisioning period, an E-LAN Ethernet port CLIN at a higher bandwidth. This 24-hour provisioning shall be accomplished by ordering the expedited provisioning CLIN concurrent with the new, higher bandwidth port CLIN. The expedited provisioning CLIN shall only be used when moving from one bandwidth to another where sufficient physical access capacity exists and the new port does not exceed the physical capacity of the existing port.
B. Transport Features Pricing
Table B. provides the formats for pricing Ethernet features.
B. Ethernet Transport Feature Prices Table (Reserved for future use)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Transport Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by Ethernet. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Ethernet Transport TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Ethernet Transport TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EN99990 |
EN99991 |
EN99992 |
ETS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.3 Optical Wavelength Service
The technical requirements for Optical Wavelength Service (OWS) are defined in Section C.2.1.3. OWS shall be provided over Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM).
B. Price Structure
The price structure for OWS includes the following elements:
1. MRC per wavelength for transport
2. Feature Charges
Where access is used to connect the SDP to the contractor’s designated connecting POP, access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Transport
The MRC for CONUS-to-CONUS transport consists of a fixed component that is determined based on mileage band. CONUS-to-CONUS distance shall be based on the total mileage between the contractor’s designated connecting POPs for any two customer locations. CONUS-to-CONUS distances shall be calculated using the distance formula listed in Section B.1.2.7. The MRC for OCONUS and non-domestic consists of a fixed component plus a distance dependent (per mile) formula. Distance involving OCONUS or non-domestic locations shall be calculated using the shortest airline miles obtained from the haversine great-circle distance formula shown below:
a = sin²(Δφ/2) + cos φ1 ⋅ cos φ2 ⋅ sin²(Δλ/2)
c = 2 ⋅ atan2( √a, √(1−a) )
distance = R ⋅ c
where φ is latitude, λ is longitude, R is earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km).
Table B. provides the formats for the pricing information for Metro OWS. The contractor shall provide a single price for Metro OWS (i.e., transport in a domestic metropolitan area). Thus, the Metro OWS price shall not vary by metropolitan area. The contractor shall list the Network Site Code (NSC) for each location where Metro OWS is provided as defined in Section B.4.1.12.
Table B. provides the formats for the pricing information for CONUS OWS. Table B. provides the formats for the pricing information for OCONUS OWS. Table B. provides the formats for the pricing information for non-domestic OWS. The contractor shall also list the mileage bands for the appropriate transport charges in Tables B., B., and B.
Table B. provides the wavelength speeds and applicable charging units for OWS on the WDM.
Finally, the contractor shall list the originating and terminating Country/Jurisdiction IDs for OWS transport in Tables B. and B. The Country/Jurisdiction IDs are listed in Table B.4.2.1.
B. Metro OWS Transport Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. CONUS OWS Transport Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Mileage Band Low |
Mileage Band High |
Fixed Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. OCONUS OWS Transport Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Mileage Band Low |
Mileage Band High |
Fixed Price |
Variable Price Per Mile |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Non-Domestic OWS Transport Prices Table (Optional)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Mileage Band Low |
Mileage Band High |
Fixed Price |
Variable Price Per Mile |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. OWS WDM Transport Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
OW00101 |
1 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
OW00102 |
OC48 – 2.5 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
OW00103 |
OC48c – 2.5 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
OW00104 |
OC192 – 10 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
OW00105 |
40 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00106 |
100 Gbps – Metro |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00107 |
1 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
OW00108 |
OC48 – 2.5 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
OW00109 |
OC48c – 2.5 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
OW00110 |
OC192 – 10 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
OW00111 |
40 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00112 |
100 Gbps – Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00113 |
1 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00114 |
OC48 – 2.5 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00115 |
OC48c – 2.5 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00116 |
OC192 – 10 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00117 |
40 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
OW00118 |
100 Gbps – Non-Domestic Long Haul |
Wavelength |
ICB - Optional |
B. Features
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for OWS features for WDM. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for OWS features.
B. OWS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. OWS WDM Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
OW00301 |
Customer Network Management (CNM) – Level 1 |
Site |
Optional. Network site identified by NSC |
OW00302 |
Customer Network Management (CNM) – Level 2 |
Site |
Optional. Network site identified by NSC |
OW00303 |
Equipment Protection 1:1 |
Wavelength |
OW00304 |
Equipment Protection 1+1 |
Wavelength |
OW00305 |
Equipment Protection – Network Side |
Wavelength |
OW00306 |
Geographical Diversity – Wavelengths |
Wavelength |
OW00307 |
Protected CONUS Wavelength |
Wavelength |
Optional - ICB |
OW00308 |
Protected OCONUS Wavelength |
Wavelength |
Optional - ICB |
OW00309 |
Protected Non-Domestic Wavelength |
Wavelength |
Optional - ICB |
OW00310 |
Protected Metro Wavelength |
Wavelength |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by WDM. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. OWS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. OWS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
OW99990 |
OW99991 |
OW99992 |
OWS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.4 Private Line Service
The technical requirements for Private Line Service (PLS) are defined in Section C.2.1.4.
PLS provides facilities for duplex (bi-directional) service between two or more specified end points. Accordingly, PLS is priced without regard for direction of carried traffic. The two endpoints are designated by POPs (or other comparable locations) as defined in Section B.4.1. For convenience, the ends of a PLS circuit are referred to as “originating” and “terminating,” although these terms have no operational or pricing significance.
The price structure for PLS includes the following elements:
1. MRC per circuit for transport
2. Feature Charges
Domestic PLS transport prices shall be either a solely distance-based MRC or a combination of monthly recurring fixed price plus distance-based monthly recurring charges. Non-domestic PLS and ICB transport prices shall consist of a monthly recurring fixed price only (no per-mile charge). Where access is used to connect the SDP to the contractor’s designated connecting POP (or other comparable location), access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9.
Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
In the case of multipoint PLS connections, the number and identities of the access and transport links shall be calculated using a least cost routing (e.g., minimal spanning tree) algorithm to determine the shortest overall distance to connect all POPs within the multipoint network. Distance between POPs shall be calculated using the distance formula listed in Section B.1.2.7. Each transport link in the minimal spanning tree shall be priced separately as described in Section B. and the prices summed to determine the total transport price.
For non-domestic PLS, fixed prices shall be provided for the full channel transport elements for countries where the contractor offers PLS on a full channel basis (see Table B.4.2.1 for Country/Jurisdiction IDs).
B. Transport Prices
The PLS transport prices shall be determined as follows:
1. When both serving POPs are in the same country/jurisdiction (either CONUS or OCONUS), a price component from Table B. shall be used.
2. When one serving POP is within CONUS and the other is in OCONUS, two price components shall be used:
a) A price (from Table B. for transport between the designated CONUS-serving POP and the PLS Gateway (from Table B.4.1.10 Domestic Private Line Service Gateways).
b) A price (from Table B. for transport between designated PLS Gateway and the OCONUS service region.
3. When both serving POPs are in (different) OCONUS country/jurisdictions, a single price component from Table B. shall be used.
4. When one serving POP is in a non-domestic country/jurisdiction and the other is in a domestic service region (either CONUS or OCONUS), two price components shall be used:
a) A price (from Table B. for transport between the non-domestic POP and the designated PLS Gateway (see Table B.4.1.11 Domestic Private Line Gateway to Non-Domestic Country/Jurisdiction Relationship).
b) A price (from Table B. for domestic transport between the designated PLS gateway and the domestic serving POP.
5. When both serving POPs are in different non-domestic countries/jurisdictions, a single price component from Table B. shall be used.
6. When both serving POPs are in a single non-domestic country/jurisdiction, a single price component from Table B. shall be used.
Table B. lists the tables which define the appropriate formats for the PLS pricing scenarios described above.
B. PLS Summary of Pricing Tables Needed for Transport Pricing
POP in Non-Domestic Country/Jurisdiction |
Table B. |
Tables B. and B. |
Tables B. and B. |
Tables B. and B. |
Same Country/Jurisdiction: Table B. Different Country/Jurisdictions: Table B. |
Tables B. and B. |
POP in Non-Domestic Country/Jurisdiction |
Tables B. and B. |
Tables B. and B. |
Same Country/Jurisdiction: Table B. Different Country/Jurisdictions: Table B. |
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for PLS domestic (same Country/Jurisdiction ID) transport service. The price may be either based solely on distance-based MRC or on a combination of a monthly recurring fixed price plus distance-based MRC. ICB transport prices shall consist of a monthly recurring fixed price only (no per-mile charge). Distance between the POPs shall be calculated using the distance formula in Section B.1.2.7.
When using distance-based pricing with minimum/maximum distance banding, monthly price per mile for the corresponding band shall be multiplied by the total transport distance in miles.
B. PLS Domestic Transport Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Mileage Band Low |
Mileage Band High |
Fixed Price |
Variable Price per Mile** |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Price per mile not applicable to ICB CLINs
Table B. provides the pricing formats for PLS transport for OCONUS and non-domestic circuits between different countries/jurisdictions. Table B. provides the formats for PLS transport for non-domestic circuits within a single country/jurisdiction. POPs for intra-country/intra-jurisdiction non-domestic circuits shall be assigned to the closest POP to each location (based on distance) within that country/jurisdiction.
OCONUS POPs are listed in Table B.4.1.1; non-domestic POPs are listed in Table B.4.1.2. Domestic service gateways are listed in Table B.4.1.10. Country/Jurisdiction IDs are listed in Table B.4.2.1.
B. PLS OCONUS and Non-Domestic Transport Prices Table (Different Country Jurisdictions)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID (Originating)** |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID (Terminating)** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. PLS Non-Domestic Transport Prices Table (Same Country/Jurisdiction IDs)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
POP ID (Originating) |
POP ID (Terminating) |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for full channels.
B. PLS Full Channel Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
PL00101 |
Basic Subscriber Line (4 KHz) |
Circuit |
Optional |
PL00102 |
DS0 |
Circuit |
PL00103 |
T1 |
Circuit |
PL00104 |
E1 |
Circuit |
PL00112 |
FT3 T1 x 2 |
Circuit |
PL00105 |
T3 |
Circuit |
PL00106 |
E3 |
Circuit |
PL00107 |
OC-3c |
Circuit |
PL00108 |
OC-12c |
Circuit |
PL00109 |
OC-48c |
Circuit |
PL00110 |
OC-192c |
Circuit |
PL00111 |
OC-768c |
Circuit |
ICB; optional |
B. Feature Prices
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for PLS features. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
For PLS transport avoidance features, additional mileage shall be calculated as the difference between the avoidance route miles and the distance calculated using the V&H coordinate formula in Section B.1.2.7.
B. PLS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. PLS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
PL00201 |
Special Routing - Transport Diversity |
Circuit |
MRC is in addition to the transport circuit price that will apply to each transport circuit in each relationship pair. |
PL00202 |
Special Routing - Transport Avoidance |
Mile |
MRC is in addition to the transport circuit price that will apply without avoidance routing. It applies only to the excess mileage incurred by the avoidance-routed circuit(s). |
PL00203 |
Multipoint Connections - Branch-Off |
Multipoint drop |
MRC applies only to multipoint drops provided within the transport component |
PL00204 |
Multipoint Connections - Drop and Insert |
Multipoint drop |
MRC applies only to multipoint drops provided within the transport component |
PL00205 |
Channelized Circuits |
Circuit |
NSP. Contractor shall use this CLIN to indicate that a channelized or non-concatenated circuit is being ordered (instead of un-channelized or concatenated) at no additional cost. |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by PLS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. PLS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. PLS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
PL99990 |
PL99991 |
PL99992 |
PLS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.5 Synchronous Optical Network Service
The technical requirements for Synchronous Optical Network Service (SONETS) are defined in Section C.2.1.5.
The contractor shall price access to SONETS separately, when required. The contractor shall list all access charges for SONETS in B.2.9. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by SONETS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. SONETS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. SONETS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
SO99990 |
SO99991 |
SO99992 |
SONETS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.6 Dark Fiber Service
The technical requirements for Dark Fiber Service (DFS) are defined in Section C.2.1.6.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for DFS includes the following elements:
1. MRC for the Indefeasible Rights of Use (IRU) for on-net connections or along routes where fiber is installed, per fiber pair for transport
2. Feature Charges
Where access is used to connect the SDP to the contractor’s designated connecting POP, access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9.
Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Transport
The MRC includes the IRU for the use of the fiber, not the actual fiber itself. The MRC may vary depending on the number of pairs of strands in the fiber cable. The MRC is comprised entirely of a fixed component. The management, ongoing monitoring support, maintenance, and repair of DFS in case of breaks shall be included in the MRC. Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for DFS. Table B. provides the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for DFS.
B. DFS Transport Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
*Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. DFS Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DK00101 |
DFS – Fiber Pair – 1 Fiber Pair |
Fiber Pair |
DK00102 |
DFS – Fiber Pair – More than 1 Fiber Pair |
Fiber Pair |
DK00103 |
DFS – Fiber Pair – Non-domestic |
Fiber Pair |
ICB Optional |
B. Feature Prices
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for DFS features. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for DFS features. Cost for all other features will be part of the ICB Dark Fiber CLIN pricing (e.g., Duct, Multiple Duct, etc.).
B. DFS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. DFS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DK09001 |
Colocation Service – Add/drop traffic (gateways) and to regenerate and amplify traffic |
Gateway |
DK09002 |
Colocation Service – Add/drop traffic (gateways) and to regenerate and amplify traffic |
Gateway |
DK09003 |
Off-Net laterals |
Proposal |
ICB (one-time payment) |
DK09004 |
Off-Net laterals |
Proposal |
ICB (monthly installments) |
DK09005 |
Splicing |
Dispatch |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by DFS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. DFS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. DFS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DK99990 |
DK99991 |
DK99992 |
DFS Task Order Unique |
B.2.1.7 Internet Protocol Service (IPS)
The technical requirements for Internet Protocol Service (IPS) are defined in Section C.2.1.7.
All configurations of Quality of Service (QoS) are defined in Section C. QoS shall be included in the port price (i.e., NSP). Since QoS is also ICB, a case number shall be assigned for each port purchase and a description shall be provided of how the port will be configured.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for domestic and non-domestic IPS includes the following elements:
1. MRC per Port
2. Feature Charges
Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Access
The contractor shall allow a government agency to connect to the contractor’s IPS transport network using either of the following access methods:
1. Non-embedded access
2. Embedded access
B. Non-embedded Access
Where non-embedded access is used to connect the SDP to the contractor’s designated connecting POP, non-embedded access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9.
B. Embedded Access
When services such as DSL or Cable High-Speed are offered as embedded access by the contractor, the service price shall be included in the contractor’s port price. See Section J.1 for the geographical scope of these service offerings.
B. Port Prices
Table B. provides the format for pricing IPS. Table B. provides the pricing mechanisms and charging units.
Domestic access will connect to the contractor’s IPS network through a domestic access port. The contractor shall price domestic access ports based on a monthly recurring charge.
Non-domestic access will connect to the contractor’s IPS network through a non-domestic access port. The contractor shall price non-domestic access ports based on a monthly recurring charge.
The Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1.
B. IPS Port Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Case number applies to ICB CLINs only ** For Country/Jurisdiction ID codes, see Section B.6.6
B. IPS Port Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
IP10001 |
IPS – T1 – 1.5 Mbps |
Port |
IP10002 |
IPS – 2 x T1 – 3 Mbps |
Port |
IP10003 |
IPS – 4 x T1 – 6 Mbps |
Port |
IP10004 |
IPS – 6 x T1 – 9 Mbps |
Port |
IP10010 |
IPS – FT3 – 3 Mbps |
Port |
IP10012 |
IPS – FT3 – 6 Mbps |
Port |
IP10013 |
IPS – FT3 – 9 Mbps |
Port |
IP10014 |
IPS – FT3 – 15 Mbps |
Port |
IP10015 |
IPS – FT3 – 24 Mbps |
Port |
IP10016 |
IPS – FT3 – 30 Mbps |
Port |
IP10019 |
IPS – T3 – 45 Mbps |
Port |
IP10020 |
IPS – OC3c (155 Mbps) |
Port |
IP10021 |
IPS – OC12c (622 Mbps) |
Port |
IP10022 |
IPS – OC48c (2.5 Gbps) |
Port |
IP10023 |
IPS – OC192c (10 Gbps) |
Port |
IP10031 |
IPS – Ethernet – 1 Mbps |
Port |
IP10032 |
IPS – Ethernet – 3 Mbps |
Port |
IP10033 |
IPS – Ethernet – 6 Mbps |
Port |
IP10036 |
IPS – Ethernet – 10 Mbps |
Port |
IP10040 |
IPS – Ethernet – 20 Mbps |
Port |
IP10041 |
IPS – Ethernet – 30 Mbps |
Port |
IP10042 |
IPS – Ethernet – 40 Mbps |
Port |
IP10043 |
IPS – Ethernet – 50 Mbps |
Port |
IP10049 |
IPS – Ethernet – 100 Mbps |
Port |
IP10050 |
IPS – Ethernet – 200 Mbps |
Port |
IP10051 |
IPS – Ethernet – 300 Mbps |
Port |
IP10052 |
IPS – Ethernet – 400 Mbps |
Port |
IP10053 |
IPS – Ethernet – 500 Mbps |
Port |
IP10059 |
IPS – Ethernet – 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP10061 |
IPS – Ethernet – 2 Gbps |
Port |
IP10062 |
IPS – Ethernet – 3 Gbps |
Port |
IP10069 |
IPS – Ethernet – 10 Gbps |
Port |
IP10070 |
Port |
IP10071 |
Port |
Optional |
IP10080 |
Port |
IP10081 |
Port |
Optional |
IP20001 |
IPS – SDSL – up to 1.5 Mbps |
Port |
Embedded Access. Optional |
IP21001 |
IPS – ADSL – up to 1.5 Mbps download |
Port |
Embedded Access. Optional |
IP21002 |
IPS – ADSL – up to 5 Mbps download |
Port |
Embedded Access. Optional |
IP21003 |
IPS – ADSL – up to 8 Mbps download |
Port |
Embedded Access. Optional |
IP30001 |
IPS – T3 burstable – 5 Mbps committed |
Port |
IP30002 |
IPS – T3 burstable – 10 Mbps committed |
Port |
IP30003 |
IPS – T3 burstable – 15 Mbps committed |
Port |
IP30004 |
IPS – T3 burstable – 20 Mbps committed |
Port |
IP30005 |
IPS – T3 burstable – 30 Mbps committed |
Port |
IP30008 |
Usage |
T3 burstable overage |
Mbps |
IP30010 |
IPS – Ethernet – 20 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
IP30011 |
IPS – Ethernet – 30 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
IP30012 |
IPS – Ethernet – 40 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
IP30013 |
IPS – Ethernet – 50 Mbps committed, burstable to 100 Mbps |
Port |
IP30021 |
IPS – Ethernet – 200 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP30022 |
IPS – Ethernet – 300 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP30023 |
IPS – Ethernet – 400 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP30024 |
IPS – Ethernet – 500 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP30025 |
IPS – Ethernet – 600 Mbps committed, burstable to 1 Gbps |
Port |
IP40020 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 20 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
IP40030 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 30 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
IP40040 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 40 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
IP40050 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 50 Mbps committed port burstable to 100 Mbps |
Mbps |
IP40200 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 200 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
IP40300 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 300 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
IP40400 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 400 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
IP40500 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 500 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
IP40600 |
Usage |
IPS – Ethernet burstable overage for 600 Mbps committed port burstable to 1 Gbps |
Mbps |
IP50001 |
IP Quality of Service (QoS) |
Port |
Satellite internet access services shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.7.
Wireless (LTE) internet access services shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.6.
Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Services (MTIPS) shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.8.4.
Burstable bandwidth allows an agency to subscribe to a bandwidth commitment that is less than the full bandwidth of the selected IPS port, but may burst to the full bandwidth of the selected port. The bandwidth commitment equals the portion capacity of a circuit (as measured in bandwidth) that an agency may use in a monthly period without incurring an overage charge. A T3 burstable or Ethernet burstable CLIN shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity.
Bandwidth used in excess of the committed burstable bandwidth shall be invoiced via an overage usage CLIN. For each T3 burstable or Ethernet burstable MRC CLIN, a corresponding burstable overage usage CLIN shall be auto-sold to simplify ordering. For example, Ethernet burstable overage CLIN IP40030 shall be auto-sold with Ethernet burstable transport CLIN IP30011, and T3 burstable overage CLIN IP30008 shall be auto-sold with T3 burstable CLIN IP30003.
With burstable bandwidth, agencies shall only be charged for the amount of bandwidth used on a sustained level (95th percentile). Bandwidth shall be measured (or sampled) from the switch or router every 5 minutes. At the end of the month, the top 5% of data shall be discarded. The next highest measurement shall determine the billable usage for the month. Overages shall be billed in one-megabit per second increments for usage above the selected bandwidth commitment.
B. Feature Prices
Table B. provides the format for pricing the features supported by IPS.
B. IPS Feature Prices Table (Reserved for future use)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing the TUCs supported by IPS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. IPS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. IPS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
IP99990 |
IP99991 |
IP99992 |
IPS Task Order Unique |
B.2.2 Voice Service
The technical requirements for Voice Service are defined in Sections C.2.2.1 and C.2.2.2.
Voice Service can be provided using various technologies. The pricing tables have been organized as follows:
1. Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS)
2. Circuit Switched Voice Service (CSVS)
Contractors shall propose prices for at least one of the Voice Service technologies specified above. Contractors shall price all mandatory CLINs associated with each technology proposed.
Price tables, associated CLINs and pricing instructions for each Voice Service technology are specified in the subsequent sub-sections.
B.2.2.1 Internet Protocol Voice Service
Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) shall be used in conjunction with VPN or another transport service specified in this document. Pricing for VPNS is not included with IPVS, and can be found in Section B.2.1.1.
IPVS provides voice communications service and telephony features. Within IPVS, the following service options are available:
1. IPVS (Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling):
a) Hosted.
b) Premises-Based.
2. Managed LAN (Requires IPVS).
3. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunk Service.
Contractors shall propose pricing for IPVS, Managed LAN and SIP Trunk Service. All CLINs are mandatory unless otherwise specified.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for IPVS includes the following components:
1. Basic service per telephone number (Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling)
2. Per six-second off-net usage
3. Features
B. Prices
The contractor shall provide pricing information for IPVS in the formats specified in Tables B. and B. Available service types are provided in Table B.
B. IPVS CONUS Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Band Low** |
Band High** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. IPVS OCONUS or Non-Domestic Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Band Low*** |
Band High*** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 *** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. IPVS Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI21110 |
VI22110 |
IPVS - Hosted |
Seat |
Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling. For service implementations located in an OCONUS country/jurisdiction, unlimited off-net calling within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction shall also be included. |
VI21210 |
VI22210 |
IPVS - Premises-Based |
Seat |
Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling. For service implementations located in an OCONUS country/jurisdiction, unlimited off-net calling within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction shall also be included. |
B. Off-Net Usage Prices
Contractors shall use the formats specified in Table B. to provide off-net termination pricing to all OCONUS and non-domestic countries/jurisdictions specified in Table J.1.2.1.
Where the contractor provides voice service to a particular country/jurisdiction, the prices in Tables B., B. and B. cannot be higher than the prices resulting from applying the multiple usage increments applicable to that country/jurisdiction as provided in Table B. The originating country/jurisdiction is included in Table B.4.2.1.
The price table and instructions for non-domestic mobile terminations are provided in Section B.
Off-net termination usage based pricing shall apply to IPVS with or without Managed LAN.
B. IPVS CONUS to OCONUS and Non-Domestic Off-Net Termination Usage Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. IPVS OCONUS or Non-Domestic to CONUS Off-Net Termination Usage Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. IPVS OCONUS or Non-Domestic to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Off-Net Termination Usage Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. IPVS On-Net to Off-Net Termination Usage Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI23010 |
IPVS: On-net to off-net calling |
6 seconds |
See Table B. Usage Increments for applicable increments of 6 second usage. |
B. IPVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge
Contractors shall provide mobile termination pricing to all non-domestic countries/jurisdictions listed in Table J.1.2.1 except for satellite locations, which are the NONDOM locations in Table B.4.2.1 with no AOW ID. Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for IPVS non-domestic mobile termination add-on prices. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for IPVS non-domestic mobile termination add-on prices.
B. IPVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. IPVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
VI24000 |
Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge |
6 seconds |
B. Feature Prices
IPVS shall include the following features in the basic service price in Section B.
· Automatic Number Identification (ANI) |
· 3-way Conference Calling |
· Do Not Disturb |
· Call Forward – All |
· Call Park |
· Hotline |
· Call Forward – Busy |
· Call Pickup |
· Hunt Groups |
· Call Forward - Don't Answer |
· Class of Service Restriction |
· Multi-Line Appearance |
· Call Hold |
· Distinctive Ringing |
· Directory Assistance |
· Call Transfer |
· Call Waiting |
· Speed Dial |
· Call Number Suppression |
· Specific Call Rejection |
· Last Number Dialed |
· IP Telephony Manager (Administrator) |
· IP Telephony Manager (Subscriber) |
The contractor shall provide pricing information for IPVS features in the formats specified in Tables B. and B. Pricing instructions are provided in Table B. The contractor shall provide pricing information for IPVS banded features in the formats specified in Tables B. and B. Pricing instructions are provided in Table B.
B. IPVS CONUS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items
B. IPVS OCONUS and Non-Domestic Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
Contractors shall propose pricing for all features unless specified otherwise. Features apply to IPVS.
B. IPVS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
VI21410 |
VI22410 |
IPVS: Voice Mail Box |
Seat |
VI21415 |
VI22415 |
IPVS: Auto Attendant |
Instance* |
* An Instance of IPVS: Auto Attendant is an auto attendant implementation containing the capabilities specified in Section C.
B. IPVS CONUS Banded Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Band Low** |
Band High** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. IPVS OCONUS and Non-Domestic Banded Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Band Low*** |
Band High*** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 *** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
Contractors shall propose pricing for all features unless specified otherwise. Features apply to IPVS.
B. IPVS Banded Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI21420 |
VI22420 |
IPVS: PSAP Connection |
Seat |
Establish and maintain the connection to the PSAP and build out of the Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification (PS/ALI) database. Includes Remote Access Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN. |
IPVS is a pre-requisite for Managed LAN. IPVS shall be used in conjunction with a separately priced, VPN or another transport services specified in this document and shall be provided as described in Section C.
The contractor shall be responsible for providing and managing all Managed LAN networking hardware components (e.g. layer 2 switching devices, routers, call servers, etc.) to extend the IPVS from the site demarcation point to the terminating subscriber device. Managed LAN per seat pricing shall include all equipment necessary to provide the Managed LAN solution.
The contactor shall provide pricing information for Managed LAN basic service in the formats specified in Tables B. and B.
B. Managed LAN CONUS Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Band Low** |
Band High** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. Managed LAN OCONUS or Non-Domestic Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Band Low*** |
Band High*** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 *** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. Managed LAN Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
VI21310 |
VI22310 |
Managed LAN Without Call Server & Maintenance - Hosted |
Seat |
VI21320 |
VI22320 |
Managed LAN Service With Call Server & Maintenance - Premises-Based |
Seat |
B. Initiation Protocol Trunk Service
B. Session Initiation Protocol Trunk Price Structure
SIP Trunk service shall be priced using the following components. Charges for access arrangements shall not be included in SIP Trunk Service pricing, but shall be provided as described in Section C.
1. Basic Service (Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling)
2. Off-net usage billed in six-second increments
3. Features
The network and the management of the network will be provided by the underlying network service. The equipment necessary to enable SIP Trunk service, such as gateways, routers, etc., shall be listed and priced as described in Section B.2.10.
Contractors shall propose pricing for SIP Trunk mandatory CLINs unless otherwise specified.
B. SIP Trunk CONUS Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Band Low** |
Band High** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. SIP Trunk OCONUS or Non-Domestic Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Band Low*** |
Band High*** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 *** Banded pricing per charging unit. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. SIP Trunk Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI31110 |
VI32110 |
SIP Trunk: Basic Service |
Concurrent call path |
Includes unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling. For service implementations located in an OCONUS country/jurisdiction, unlimited off-net calling within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction shall also be included. |
B. Trunk Off-Net Usage Pricing
Unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling shall be included with SIP Trunk Basic Service.
Contractors shall use the formats specified in Table B. to provide off-net termination pricing to all OCONUS and non-domestic countries/jurisdictions specified in Table J.1.2.1.
Where the contractor provides voice service to a particular country/jurisdiction, the prices in Tables B., B. and B. cannot be higher than the prices resulting from applying the multiple usage increments applicable to that country/jurisdiction as provided in Table B. The originating country/jurisdiction is included in Table B.4.2.1.
The price table and instructions for non-domestic mobile terminations are provided in Section B.
B. SIP Trunk CONUS On-Net to Off-Net OCONUS or Non-Domestic Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. SIP Trunk OCONUS or Non-Domestic On-Net to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Off-Net Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. SIP Trunk OCONUS or Non-Domestic On-Net to CONUS Off-Net Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. SIP Trunk On-Net to Off-Net Usage-Based Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI33010 |
SIP Trunk: On-Net to Off-Net Calling |
6 seconds |
See Table B. Usage Increments for applicable increments of 6 second usage. |
B. Trunk Feature Prices
The contractor shall provide pricing information for SIP Trunk features in the formats specified in Tables B. and Tables B. Pricing instructions are provided in Table B.
B. SIP Trunk CONUS Standard Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items
B. SIP Trunk OCONUS or Non-Domestic Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. SIP Trunk Standard Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI31410 |
VI32410 |
SIP Trunk: Automatic call routing |
Concurrent call path |
VI31415 |
VI32415 |
SIP Trunk: Bandwidth QOS Management |
Trunk |
VI31420 |
VI32420 |
SIP Trunk: Trunk Bursting* |
Trunk |
VI31425 |
VI32425 |
SIP Trunk: Telephone Number Assignment and Maintenance |
Number |
VI31430 |
VI32430 |
SIP Trunk: Block of 10 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VI31435 |
VI32435 |
SIP Trunk: Block of 100 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VI31440 |
VI32440 |
SIP Trunk: Block of 1000 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VI31445 |
SIP Trunk: DID Number Capture |
Number |
CLIN shall be ordered as many times as necessary to record all detailed information required in Section J.2 for each DID Number ordered via VI31430, VI31435, or VI31440. |
VI33445 |
SIP Trunk: Burstable Call Path** |
Concurrent call path |
* SIP Trunk: Trunk Bursting feature provides the capability to burst additional call path(s) within a trunk.
**SIP Trunk: Burstable Call Path feature is the utilization of an additional call path within a trunk. For each burstable call path utilized, one usage charge shall be billed per month regardless of the number of bursting instances occurred within the same month. Requires SIP Trunk: Trunk Bursting CLINs.
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs for IPVS. Table B. provides IPVS TUC pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. IPVS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. IPVS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VI99990 |
VI99991 |
VI99992 |
IPVS Task Order Unique |
B.2.2.2 Circuit Switched Voice Service
Circuit Switched Voice Service (CSVS) supports both traditional local and long distance service. Prices may vary based on originating technology.
The mandatory price structure for CSVS includes the following elements:
1. Usage including switched originating access and/or terminating access costs, as applicable, per six-second increment. Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction calling service packages are also available.
2. Features.
Usage charges for calls to non-domestic and OCONUS countries/jurisdictions shall be charged at the usage rates provided in Section B. Contractors shall use Table B. to provide off-net termination pricing to all OCONUS and non-domestic countries/jurisdictions specified in Table J.1.2.1. Additionally, contractors shall provide pricing for all the OCONUS and non-domestic countries/jurisdictions specified in Table B.4.2.1 where the service will be offered.
All CSVS usage-based prices shall be billed in six-second increments unless otherwise specified. A minimum number of billing increments per call shall be set at the levels defined in B.
Charges for access arrangements (e.g. Basic Subscriber Line, ISDN PRI, and ISDN BRI) shall not be included in CSVS pricing, but shall be provided as described in Section B.2.9.
Contractors shall provide pricing for all Voice Service Basic CLINs unless specified otherwise.
B. Switched Voice Service Usage
Contractors shall propose CSVS pricing to support six-second increment, usage-based, and Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction scenarios. Section B. provides pricing tables and instructions for six-second increment usage-based pricing including CONUS to CONUS.
Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction Plans require Basic Subscriber Line, ISDN PRI or Voice Service ISDN BRI access. Table B. provides pricing tables and instructions for Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction Plans. Section B.2.9 provides Access pricing.
B. CSVS Usage-Based Prices
Usage-based pricing shall be on a country/jurisdiction-to-country/jurisdiction basis between the countries involved in the call. The pricing tables applicable to all categories of CONUS, OCONUS and non-domestic transport are listed in Table B. The following types of calls are differentiated:
2. CONUS to OCONUS or non-domestic.
3. OCONUS or non-domestic to CONUS.
4. OCONUS or non-domestic to OCONUS or non-domestic.
5. Non-domestic mobile termination.
Contractors shall use the following pricing instructions for CONUS, OCONUS and non-domestic CSVS Usage-Based pricing tables.
B. CSVS Usage-Based Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS13010 |
Switched access origination |
6 seconds |
VS13020 |
Dedicated access origination |
6 seconds |
Examples of Dedicated Access include, but are not limited to, Basic Subscriber Line, ISDN PRI, and ISDN BRI. |
Minimum Billing Increments for CSVS Usage-Based Billing shall be priced in six-second increments. The number of minimum increments per call varies based on call type.
B. Usage Increments
From |
To |
Minimum Increments Per Call |
Domestic (CONUS/OCONUS) |
One |
Domestic (CONUS/OCONUS) |
Non-domestic |
Three |
Non-domestic |
Domestic (CONUS/OCONUS) |
Five |
Non-domestic |
Non-domestic |
Five |
CONUS, OCONUS and Non-Domestic Usage-Based Pricing Tables can be found using the Cross-Reference Table B.
B. Usage Pricing Cross Reference
Transport Category |
From Location |
To Location |
Table |
Outbound |
B. |
Outbound |
OCONUS or Non-domestic |
B. |
Inbound |
OCONUS or Non-domestic |
Non-domestic to Non-domestic |
OCONUS or Non-domestic |
OCONUS or Non-domestic |
For non-domestic mobile termination calls, a per six-second increment additional add- on charge shall apply to certain non-domestic telephone calls that terminate to a mobile phone or other wireless devices. These add-ons vary by country.
B. CSVS CONUS to CONUS Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. CSVS CONUS to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. CSVS OCONUS or Non-Domestic to CONUS Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. CSVS OCONUS or Non-Domestic to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Usage-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
For each originating OCONUS country/jurisdiction priced in Table B., the contractor shall price terminations to all OCONUS and non-domestic countries/jurisdictions specified in Table J.1.2.1.
B. CSVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge
Contractors shall provide mobile termination pricing to all non-domestic countries/jurisdictions listed in Table J.1.2.1 except for satellite locations, which are the NONDOM locations in Table B.4.2.1 with no AOW ID.Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for CSVS non-domestic mobile termination add-on prices. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for CSVS non-domestic mobile termination add-on prices.
B. CSVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. CSVS Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
VS13030 |
Non-Domestic Mobile Termination Surcharge |
6 seconds |
B. Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plan Prices
Unlimited Calling Plans shall be available when ordered with EIS Basic Subscriber Line, ISDN PRI or ISDN BRI access. Tables B. and B. provide pricing tables and instructions for Unlimited Calling Plans. Unlimited Calling Plans shall include:
1. Unlimited on-net to on-net and unlimited CONUS on-net to CONUS off-net calling.
2. Unlimited off-net calling within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction, for service implementations located in an OCONUS country/jurisdiction.
Access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9.
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plan Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plan Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS11110 |
VS12110 |
Basic Subscriber Line: Unlimited Calling |
Line |
Includes the following features: 1. Call Transfer-All Calls 2. Call Hold 3. Three-Way Calling 4. Intercom (Station-to-Station Dialing) 5. Direct Inward and Outward Dialing 6. Call Forwarding 7. Access Codes 8. Caller ID 9. Call Waiting |
VS11210 |
VS12210 |
ISDN PRI: Unlimited Calling |
Trunk |
Includes the following features: 1. Block Exchanges 2. Data Call Setup 3. Data Line Privacy 4. Distinctive Ringing 5. Flexible Disconnect, Both/Either Party 6. Foreign Exchange Service 7. Six-Way Conference Call 8. Trunk Group Denial 9. Call Forwarding 10. Call Waiting |
VS11310 |
VS12310 |
ISDN BRI: Unlimited Calling |
Line |
Includes the following features: 1. Call Transfer-All Calls 2. Call Hold 3. Three-Way Calling 4. Intercom (Station-to-Station Dialing) 5. Direct Inward and Outward Dialing 6. Access Codes 7. Call Forwarding 8. Call Waiting |
B. Features
CSVS offers features for both Usage-Based and CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction Unlimited Plan scenarios. Tables B. and B. shall be used to provide pricing for all features. The pricing instructions are categorized as follows:
1. General Features: Available to both six-second increment Usage-Based and Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction Plans.
2. Unlimited CONUS to CONUS or within the same OCONUS country/jurisdiction Plans:
a) Basic Subscriber Line.
Where features are offered on other than CONUS to CONUS calls, the following pricing rules shall apply:
1. For features where normal call charges (basic service charges) also apply, the price applicable to the called country/jurisdiction (as determined by the called number) shall be used.
2. For features where normal call charges (basic service charges) do not apply, the price applicable to the calling country/jurisdiction shall be used (e.g., if locator service is offered in a specific country/jurisdiction, then the per-call price for that country/jurisdiction shall be used).
B. CSVS Features CONUS Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items
B. CSVS Features OCONUS and Non-Domestic Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
The following mandatory features, unless specified as optional, shall be priced for CSVS. This includes usage-based CONUS to CONUS per call and Unlimited Plan service categories.
B. CSVS General Features Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS12410 |
Agency Recorded Announcements |
Stored announcement |
VS14410 |
Authorization Codes/Post-paid Calling Card – Automated Verification |
Automatic verification |
Usage is billed via CSVS usage-based CLINs VS13010/VS13020.
Normal call charges also apply to caller. Payphone surcharge applies to call made from payphones. |
VS12415 |
Caller ID |
Number |
If applicable |
VS11420 |
General: Call Screening for Users – Class of Service (COS) and Restrictions |
Restriction implemented or changed |
VS11425 |
Call Screening for Users – Code Block |
Code block authorized or changed |
Optional |
VS11430 |
VS12430 |
Customized Network Announcement Intercept Scripts |
Announcement |
VS14420 |
Internal Agency Accounting Code |
Call |
Optional. Using Internal account identity code; normal call charges also apply to caller |
VS14425 |
Directory Assistance |
Call |
VS11435 |
VS12435 |
Suppression of Calling Number Delivery |
Implementation |
Feature may be administered by number and/or by location |
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plan Features Pricing Instructions
The following features are mandatory in addition to features specified in Table B., unless otherwise specified, for CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plans. Pricing Instructions are provided per Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Calling Plan.
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Plan-Basic Subscriber Line Features Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS11130 |
VS12130 |
Basic Subscriber Line: Multi Appearance Directory Number |
Line |
VS11135 |
VS12135 |
Basic Subscriber Line: Voice Mail |
Line |
VS11140 |
VS12140 |
Basic Subscriber Line: MLPP Feature |
Line |
Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption |
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Plan-ISDN PRI Features Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS11230 |
VS12230 |
ISDN PRI: Backup of Shared-D Channel |
Trunk |
VS11215 |
VS12215 |
ISDN PRI: Telephone Number Assignment and Maintenance |
Number |
VS11220 |
VS12220 |
ISDN PRI: Voice Mail |
Trunk |
VS11225 |
VS12225 |
ISDN PRI: MLPP Feature |
Trunk |
Optional. Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption |
VS11235 |
VS12235 |
ISDN PRI: Block of 10 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VS11240 |
VS12240 |
ISDN PRI: Block of 100 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VS11245 |
VS12245 |
ISDN PRI: Block of 1000 DID Numbers Assignment and Maintenance |
Block |
VS11250 |
ISDN PRI: DID Number Capture |
Number |
CLIN shall be ordered as many times as necessary to record all detailed information required in Section J.2 for each DID Number ordered via VS11235, VS11240, or VS11245. |
B. CSVS Unlimited CONUS or OCONUS Plan- ISDN BRI Features Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS11315 |
VS12315 |
ISDN BRI: Multi Appearance Directory Number |
Line |
VS11320 |
VS12320 |
ISDN BRI: Voice Mail |
Line |
VS11325 |
VS12325 |
ISDN BRI: MLPP Feature |
Line |
Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs for CSVS. Table B. provides CSVS TUC pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. CSVS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. CSVS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VS99990 |
VS99991 |
VS99992 |
CSVS Task Order Unique |
B.2.2.3 Toll Free Service
The technical requirements for Toll-Free Service (TFS) are defined in Section C.2.2.3. Note that TFS is for inbound calls only.
B. Price Structure
TFS access may be 1) switched (i.e., off-net switched access, or switched access with pre- subscription to the contractor designated as on-net switched access), 2) dedicated, or 3) IP termination. TFS pricing does not include a separate price element for switched access. For calls originated over a switched access arrangement, the originating and terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. For calls originated over a dedicated access arrangement, the dedicated access costs are not included in TFS pricing and are not covered in this section. Where dedicated access is used to connect the SDP to the contractor’s designated connecting POP, dedicated access prices shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.9. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Mandatory Price Structure
The mandatory price structure for TFS includes the following elements:
1. Transport usage (includes switched originating access cost, and/or terminating access costs, as applicable) per six-second increment
2. Payphone surcharge per call
3. Feature charges
Transport prices shall be usage-based in six-second increments. The following types of calls are differentiated:
1. Domestic to domestic
2. Non-domestic to domestic
The minimum required number of six-second billing increments per initial period for all calls is defined below in Table B. These minimum billing increments apply to all usage-based billing associated with a TFS call.
B. Minimum Billing Increments for Usage-Based Billing
From |
To |
Minimum Increments Per Call |
Domestic |
Domestic |
One |
Non-domestic |
Domestic |
Five |
Any charges for dedicated access arrangements shall not be included in TFS pricing, but shall be provided as described in Section B.2.9.
B. Optional Price Structure
The TFS optional price structure shall either use pricing element (1) below, or both pricing elements (1) and (2):
1. Flat monthly rate for transport usage (includes a pre-determined number of maximum allowable minutes per month).
2. Transport usage per additional six-second increment for minutes of use above the maximum allowed per month.
If offered, flat rate pricing shall be provided on a per SDP basis, for calls between locations in CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii; other OCONUS and non-domestic usage shall be charged as shown in Section B., and features as shown in Section B.
B. Access Prices
Originating switched access costs for TFS shall be included in transport prices found in Section B. Charges for dedicated access arrangements shall be provided as described in Section B.2.9.
B. Transport Prices
Tables B. through B. define the format for transport pricing information for TFS domestic and non-domestic connections. All TFS transport prices shall be billed in six-second increments unless otherwise offered optionally. A minimum number of billing increments per call for transport shall be set at the levels defined in Table B.
B. Mandatory Price Structure
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for TFS domestic usage prices. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for TFS domestic usage prices.
B. TFS Domestic Usage Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TFS Transport Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
TF04001 |
TFS Transport Usage – Switched access termination |
6 seconds |
TF04002 |
TFS Transport Usage – Dedicated access termination |
6 seconds |
TF04003 |
TFS Transport Usage – IP access termination |
6 seconds |
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for domestic payphone surcharge prices. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for domestic payphone surcharge prices. The payphone surcharge shall apply only to 800 calls originated from a payphone.
B. Domestic Payphone Surcharge Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Domestic Payphone Surcharge Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
TF04051 |
Payphone Surcharge |
call |
B. Optional Price Structure
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii flat rate prices. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii flat rate prices.
B. TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii Flat Rate Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii Flat Rate Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
TF04201 |
TFS Flat Rate: Switched access termination up to TBD minutes |
Month |
TF04202 |
TFS Flat Rate: Dedicated access termination up to TBD minutes |
Month |
TF04203 |
TFS Flat Rate: IP access termination up to TBD minutes |
Month |
Overage charges shall be applied for minutes exceeding the maximum allowed per month. Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for TFS usage overage charges. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for TFS usage overage charges.
B. TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii Overage Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TFS CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii Overage Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
TF04401 |
TFS Overage: Switched access termination over TBD minutes |
6 seconds |
TF04402 |
TFS Overage: Dedicated access termination over TBD minutes |
6 seconds |
TF04403 |
TFS Overage: IP access termination over TBD minutes |
6 seconds |
B. Non-Domestic Price Structure
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for TFS non-domestic usage prices. Table B. provides the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for TFS non-domestic transport prices.
B. TFS Non-Domestic to Domestic Transport Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country / Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* See Table B.4.2.1 for Country/Jurisdiction IDs
B. Features
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for TFS features. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for TFS features.
Where features are offered non-domestically, the following pricing rules shall apply:
1. For features where normal call charges (basic service charges) also apply, the price applicable to the called country/jurisdiction (as determined by the called number) shall be used.
2. For features where normal call charges (basic service charges) do not apply, the price applicable to the calling country/jurisdiction shall be used (e.g., if locator service is offered in a specific country/jurisdiction, then the per-call price for that country/jurisdiction shall be used).
B. TFS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
** Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. TFS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
TF90001 |
TF90101 |
Agency-Based Routing Database (Host Connect) |
Arrangement |
TF90201 |
Agency-Based Routing Database (Host Connect) |
Database Lookup |
TF90202 |
Alternate Routing (Cascade Routing) |
Each |
TF90003 |
TF90103 |
ANI (Automatic Number Identification) |
Number |
TF90204 |
ANI Based Routing |
Each |
TF90005 |
TF90105 |
Announced Connect |
Number |
TF90006 |
TF90106 |
Announcements (English/Spanish) |
Announcement |
NRC is initiation/change charge |
TF90007 |
TF90107 |
Announcements (Other Languages) |
Announcement |
Optional. NRC is initiation/change charge. |
TF90208 |
Announcements (Initial 30 seconds played) |
Announcement played initial 30 seconds |
TF90209 |
Announcements (Each additional 6 seconds played) |
Announcement played each additional 6 seconds |
TF90010 |
TF90110 |
Menu Routing (English/Spanish) |
Announcement |
Does not apply to generic (pre- recorded) announcements |
TF90011 |
TF90111 |
Menu Routing (Other Languages) |
Announcement |
Optional |
TF90212 |
Menu Routing (Initial 30 seconds played) |
Announcement played initial 30 seconds |
TF90213 |
Menu Routing (Each additional 6 seconds played) |
Announcement played each additional 6 seconds |
TF90014 |
TF90114 |
Call Redirection (Toll-Free Number) |
Number |
NRC is initiation/change charge |
TF90215 |
Call Redirection (Blind transfer) |
Call |
Normal TFS charges apply to a call redirected to a Toll Free number |
TF90216 |
Call Redirection (Verified not-busy or conference call transfer) |
Call |
Normal TFS charges apply to a call redirected to a Toll Free number |
TF90117 |
Call Redirection (Toll-Free Number Speed Dial Storage) |
Number |
TF90018 |
TF90118 |
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) - Application |
Application |
TF90019 |
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) - Change |
Change |
TF90120 |
Custom Call Records |
Charge applies to reports based on predefined record content |
TF90021 |
Custom Call Records |
Minute |
TF90022 |
Day of Week Routing |
Each |
TF90023 |
Day of Year Routing (Holiday Routing) |
Each |
TF90024 |
TF90124 |
In Route Announcements (English/Spanish) |
Announcement |
Does not apply to generic (pre-recorded) announcements |
TF90025 |
TF90125 |
In Route Announcements (Other Languages) |
Announcement |
Optional. Does not apply to generic (pre-recorded) announcements |
TF90226 |
In Route Announcements (Initial 30 Seconds) |
Announcement Played initial 30 seconds |
TF90227 |
In Route Announcements (Each Additional 6 Seconds) |
Announcement Played additional 6 seconds |
TF90028 |
Vanity Toll Free Number |
Number |
Optional, NSP. The contractor shall provide agency-requested “vanity” toll-free numbers (e.g., 1-800-CALL-GSA), if available. |
TF90031 |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Dedicated or Shared |
Application |
TF90132 |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Dedicated |
Port |
TF90232 |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Shared |
6 seconds |
TF90138 |
Language Interpretation Service (Spanish) |
Month |
TF90239 |
Language Interpretation Service (Spanish) |
Minute |
TF90140 |
Language Interpretation Service (Other Languages) |
Month |
Optional, ICB |
TF90241 |
Language Interpretation Service (Other Languages) |
Minute |
Optional, ICB |
TF90042 |
Make Busy Arrangement |
Each |
NSP. For use with dedicated access facilities only |
TF90043 |
TF90143 |
Network Call Distributor – Host-based |
Concurrent user |
ICB. The concurrent user count for pricing is the maximum number of simultaneous users. |
TF90044 |
TF90144 |
Network Call Distributor – Premises-based |
Concurrent user |
ICB. The concurrent user count for pricing is the maximum number of simultaneous users |
TF90045 |
Network Queuing - Per Toll Free Number |
Service Initiation |
Optional |
TF90146 |
Network Queuing - Per Toll Free Number |
Number |
Optional |
TF90247 |
Network Queuing - Per Toll Free Number |
6 seconds |
Optional |
TF90048 |
NPA/NXX Routing |
Each |
TF90049 |
TF90149 |
Office Locator Database |
Application |
NRC is initiation charge |
TF90050 |
Office Locator Database Service Change |
Application |
TF90053 |
Percentage Call Allocation |
Each |
TF90054 |
Real Time Reporting |
Each |
TF90155 |
Real Time reporting, unlimited access |
Month |
TF90256 |
Routing Control (Initial hour) |
Initial hour or fraction thereof for terminal connect time in a billing month |
TF90257 |
Routing Control (Additional minutes) |
Additional minute of terminal connect time in a billing month |
TF90058 |
TF90158 |
Service Assurance Routing |
Arrangement |
NRC is initiation charge |
TF90059 |
Speech Recognition - Shared or Dedicated |
Application |
TF90260 |
Speech Recognition - Shared |
6 seconds |
TF90261 |
Speech Recognition - Dedicated |
Port |
TF90062 |
Tailored Call Coverage per Toll-Free Number |
Number |
TF90163 |
Tailored Call Coverage per Toll-Free Number |
Number |
TF90064 |
Time of Day Routing |
Each |
TF90065 |
Virtual Call Queue |
Service Initiation |
TF90166 |
Virtual Call Queue |
Arrangement |
TF90267 |
Virtual Call Queue |
Call |
TF90069 |
TF90169 |
Enhanced Transfer |
Arrangement |
TF90270 |
Blind Transfer |
Transfer |
Requires Enhanced Transfer arrangement |
TF90271 |
Supervised Transfer |
Transfer |
Requires Enhanced Transfer arrangement |
TF90272 |
Conference Transfer |
Transfer |
Requires Enhanced Transfer arrangement |
TFS Features: Reports |
TF99001 |
TF99101 |
Call Status Report – Toll-Free Service |
Report |
TF99002 |
TF99102 |
Call Status Report – Alternate Routing |
Report |
TF99003 |
TF99103 |
Call Status Report – Announcement |
Report |
TF99004 |
TF99104 |
Call Status Report – Call Prompter |
Report |
TF99005 |
TF99105 |
Call Status Report – IVR |
Report |
TF99006 |
TF99106 |
Caller Information Report |
Report |
TF99007 |
TF99107 |
Caller Profile Report |
Report |
TF99008 |
TF99108 |
Call Redirection Report |
Report |
Optional |
TF99209 |
Custom Reporting |
Report |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by TFS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. TFS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TFS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
TF99990 |
TF99991 |
TF99992 |
TFS Task Order Unique |
B.2.2.4 Circuit Switched Data Service
The technical requirements for Circuit Switched Data Service (CSDS) are defined in Section C.2.2.4.
B. Switched Data Service Price Structure
CSDS data calls shall be priced based on one or more of three components: 1) originating access, 2) transport, and 3) features. Originating access may be switched (i.e., off-net switched access or switched access with pre-subscription to contractor, designated as on-net switched access) or dedicated. For calls originated over a switched access arrangement, the originating and terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. For calls originating over a dedicated access arrangement, the dedicated access costs are not included in CSDS pricing and are not covered in this section. Price tables for dedicated access arrangements are located in Section B.2.9.
Any SRE required for the contractor’s provision of CSDS dedicated access is located in Section B.2.10. All other CSDS-related price tables are located in this section. With the exception of any dedicated access costs at the call terminating location, all other terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. Transport prices shall be usage-based in six-second increments.
The minimum required initial billing period for all calls shall not exceed the number of six-second increments shown in Table B. This applies to all usage-based billing associated with a CSDS call.
B. Minimum Billing Increments for Usage-Based Billing on Circuit Switched Data Service Calls Table
From |
To |
Minimum Increments for Initial Period |
Domestic |
Domestic |
1 |
Domestic |
Non-domestic |
3 |
Non-domestic |
Domestic, Non-domestic |
5 |
B. CONUS to CONUS Circuit Switched Data Service Pricing Components
For all CONUS to CONUS calls (i.e., calls that originate and terminate at CONUS locations) two different call types shall be priced: 1) for calls using switched originating access and 2) for calls using dedicated originating access. Each call type shall be postalized across all CONUS locations, and shall not include a time-of-day price differential.
B. OCONUS and Non-Domestic Circuit Switched Data Service Pricing Components
B. CONUS to OCONUS and Non-Domestic Calls
The basic service price for CSDS connections that originate from a CONUS location at one end and terminate at a OCONUS or non-domestic location at the other shall be priced on a basis similar to CONUS calls (i.e., two different call types shall be priced per terminating non-CONUS country/jurisdiction): 1) pricing for calls using switched originating access, and 2) pricing for calls using dedicated originating access.
Switched originating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing; dedicated originating access costs are not included in CSDS pricing and are not covered in this section. Price tables for dedicated access and any associated SRE are located in Sections B.2.9 and B.2.10. All other terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. Transport prices shall be usage-based in six-second increments, with per-call minimum increments as defined in Table B. Pricing shall be provided on a per-termination country/jurisdiction basis. No time-of-day pricing differential shall be permitted.
B. OCONUS or Non-Domestic to CONUS Calls
The basic service price for CSDS connections that originate from an OCONUS or non- domestic location at one end and terminate at a CONUS location at the other shall be priced on a basis similar to CONUS to CONUS calls, i.e., two different call types shall be priced per-originating OCONUS or non-domestic country/jurisdiction: 1) pricing for calls using switched originating access and 2) pricing for calls using dedicated originating access. Pricing shall be provided on a per-originating country/jurisdiction basis. No time-of-day pricing differential shall be permitted. Switched originating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. Dedicated originating access costs are not included in CSDS pricing and are not covered in this section. Any charges for domestic dedicated access arrangements at the terminating location are not included in the CSDS pricing. All other originating and terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. Transport prices shall be usage-based in six- second increments, with per-call minimum increments as defined in Table B.
Pricing shall be provided on a per-originating country/jurisdiction basis. No time-of-day pricing differential shall be permitted.
B. OCONUS or Non-Domestic to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Calls
The basic service price for CSDS connections that originate from an OCONUS or non- domestic location at one end and terminate at an OCONUS or non-domestic location at the other shall be priced on a basis similar to CONUS to CONUS calls, i.e., two different call types shall be priced per-originating OCONUS or non-domestic country/jurisdiction: 1) pricing for calls using switched originating access and 2) pricing for calls using dedicated originating access. Switched originating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing; dedicated originating access costs are not included in CSDS pricing and are not covered in this section. Any charges for OCONUS or non-domestic dedicated access arrangements at the terminating location are not included in the CSDS pricing. All other originating and terminating access costs shall be included in the transport pricing. Transport prices shall be usage-based in six-second increments, with per call minimum increments as defined in Table B.
Transport pricing shall be listed on a country/jurisdiction-to-country/jurisdiction basis between the countries/jurisdictions involved in the call. No time-of-day pricing differential shall be permitted.
B. Switched Data Service Access Prices
Originating and/or terminating switched access costs for CSDS shall be included in transport prices found in Section B. Pricing for a domestic dedicated access arrangement connection to the CSDS transport network may be provided in Section B.2.9. No separate CSDS pricing shall be permitted for terminating access.
B. Switched Data Service Transport Prices
Tables B. through Table B. define the formats for transport pricing information for CSDS domestic and non-domestic connections. Pricing instructions are provided in B. All CSDS transport prices shall be billed in six-second increments. A minimum number of billing increments per call for transport shall be set at the levels defined in Table B. The pricing tables applicable to all categories of OCONUS or non-domestic transport (outbound, inbound, and OCONUS or non-domestic to OCONUS or non-domestic) are listed in Table B.
B. OCONUS and Non-Domestic Transport Category Price Table Cross-Reference
From Location |
To Location |
Table |
B. |
OCONUS or Non-Domestic |
B. |
OCONUS or Non- Domestic |
B. |
OCONUS or Non- Domestic |
OCONUS or Non-Domestic |
B. |
CONUS CSDS usage pricing shall be based on a fixed per six-second charge for all local toll and long distance calls.
B. Circuit Switched Data Service CONUS Transport Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Circuit Switched Data Service CONUS to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Transport Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Circuit Switched Data Service OCONUS or Non-Domestic to CONUS Transport Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Circuit Switched Data Service OCONUS or Non-Domestic to OCONUS or Non-Domestic Transport Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Originating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Circuit Switched Data Service Transport Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
CS20001 |
Switched Access, DS0 origination |
6 second increment |
CS20101 |
Dedicated Access, DS0 origination |
6 second increment |
B. Switched Data Service Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing CSDS TUCs. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Circuit Switched Data Service TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Circuit Switched Data Service TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CS99990 |
CS99991 |
CS99992 |
CSDS Task Order Unique |
B.2.3 Contact Center Service
The technical requirements for Contact Center Service (CCS) are defined in Section C.2.3.
B.2.3.1 CCS Price Structure
The mandatory price structure for CCS varies by type of service and includes the following elements:
1. NRC for one-time service initiation charge
2. NRC based on the number of concurrent agents
3. MRC based on the number of concurrent agents
4. Feature Charges (composed of NRC, MRC, and/or Usage Charges)
Pricing for access and transport required to connect to the contractor’s network shall not be included in CCS pricing.
The contractor shall use the SRE Catalog pricing for all necessary equipment described in Section B.2.10, including terminal devices and software for CCS.
B.2.3.2 CCS Basic Service Prices
CCS basic service shall apply only to inbound voice calls, and shall exclude network connectivity services (e.g., PSTN and data network connectivity services). Additional components, such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR), email, text chat (web chat), and web collaboration, shall be priced as CCS features.
A terminal device is a phone, IP phone or soft phone that is installed and configured in the contact center. An IVR shall not be considered as a terminal device. An agent is a call answering resource that is logged into the call routing system (e.g., the ACD) at the same time as other call answering resources. The number of concurrent agents is always less than or equal to the number of terminal devices and equates to the maximum number of simultaneous agents.
For all the CCS delivery methods, the contractor shall provide an ICB NRC for a one-time service initiation charge that includes system design and integration and software development.
For the Premises-based CCS delivery method only, this ICB NRC shall additionally include the initial installation of any routing and distribution equipment. The contractor shall charge an NRC for each terminal device as defined in the SRE Catalog in Section B.2.10, and an NRC for each concurrent user.
For Premises-based, the contractor shall provide two types of NRCs for active agents:
1. Initial provisioning
2. Incremental provisioning
Premises-based NRCs for initial provisioning shall be determined from the corresponding volume range containing the number of active agents requested in the initial order. Premises-based NRCs for incremental provisioning have no volume bands.
The contractor shall also provide a Premises-based MRC for each active agent. For each contact center, the contractor shall determine the MRCs for each month from the corresponding volume range that contains the maximum number of active agents for that month.
Host-based NRCs will be used by agencies for both the initial and incremental (or subsequent) provisioning of terminal devices and concurrent users for their contact center. The Host-based NRC shall be determined from the corresponding volume range containing the number of concurrent users (active agents) in that order.
The contractor shall also provide a Host-based MRC for each terminal device as defined in the SRE Catalog in Section B.2.10 and an MRC for each active agent. For each contact center, the contractor shall determine the MRCs for each month from the corresponding volume range that contains the maximum number of active agents for that month.
Basic and Advanced Call Answering Service shall be priced as ICBs for both Premises-based and Host-based CCS services as appropriate.
B. Call Management Service
Tables B. and B. provide the formats for pricing information for Host-based CCS. Tables B. and B. provide applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for Host-based CCS.
B. Host-Based Service Initiation Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Host-Based Active Agents Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Band Low |
Band High |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Host-Based Service Initiation Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC00001 |
Host-Based Service Initiation Charge |
Service Initiation |
B. Host-Based Active Agents Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
CC00002 |
CC00102 |
Host-Based Call Management Active Agents |
Active Agent |
B. Call Management Service
Tables B. and B. provide the formats for pricing information for Premises-based CCS. Tables B. through B. provide applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for Premises-based CCS.
B. Premises-Based Service Initiation Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Premises-Based Active Agents Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Band Low |
Band High |
VariablePrice |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Premises-Based Service Initiation Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC00020 |
Premises-Based Service Initiation Charge |
Service Initiation |
B. Premises-Based Active Agents Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
CC00021 |
CC00121 |
Premises-Based Call Management Active Agents |
Active Agent |
B. NRC for Incremental Premises-Based Active Agents Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
CC00030 |
Incremental Premises-Based Active Agents |
Active Agent |
B. Call Answering Service
There are two CCS Call Answering Service types: 1) Premises-based and 2) Host-based. Host-based CCS has two types of call answering: 1) Basic Call Answering, and 2) Advanced Call Answering. Table B. provides the Premises-based and Host-based pricing information formats. Table B. provides the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for Basic and Advanced Call Answering Service, which shall consist of the labor rates for various categories provided in Section B.2.11.
B. CCS Call Answering Service Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. CCS Call Answering Service Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC00050 |
CC00150 |
Premises-Based – Call Answering Service |
Service initiation; Month |
CC00051 |
CC00151 |
Host-Based – Call Answering Service |
Service initiation; Month |
B. Feature Prices
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for CCS features. Table B. and Table B. provide applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for the Host-based and Premises-based CCS features, respectively. Each feature table identifies all of the features that apply to a particular service delivery method. Table B. provides the list of features that apply to Host-based CCS, and Table B. provides features that apply to Premises-based CCS. Since some features apply to more than one service delivery method, some feature CLINs appear in more than one pricing instructions table.
Each CLIN may have only one price in Table B. for a given date range. The Charging Unit column defines the charging unit, identifies the ICB CLINs, and identifies CLINs that are one-time charges at service initiation with the phrase “service initiation charge.” For the features with ICB NRCs, the contractor shall include application development in the NRCs. Custom Reporting is provided as an ICB feature CLIN.
Scheduled call answering resources are defined as the number of resources that will be managed using the Workforce Management feature.
Prices for the transcription requirements listed in the description of the IVR feature (Section C. Features, item #14) may be found in Section B. (TFS Features) with the pricing for the Call Prompter feature.
Usage CLINs have charging units of six-second increments.
B. CCS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Host-Based CCS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC90001 |
CC90101 |
Call Recording and Monitoring – Host-Based |
Service initiation; Month |
CC90002 |
CC90102 |
Collaborative Browsing – Host-Based |
Active agent |
CC90003 |
CC90103 |
CTI – Host-Based |
Service initiation; Month |
CC90004 |
CC90104 |
Customer Contact Application – Host-Based |
Service initiation; active agent |
CC90005 |
CC90105 |
Email Response Management – Host-Based |
Active agent |
CC90006 |
CC90206 |
IVR – Shared |
Service initiation; 6 seconds |
CC90007 |
CC90207 |
IVR – Speech Recognition – Shared |
Service initiation; 6 seconds |
CC90008 |
CC90108 |
IVR – Agency Based Database (Host Connect) – Host-Based |
Service initiation; port |
CC90011 |
Language Interpretation Service – Host-Based |
Service initiation |
CC90212 |
Spanish Language Interpretation Service (DNBH*) – Host-Based |
6 seconds |
CC90213 |
Spanish Language Interpretation Service (ONBH**) – Host-Based |
6 seconds |
CC90214 |
Other Language Interpretation Service (DNBH*) – Host-Based |
6 seconds |
Optional, ICB |
CC90215 |
Other Language Interpretation Service (ONBH**) – Host-Based |
6 seconds |
Optional, ICB |
CC90016 |
Outbound Dialer – Host-Based |
Instance |
CC90017 |
Text Chat (Web Chat) – Host-Based |
Instance |
CC90018 |
Web Call Back – Host-Based |
Service initiation |
CC90019 |
Web Call Through – Host-Based |
Service initiation |
CC90020 |
CC90120 |
Workforce Management – Host-Based |
Scheduled call answering resource |
CC90021 |
CC90121 |
Knowledge Management – Host-Based |
Each |
CC90022 |
CC90122 |
Custom Reporting – Host-Based |
Report |
CC90023 |
CC90123 |
CC90223 |
Virtual Call Queue – Host- Based |
Service initiation; Arrangement; Call |
MRC is ICB |
* DNBH = During Normal Business Hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Eastern Time) ** ONBH = Outside Normal Business Hours (5:01 p.m. to 7:59 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday Eastern Time)
B. Premises-Based CCS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC92001 |
CC92101 |
Call Recording and Monitoring – Premises-Based |
Service initiation; Month |
CC92002 |
CC92102 |
Collaborative Browsing – Premises-Based |
Active agent |
CC92003 |
CC92103 |
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) – Premises-Based |
Service initiation; Month |
CC92004 |
CC92104 |
Customer Contact Application – Premises-Based |
Service initiation; Active agent |
CC92005 |
CC92105 |
E Mail Response Management – Premises-Based |
Active agent |
CC92006 |
CC92106 |
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) – Dedicated |
Service initiation; Port |
CC92007 |
CC92107 |
IVR – Speech Recognition – Dedicated |
Service initiation; Port |
CC92008 |
CC92108 |
IVR – Agency Based Database (Host Connect) – Premises-Based |
Service initiation; port |
CC92011 |
Language Interpretation Service – Premises-Based |
Service initiation |
CC92212 |
Spanish Language Interpretation Service (DNBH*) – Premises-Based |
6 seconds |
CC92213 |
Spanish Language Interpretation Service (ONBH**) – Premises-Based |
6 seconds |
CC92214 |
Other Language Interpretation Service (DNBH*) – Premises-Based |
6 seconds |
Optional, ICB |
CC92215 |
Other Language Interpretation Service (ONBH**) – Premises-Based |
6 seconds |
Optional, ICB |
CC92016 |
Outbound Dialer – Premises-Based |
Instance |
CC92017 |
Text Chat (Web Chat) – Premises-Based |
Instance |
CC92018 |
Web Call Back – Premises – Based |
Service initiation |
CC92019 |
Web Call Through – Premises-Based |
Service initiation |
CC92020 |
CC92120 |
Workforce Management – Premises-Based |
Scheduled call answering resource |
CC92021 |
CC92121 |
Knowledge Management – Premises-Based |
Each |
CC92022 |
CC92122 |
Custom Reporting – Premises-Based |
Report |
CC92023 |
CC92123 |
CC92223 |
Virtual Call Queue – Premises-Based |
Service initiation; Arrangement; Call |
MRC is ICB |
* DNBH = During Normal Business Hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Eastern Time) ** ONBH = Outside Normal Business Hours (5:01 p.m. to 7:59 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday Eastern Time)
B.2.3.3 CCS Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by CCS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CC99990 |
CC99991 |
CC99992 |
CCS Task Order Unique |
B.2.4 Colocated Hosting Service
The technical requirements for Colocated Hosting Service (CHS) are defined in Section C.2.4.
B.2.4.1 CHS Price Structure
The price structure for CHS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Usage charges for additional bandwidth
4. Feature Charges
When access is required or requested by the customer, then the access prices in Section B.2.9 shall be used.
Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B.2.4.2 CHS Basic Service Prices
The prices for CHS are applicable to all domestic locations. The contractor shall charge a monthly recurring charge for rack space (see Section C.2.4.1). This charge shall include all elements necessary to provide the services, such as building/facilities, power systems, fire suppression, cooling systems and security. The full rack space monthly price includes basic power options of 110V/208V/220V/240V, 20A/30A, single phase/three phase, as required. Non-basic power is ICB. Internet connectivity bandwidth to the government applications servers on the contractors’ racks is priced separately. The contractor may charge an NRC for installation or initiation of service.
The monthly Internet usage shall be determined by the 95th percentile method, where the usage shall be measured daily every five minutes. The top 5% of monthly usage shall be discarded and the maximum usage remaining, representing the 95th percentile, shall be designated as the Internet usage amount for the month.
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for CHS. Instruction tables B. and B. provide the pricing information and charging units for CHS. The monthly Internet usage charge shall be based on the usage bands identified in Instruction table B. The customer may purchase SRE, such as a server or group of servers, from the SRE Catalog (see Section B.2.10).
B. Basic Service Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Used for Individual Case Basis (ICB) priced items
B. Pricing Instructions Table – Rack Space
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CH11003 |
CH12003 |
Full Rack Space* |
Full Rack |
6 shelves (72” x 19” x 32”). CH12003 Includes basic power. |
CH11004 |
CH12004 |
Custom Colocation Center Build-out and Support |
CH11005 |
CH13005 |
Non-Basic Power |
CH11006 |
CH12006 |
Cross Connect (Twisted Pair) |
Connection |
CH11007 |
CH12007 |
Cross Connect (Coax Cable) |
Connection |
CH11008 |
CH12008 |
Cross Connect (Fiber) |
Connection |
CH11009 |
CH12009 |
Connection |
* See Electronic Industry Association (EIA)-310 for rack space specifications
B. Pricing Instructions Table – Internet Bandwidth Usage
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CH21002 |
CH22002 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – maximum 10 Mbps, initial 1 Mbps |
Connection |
Requires CH23002 |
CH23002 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – usage above 1 Mbps up to and including 10 Mbps |
1 Mbps |
Requires CH21002 and CH22002 |
CH21003 |
CH22003 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – maximum 100 Mbps, initial 10 Mbps |
Connection |
Requires CH23003 |
CH23003 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – usage above 10 Mbps up to and including 100 Mbps |
10 Mbps |
Requires CH21003 and CH22003 |
CH21004 |
CH22004 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – maximum 1 Gbps, initial 100 Mbps |
Connection |
Requires CH23004 |
CH23004 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – usage above 100 Mbps up to and including 1 Gbps |
100 Mbps |
Requires CH21004 and CH22004 |
CH21005 |
CH22005 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – maximum 10 Gbps, initial 1 Gbps |
Connection |
Requires CH23005 |
CH23005 |
Dedicated burstable Internet bandwidth – usage above 1 Gbps up to and including 10 Gbps |
1 Gbps |
Requires CH21005 and CH22005 |
CH21006 |
CH22006 |
Specialized Dedicated Burstable Internet Bandwidth |
Connection |
B.2.4.3 CHS Feature Prices
Table B. provides the format for pricing the features supported by CHS. Instruction table B. provides the pricing information and charging unit. Note that those features that are not separately priced are identified by the term “NSP” in their price column.
B. Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CH32001 |
CH31001 |
Basic Subscriber Line |
Line |
CH32002 |
CH31002 |
Cabinets |
Cabinet |
CH32003 |
CH31003 |
Cages |
Cage |
CH32004 |
CH31004 |
Host Administrative Tasks |
Server |
On behalf of the agency, IDC staff shall intervene
and perform minor unscheduled tasks including: |
CH31010 |
Periodic Hardware Check (Ping) |
Address |
CH31020 |
Reporting |
Report |
NSP. Price included in MRC (CH12003) |
B.2.4.4 CHS Task Order Unique CLINs
Tables B. provides the format for pricing TUCs associated with CHS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CH99990 |
CH99991 |
CH99992 |
CHS Task Order Unique |
B.2.5 Cloud Service
B.2.5.1 Cloud Service Price Structure
The government requires a catalog pricing approach for these cloud service types:
1. The technical requirements for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are defined in Section C.2.5.1.
2. The technical requirements for Platform as a Service (PaaS) are described in Section C.2.5.2.
3. The technical requirements for Software as a Service (SaaS) are described in Section C.2.5.3.
B.2.5.2 Cloud Service Catalog Requirements for Pricing Information
Cloud services represent a wide array of services and service variations. Many providers offer permutations and combinations of a core set of services, as well as special tailored services. The needs of users may vary considerably. Accordingly, for pricing purposes, contractors shall provide a Cloud Service Catalog consistent with the service requirements found in C.2.5, and with the pricing catalog requirements found in Section B.1.3.
The Cloud Service Catalog provided by the contractor shall, at a minimum, contain the data elements defined in the tables below.
When Cloud Service offerings include equipment, all related equipment or equipment features shall be identified and priced in accordance with the SRE requirements in Section B.2.10.
When Cloud Service-related labor is offered, then labor rates shall be specified and priced in accordance with Section B.2.11.
Otherwise, Cloud Service prices for non-labor and non-SRE elements shall be determined from the catalog based on the information required as shown in Table B. below. The contractor shall identify the trade name(s) for the OLP. Charging mechanisms for the Cloud Service Catalog are provided in Table B.
Additional discounts or reduced prices may be negotiated at the time of TO award between the ordering agency and the contractor.
B. Service Catalog – Service Specification Table
Case Number |
Service Description* |
Vendor Unique ID (e.g., SKU)** |
No List Price*** |
Service Class ID |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
End of Sale Date**** |
End of Life Date***** |
Notes |
(from Table |
* Descriptions shall be sufficiently complete that all capabilities and limitations of the cloud service, as priced, are clear to the government ** Vendor Unique ID is any method of unambiguously identifying items in the catalog. *** “T” if the price appearing in the OLP column is not an official list price, “F” otherwise **** The End of Sale Date shall be the effective date after which an item may no longer be purchased. Stop Date shall not be later than End of Sale Date. ***** The End of Life Date shall be the effective date after which an item is no longer supported by the contractor
The discount to be applied to the OLP is determined by the Service Class, the elements of which are shown below in Table B. The Cloud Service NRC, MRC and/or Usage price shall be the OLP, less the discount for the service class. If no Official List Price exists, the contractor shall specify its price in the OLP column, populate the No List Price column with “T”, and assign a Service Class ID where the discount is 0% (i.e., Service Class 1000).
B. Service Catalog – Service Class Discount Table
Service Class ID* |
Service Class Description** |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
1000 |
Non-discounted |
0 |
1001 |
… |
1999 |
* The number of service classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown ** The service class description and the percentage discount for each service class shall be constant and fixed through the life of the contract, unless changed by contract modification (the Start and Stop Dates shall only apply when a change is caused by contract modification).
The Service Class discount and catalog price shall not vary by geographic location.
B. Service Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
IA90001 |
IaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
IA90002 |
IaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
IA90003 |
Usage |
IaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
PA90001 |
PaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
PA90002 |
PaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
PA90003 |
Usage |
PaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
SS90001 |
SaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
SS90002 |
SaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
SS90003 |
Usage |
SaaS Cloud Service Catalog Item |
B. Service Task Order Unique CLINs
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing Cloud Service TUCs. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Cloud Service TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Cloud Service TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
IA99990 |
IA99991 |
IA99992 |
IaaS Task Order Unique |
PA99990 |
PA99991 |
PA99992 |
PaaS Task Order Unique |
SS99990 |
SS99991 |
SS99992 |
SaaS Task Order Unique |
B.2.5.3 Content Delivery Network Service
The technical requirements for Content Delivery Network Service (CDNS) are defined in Section C.2.5.4. CDNS data transfer pricing is based on the Content Delivery Network (CDN) node location from where the transfers are served, not the end user’s location. All transfers shall be serviced from a CONUS location.
B. Price Structure
CDNS shall be priced based on a banded price structure. Prices for a given usage level shall be calculated by summing the bands for all lesser usage bands times their unit price per band, and then adding the increment of usage above the band minimum within the band where the given usage falls times the band unit price. These prices shall not include the cost of reading data from storage and transferring data from storage to CDN.
The CDNS price table shall be completed using the contractor’s banding structure. In order to correctly price the cumulative price bands, each band shall include a fixed price and a variable price component. Table B. provides the price table followed by an example of the banding structure.
B. CDNS Price Table
Task Order Number |
Band Low |
Band High |
Fixed Price Element |
$/GB Variable Price Element |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
Table B. provides a CDNS pricing example that includes 4 bands. Using Table B., the price (P) for a given amount of data transferred (T) shall be determined by the formula Pn = Fn + (T-Ln)*Vn where n is the number of the price table row where T lies within the Band Low and Band High, according to the rules specified in Section B.1.2.4.
B. CDNS Pricing Example
Task Order Number |
Band Low |
Band High |
Fixed Price Element |
$/GB Variable Price Element |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
L1=0 |
H1 |
F1=0 |
V1 |
L2 |
H2 |
F2=H1*V1 |
V2 |
L3 |
H3 |
F3=F2+(H2-H1)*V2 |
V3 |
L4 |
H4 |
F4=F3+(H3-H2)*V3 |
V4 |
The contractor shall complete the CDNS price table using its banding structure. Table B. provides the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
B. CDNS Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
CD00100 |
CDNS Outbound Data |
GB |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing CDNS TUCs. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. CDNS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. CDNS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CD99990 |
CD99991 |
CD99992 |
CDNS Task Order Unique |
B.2.6 Wireless Service
The technical requirements for Wireless Service (MWS) are defined in Section C.2.6. These include services offered by the cellular industry.
The price structure for MWS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Usage charges
All MRC prices are per device unless specified otherwise. Features are normally separately priced, although some features are defined as NSP. Domestic roaming fees and domestic roaming usage charges are not permitted. For MWS, domestic is defined as the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Bandwidth throttling (intentional slowing of data speeds by the service provider) is not permitted.
A contractor may prohibit unlimited data add-on or data only plans from being purchased for machine-to-machine (M2M) or similar types of applications (e.g., automated video feeds), or as a substitute for a private line or a dedicated data connection. In these cases, the customer may purchase a limited data add-on or data only plan or obtain an M2M plan.
Services may be suspended by a customer up to the maximum number of days allowed per 47 C.F.R. 52.15(f)(1)(vi) (180 days as of May 2015) without incurring any fees, subscription or usage charges during the suspension period.
B.2.6.1 Domestic Mobile Voice Service
The Domestic Mobile Voice Service listed below can be ordered as a standalone service or with Data Add-on Services.
B. Mobile Voice Service Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Mobile Voice Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
WL00001 |
Unlimited voice with unlimited SMS and MMS messaging services. |
Line |
B.2.6.2 Domestic Mobile Data Add-on Services
All Mobile Data Add-on Services (for smart phones) must be ordered with Voice Service. A personal hotspot shall be included at no additional cost with all Mobile Data Add-on Plans, except Unlimited Data.
The data allocations from all plans except Unlimited Data are pooled or added together across the agency(s) or entity(s) defined in the TO. Thus, if a 3 GB plan is ordered for one device and a 5 GB plan is ordered for another device, the pool of data that could be used between the two devices is 8 GB before any overages are paid. The contractor shall allocate overages only to those users who have exceeded their individual share of the pool, that is, without applying overage charges to any users who have not exceeded their own share. The data used for Personal Hotspots will be subtracted from the base Data Add-on plan except in the case of when the Personal Hotspot feature is ordered with the Unlimited Data Add-on plan. In that case, the data used will be subtracted from the Personal Hotspot data allowance (5 GB minimum). Any Personal Hotspot overages may be billed via CLIN WL00020 Pooling Overage for Data Add-on.
B. Mobile Data Add-on Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Mobile Data Add-on Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
WL00010 |
1 GB Data Add-on Pooling |
Line |
WL00011 |
3 GB Data Add-on Pooling |
Line |
WL00012 |
5 GB Data Add-on Pooling |
Line |
WL00013 |
10 GB Data Add-on Pooling |
Line |
WL00020 |
Usage |
Pooling Overage for Data Add-on |
GB |
WL00030 |
Unlimited Data Add-on |
Line |
B.2.6.3 Domestic Mobile Data Only Service
Domestic Mobile Data Only Service may not be ordered with Domestic Mobile Voice Service. As with Data Add-on Services, the data allocations from all data only plans, except Unlimited Data, are pooled or added together across the agency or customer. A hotspot shall be included at no additional cost with all data only plans.
B. Mobile Data Only Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Mobile Data Only Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
WL00100 |
1 GB Data Only Pooling |
Line |
WL00101 |
3 GB Data Only Pooling |
Line |
WL00102 |
5 GB Data Only Pooling |
Line |
WL00103 |
10 GB Data Only Pooling |
Line |
WL00110 |
Usage |
Pooling Overage for Data Only |
GB |
WL00120 |
Unlimited Data Only (may be limited to a single user per data session) |
Line |
B.2.6.4 Pricing Catalog Requirements
For Domestic to Non-Domestic Calls and for International Roaming services offered via a catalog, the contractor shall develop and maintain an online catalog of offerings and pricing in accordance with B.1.3.
The MWS catalogs provided by the contractor shall, at a minimum, contain the data elements defined in the tables below. For Domestic to Non-Domestic Calling, this information includes the Country or Jurisdiction ID being called and the termination method (when there is a pricing difference between wireless and wireline termination). For International Mobile Roaming, it includes the Country or Jurisdiction ID from which a communications originated and the relevant number of minutes/texts/MBs. Other information may be provided by the contractor at its option.
Catalog prices for Domestic to Non-Domestic Calls and for International Roaming shall be based on a discount from the Official List Price (OLP). The Class Discount ID determines the discount to be applied to the OLP. The contractor shall identify the trade name(s) for the OLP.
B.2.6.5 Domestic to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling
The Domestic to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling Catalog pricing in Table B. shall be based on a discount from the contractor’s official supplier’s best list price. Discount classes shall be specified in Table B. Charging mechanisms are provided in Table B. Catalog items in Table B. shall be priced per minute.
B. to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling Catalog Table
Case Number |
Plan Description |
Terminating Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
OLP Type** |
Class Discount ID*** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 ** Use “WIRELESS” if OLP column contains a wireless termination OLP, or “WIRELINE” if OLP column contains a wireline termination OLP
*** From Table B.
B. to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling Class Discount Table
Class Discount ID* |
Class Description |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
2000 |
… |
2999 |
* The number of calling classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown
B. to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling Instruction Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL01001 |
Usage |
Domestic to Non-Domestic Mobile Calling Catalog Item |
Minute |
B.2.6.6 International Mobile Roaming (Optional)
International Mobile Roaming plans (from Non-Domestic to either Domestic or Non-Domestic) shall cover voice calls, messaging, multimedia, and data. They may be purchased independently from any domestic service. There are two types of plans:
1) Data bucket and unlimited plans that cover one or more specified countries
2) Catalog plans
For all plans, the contractor shall provide website links to describe the following:
· The coverage within each country
· Any device requirements to obtain coverage in a country
· Partner Wi-Fi hotspots that are available at no extra cost
For each bucket and unlimited plan excluding the Canada & Mexico plan, the contractor shall list the countries included in the plan and maintain a website link to that list. If usage from a foreign country is included as part of a domestic service plan, then any usage from that country shall be billed against the domestic usage plan, and International Mobile Roaming charges are not applicable.
Both the International Mobile Roaming Bucket and Unlimited Prices Table and the International Mobile Roaming Catalog Table are optional. Therefore, one of the tables may be offered without offering the other table.
B. Mobile Roaming Bucket and Unlimited Prices Table (Optional)
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Mobile Roaming Bucket and Unlimited Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL01100 |
Canada & Mexico 150 MB Data: 150 MB of data, unlimited messaging, and unlimited Wi-Fi. |
Line |
WL01101 |
Usage |
Data Overage per MB for Canada & Mexico 150 MB Data Plan |
MB |
WL01102 |
Usage |
Voice Access for Canada & Mexico 150 MB Data Plan |
Minute |
WL01110 |
Global* 300 MB Data: 300 MB of data, unlimited messaging, and unlimited Wi-Fi. |
Line |
WL01111 |
Usage |
Data Overage for Global 300 MB Data Plan |
MB |
WL01112 |
Usage |
Voice Access for Global 300 MB Data Plan |
Minute |
WL01120 |
Global* 800 MB Data: 800 MB of data, unlimited messaging, and unlimited Wi-Fi. |
Line |
Optional |
WL01121 |
Usage |
Data Overage for Global 800 MB Data Plan |
MB |
Optional |
WL01122 |
Usage |
Voice Access for Global 800 MB Data Plan |
Minute |
Optional |
WL01130 |
Global* Unlimited Data: Unlimited non-domestic data, unlimited messaging, and unlimited Wi-Fi on partner networks. |
Line |
Optional |
WL01131 |
Usage |
Voice Access for Unlimited Data Plan |
Minute |
Optional |
* Global coverage shall include, at a minimum, the following countries and territories: Canada, China, France, Germany, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands, Midway Island, Wake Island, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, and United Kingdom.
B. Mobile Roaming Catalog Table (Optional)
Case Number |
Plan Description |
Originating Country / Jurisdiction ID* |
Roaming Class ID** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 ** ID from Table B.
B. Mobile Roaming Class Discount Table
Roaming Class ID* |
Class Description |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
3000 |
… |
3999 |
* The number of roaming classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown
B. Mobile Roaming Instruction Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL01201 |
Usage |
International Mobile Voice Roaming Catalog Item |
Minute |
WL01202 |
Usage |
International Mobile Data Roaming Catalog Item |
MB |
WL01203 |
Usage |
International Mobile Roaming Inbound Text Catalog Item |
Message |
WL01204 |
Usage |
International Mobile Roaming Outbound Text Catalog Item |
Message |
B.2.6.7 Wireless Features
The technical requirements for MWS are defined in Section C.2.6. Wireless features shall be listed in the table below.
B. Feature Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL02000 |
Usage |
Wireless Priority Services (WPS) |
Minute |
Mandatory where available. No activation or monthly fee shall be charged. |
WL02001 |
Usage |
Directory Assistance with Call Completion |
Call |
Includes being able to retrieve at least two numbers per call and being connected to one of the requested listings. |
WL02002 |
Domestic to Non-Domestic Calling |
Line |
NSP. If enabled, usage charges apply. See Section B.2.6.5. Allows a user to make non-domestic calls. It shall automatically be included when ordering a voice plan. This feature shall be disabled at agency direction. |
WL02003 |
International Mobile Roaming |
Line |
NSP. If enabled, usage charges apply. See Section B.2.6.6. Allows a user to roam internationally with wireless Internet connectivity and communications capability. It shall automatically be included where available when ordering either a voice or data plan. This feature shall be disabled at agency direction. |
WL02004 |
Personal Hotspot (5GB minimum) – applicable only to the Unlimited Data Add-on plan. |
Line |
Personal hotspots are included with all domestic data plans except unlimited data add-on plans. |
WL02010 |
Push-To-Talk (PTT) with Group Talk |
Line |
Optional. |
B. Machine to Machine Pricing (Optional)
MWS pricing for Machine to Machine (M2M) is listed in the table below.
B. Wireless M2M Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Wireless M2M Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL03000 |
M2M 1 MB: 1 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
WL03001 |
M2M 2 MB: 2 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03002 |
M2M 5 MB: 5 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03003 |
M2M 25 MB: 25 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03004 |
M2M 50 MB: 50 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03005 |
M2M 250 MB: 250 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03006 |
M2M 1 GB: 1 GB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03007 |
M2M 5 GB: 5 GB of data per month for M2M devices. |
Line |
Optional |
WL03020 |
Usage |
M2M Overage ( |
MB |
WL03021 |
Usage |
M2M Overage (> 50 MB) – Overage for plans above 50 MB of data per month for M2M devices. |
MB |
Optional |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing TUCs supported by Wireless. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Wireless TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Wireless TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WL99990 |
WL99991 |
WL99992 |
MWS Task Order Unique |
B.2.7 Commercial Satellite Communications Service
The technical requirements for Commercial Satellite Communications Service (COMSATCOM) are defined in Section C.2.7. The services include Commercial Mobile Satellite Service (CMSS) and Commercial Fixed Satellite Service (CFSS).
The price structure for COMSATCOM includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Usage charges
Features are normally separately priced although some features are defined as NSP. The device equipment required to obtain all services shall be included in the SRE Catalog. Bandwidth throttling (intentional slowing of data speeds by the service provider) is not permitted.
B.2.7.1 Commercial Mobile Satellite Service
Commercial Mobile Satellite Service (CMSS) voice and data pricing is shown in the tables below. Text messages are included under Table B.
Data sent using a voice channel (typically at less than 25 Kbps) is charged by the minute. No activation fees shall be charged. All plans shall include voicemail and incoming text messages at no extra cost.
B. Voice Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Voice Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CM00001 |
0 Minute Plan |
Line |
Basic CMSS access with 0 minutes per month included. |
CM00002 |
Usage |
0 Minute Plan Usage |
Minute |
The cost per minute to initiate or receive a phone call. |
CM00003 |
10 Minute Plan |
Line |
CMSS access with 10 minutes per month included. |
CM00004 |
40 Minute Plan |
Line |
CMSS access with 40 minutes per month included. |
CM00005 |
100 Minute Plan |
Line |
CMSS access with 100 minutes per month included. |
CM00006 |
300 Minute Plan |
Line |
CMSS access with 300 minutes per month included. |
CM00020 |
Usage |
Voice Usage Overage – Applicable to all plans but the 0 Minute Plan |
Minute |
The cost per minute to initiate or receive a phone call beyond the minutes allocated in the voice plan excluding the 0 Minute Plan. |
CM00030 |
Unlimited Voice Plan |
Line |
CMSS access with unlimited number of minutes per month included. |
CM00040 |
Usage |
Outgoing Text Message |
Message |
No charge for inbound text messages. |
B. Data
CMSS data pricing is shown in the tables below. Data plans may be defined by the contractor in its catalog as an add-on to a voice plan. Text messages and data sent using a voice channel shall be included in Table B. No activation fees shall be charged. The data upload and download speeds and global coverage shall be included in the contractor’s proposal. Prepaid and postpaid plans may be offered.
B. Data Pricing Catalog Requirements
The contractor shall develop and maintain an online catalog of offerings and pricing in accordance with Section B.1.3.
The catalog provided by the contractor shall, at a minimum, contain the data elements defined in Table B. below. Catalog service descriptions shall specify the amount of data in MBs or GBs that is included in the catalog item. Agency bills shall also reference these catalog data elements, which will be used to calculate the cost.
Catalog prices shall be based on a discount from the OLP. The Data Class ID determines the discount to be applied to the OLP. The contractor shall identify the trade name(s) for the OLP. Catalog prices shall not vary by geographic location.
B. Data Catalog Table
Case Number |
Service Description |
No List Price* |
Data Class ID** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* “T” if the price appearing in the OLP column is not an official supplier list price, “F” otherwise ** From Table B.
B. Data Class Discount Table
Data Class ID* |
Class Description |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
4000 |
… |
4999 |
* The number of data classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown
B. Data Instruction Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CM90002 |
CMSS Data Catalog Plan |
Line |
CM90003 |
Usage |
CMSS Data Catalog Item |
MB |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing TUCs supported by CMSS. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. CMSS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CM99990 |
CM99991 |
CM99992 |
CMSS Task Order Unique |
B.2.7.2 Commercial Fixed Satellite Service
The first type of pricing for CFSS is ICB for a fixed level of bandwidth and the applicable installation of the equipment as shown Tables B. and B. below.
The second type of pricing for CFSS is for Satellite Internet Service as shown in Tables B. and B. below. The indicated amount of data included in the Satellite Internet Service plan shall be able to be used at any time of the day within domestic regions (as defined in Section B.2.6 of Wireless Service).
B. Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
FS02000 |
CFSS Installation |
Terminal |
FS02001 |
CFSS Bandwidth |
KB |
B. Satellite Internet Prices
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Satellite Internet Pricing Instructions
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
FS00000 |
15 GB per month |
Line |
FS00002 |
30 GB per month |
Line |
FS00004 |
50 GB per month |
Line |
FS00010 |
Usage |
Data Overage |
GB |
FS00020 |
Unlimited Domestic Voice – Includes Call Waiting, Voice Mail, and Caller ID |
Line |
Optional. A data package may be required to be purchased with this CLIN. |
FS00030 |
Unlimited International Voice |
Line |
Optional |
FS00040 |
Installation – Includes connectors and cabling to obtain Internet access. |
Line |
Optional |
B. CFSS Task Order Unique CLINs
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing TUCs supported by CFSS. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.
B. CFSS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. CFSS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
FS99990 |
FS99991 |
FS99992 |
CFSS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8 Managed Services
B.2.8.1 Managed Network Service
The technical requirements for Managed Network Service (MNS) are defined in Section C.2.8.1.
The price structure for MNS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Feature Charges
The prices in this section shall cover only the specific technical requirements in Section C.2.8.1. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Managed Network Service Prices
Full MNS includes the following components:
1. Managed Network Design and Engineering
2. Managed Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance
3. Out-of-Band (OOB) Service
B. Network Design and Engineering
Managed Network Design and Engineering shall be priced ICB as an NRC. Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for Managed Network Design and Engineering. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
B. Managed Network Design and Engineering Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Managed Network Design and Engineering Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MN00001 |
Managed Network Design and Engineering |
Device |
B. Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for Managed Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units. Table B. provides optional charging mechanisms and charging units. Prices exclude the cost of bandwidth SRE and SRE maintenance covered by the SRE’s MMC. A device under MNS is typically a router, switch, or similar equipment at the user’s location that acts as a point of connection between the user’s location and the contractor’s networking service(s) (e.g., VPNS, Ethernet or Private Line Service).
B. Managed Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance Prices Table
Case Number** |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* CLINs are listed in Tables B. and B. ** Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Managed Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance Pricing Instructions Table for Managed Devices
Description |
Charging Unit |
MN11001 |
MN10001 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Extra-Small |
Device |
MN11002 |
MN10002 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Small |
Device |
MN11003 |
MN10003 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Medium |
Device |
MN11004 |
MN10004 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Large |
Device |
MN11005 |
MN10005 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Extra-Large |
Device |
B. Managed Network Implementation, Management and Maintenance Pricing Instructions Table for IP-MPLS Routing
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MN16001 |
MN15001 |
Managed Network Implementation, Maintenance and Management, Base service (IP-MPLS routing)* |
Device |
Optional |
MN16002 |
MN15002 |
Router Security Features – add on to Base Service |
Device |
Optional |
MN16003 |
MN15003 |
Unified Communications Features – add on to Base Service |
Device |
Optional |
* Routers with basic IP-MPLS services use this base CLIN. Additional features include router-based security features and Unified Communications. A router may have none, one, or both additional features listed above.
B. Out-of-Band Service (POTS Line or Wireless Service)
Table B. provides the format for pricing Out-of-Band (OOB) POTS Line or Wireless Service. Table B. provides the pricing instructions.
B. MNS Out-of-Band Access Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country / Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. MNS Out-of-Band Access Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MN21002 |
MN20002 |
CONUS Out-of-Band POTS Line (POTS Line provided by contractor and price includes both line and OOB management) |
Device |
Device is modem - Modem price and maintenance are SRE |
MN21004 |
MN20004 |
OCONUS Out-of-Band POTS Line (POTS Line provided by contractor and price includes both line and OOB management) |
Device |
Device is modem - Modem price and maintenance are SRE |
MN21021 |
MN20021 |
CONUS Wireless Out-of-Band Access (Wireless OOB Access provided by contractor and price includes both OOB wireless service and OOB management) |
Device |
Optional. Device is modem - Modem price and maintenance are SRE |
MN21023 |
MN20023 |
OCONUS Wireless Out-of-Band Access (Wireless OOB Access provided by contractor and price includes both OOB wireless service and OOB management) |
Device |
Optional. Device is modem - Modem price and maintenance are SRE |
B. Features
Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for MNS features. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units for MNS features.
B. MNS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. MNS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MN51001 |
MN50001 |
Government Furnished Property Maintenance |
Device |
MN31001 |
MN30001 |
Agency-Specific Network Operations Center (NOC) |
Proposal |
MN34001 |
MN33001 |
Agency-Specific Security Operations Center (SOC) |
Proposal |
MN52002 |
MN52001 |
Traffic Aggregation Service (DHS)* |
ICB. DHS only |
*The traffic aggregation service may only be ordered by DHS, and costs must be separate and distinct from agency transport costs. Agencies maintain all responsibility for their transport costs. All charges for traffic aggregation service are to be incurred by DHS and none by the agencies.
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by MNS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. MNS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. MNS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MN99990 |
MN99991 |
MN99992 |
MNS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.2 Web Conferencing Service
The technical requirements for the Web Conferencing Service (WCS) are defined in Section C.2.8.2.
B. Conferencing Price Structure
WCS has two pricing options that depend upon the model selected: 1) Subscription Model or 2) Usage Model.
The price structure for WCS includes the following elements:
1. MRC for the Subscription Model
2. Usage charges for the Usage Model
3. Event-based charges
4. Feature charges
WCS may use underlying transport services that may be IP centric (such as VPNS or IPS). Voice or toll-free service may also be used to provide connectivity. These transport services are charged separately.
SRE pricing for the user-to-network interfaces shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Conferencing Basic Service
This section provides pricing instructions for the subscription model.
The subscription model is priced on a monthly basis, and offers unlimited web conferences for a maximum number of concurrent participants as specified by the contractor. The maximum number of active hosts may be unlimited depending upon licensing arrangements.
Table B. provides pricing information for the WCS subscription model. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
B. Web Conferencing Subscription-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Band Low* |
Band High* |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Price bands reflect the number of enterprise subscribers. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. Web Conferencing Subscription-Based Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
WC00001 |
Enterprise license |
Enterprise Subscriber |
B. Conferencing Usage-Based Service
Table B. provides pricing information for WCS usage-based services. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
B. Web Conferencing Usage Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Web Conferencing Usage-Based Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
WC00010 |
WCS Usage |
Minute per participant* |
* Usage minutes shall be multiplied by the number of participants to obtain the quantity for charging purposes
B. Conferencing Service Reservation-Based Events
Table B. provides pricing information for WCS event-based services. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units. An event involving either audio or video streaming may be ordered using the applicable CLIN from Table B. in multiples of 15-minute increments.
B. Web Conferencing Event-Based Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Web Conferencing Event-Based Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
WC00100 |
Audio Streaming (includes visuals) for up to 1000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
WC00102 |
Audio Streaming (includes visuals) for 1001-2000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
WC00104 |
Audio Streaming (includes visuals) for 2001-3000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
WC00110 |
Video Streaming (includes visuals) for up to 1000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
WC00112 |
Video Streaming (includes visuals) for 1001-2000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
WC00114 |
Video Streaming (includes visuals) for 2001-3000 attendees, 15 minute increment |
15 minutes |
B. Conferencing Features
Table B. provides pricing instructions for the features supported by WCS. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units.
B. Web Conferencing Feature Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Web Conferencing Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WC90001 |
Web Based Presentation Additional Storage for Replay |
GB |
Price for initial 90 days included with basic service. The maximum number of increments is 9; one for each month for a total period of 12 months. |
WC90002 |
Usage |
Web Based Presentation Replay |
Each |
B. Conferencing Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by WCS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Web Conferencing TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Web Conferencing TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
WC99990 |
WC99991 |
WC99992 |
WCS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.3 Unified Communications Service
Unified Communication Service (UCS) is an application hosted by the contractor that provides unified communications to multiple users using an agency-provided (managed), contractor-provided (hosted), or hybrid solution. The technical requirements for UCS are defined in Section C.2.8.3.
The price structure for UCS includes the following elements:
1. Design and Engineering
2. Service
B. Communications Design and Engineering Price Structure
Achieving a seamless UCS implementation requires an evaluation of the agency’s current voice, data and applications environments. The CLIN associated with the UCS Design and Engineering service shall be priced ICB. SRE pricing for required equipment (e.g., user interface devices) shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Unified Communications Design and Engineering Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. Unified Communications Design and Engineering Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
UC11001 |
Network Design and Engineering Service |
Solution |
B. Communications Service Price Structure
B. Unified Communications CONUS Service Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Band Low** |
Band High** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Price bands reflect the number of seats. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. Unified Communications OCONUS and Non-Domestic Service Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Band Low*** |
Band High*** |
Variable Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1 *** Price bands reflect the number of seats. Contractor may propose pricing for multiple bands using the same CLIN.
B. Unified Communications Service Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
UC21001 |
UC22001 |
Hosted UCS Unlimited* |
Seat |
UC31001 |
UC32001 |
Managed UCS Unlimited* |
Seat |
UC51001 |
UC52001 |
Hybrid UCS Unlimited* |
Seat |
* Unlimited Calls/Fax/SMS/Conferencing
B. Communications Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs associated with UCS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Unified Communications TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Unified Communications TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
UC99990 |
UC99991 |
UC99992 |
UCS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.4 Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service
The technical requirements for Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) are defined in Section C.2.8.4.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for MTIPS includes the following elements:
1. MRC
2. Feature Charges
MTIPS Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) SOC equipment for mandatory security functions shall be included in the MTIPS basic service price. Pricing for MTIPS-associated SRE, such as routers at the agency location, shall be listed in the SRE Catalog. If the contractor provides any optional MTIPS security functions, then the contractor shall price those security functions using the corresponding Managed Security Service prices (Section B.2.8.5).
B. Access
The contractor shall allow agencies to connect to the contractor’s MTIPS transport network using access arrangements as described in Section B.2.9.
B. Basic Service
The contractor shall price MTIPS with an MRC CLIN based on port bandwidth. The MTIPS port price shall include the TIC Portal Capabilities, the Transport Collection and Distribution Capabilities, the Network Operations and Management, and TIC Portal SOC FISMA A&A, as specified in Section C.2.8.4.
B. Price Structure
Table B. provides the format for MTIPS port prices. Table B. provides the instructions for pricing MTIPS in domestic and non-domestic country/jurisdictions. The contractor shall price the optional MTIPS E1 and E3 ports in non-domestic country/jurisdictions only.
B. MTIPS Port Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country / Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. MTIPS Port Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MT00001 |
MTIPS - T1 |
Port |
Optional |
MT00002 |
MTIPS - FT3 - 3 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00003 |
MTIPS - FT3 - 6 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00004 |
MTIPS - FT3 - 10 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00005 |
MTIPS - T3 |
Port |
MT00006 |
MTIPS - OC3c (155 Mbps) |
Port |
MT00008 |
MTIPS - OC12c (622 Mbps) |
Port |
MT00010 |
MTIPS - OC48c (2.5 Gbps) |
Port |
Optional |
MT00012 |
MTIPS - OC192c (10 Gbps) |
Port |
Optional |
MT00031 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 10 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00032 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 20 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00033 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 30 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00034 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 40 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00035 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 50 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00041 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 100 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00042 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 200 Mbps |
Port |
MT00043 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 300 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00044 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 400 Mbps |
Port |
Optional |
MT00045 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 500 Mbps |
Port |
MT00051 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 1 Gbps |
Port |
MT00060 |
MTIPS - Ethernet – 10 Gbps |
Port |
MT00061 |
MTIPS - E1 |
Port |
Optional. Non-domestic only |
MT00062 |
MTIPS - E3 |
Port |
Optional. Non-domestic only |
SRE pricing for the user-to-network interfaces shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Feature Prices
Table B. provides the format for MTIPS feature prices. Table B. provides the pricing instructions for pricing the domestic MTIPS features.
B. MTIPS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. MTIPS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MT90011 |
Encrypted Traffic |
MT90012 |
Agency Security Policy Enforcement |
MT90013 |
Forensic Analysis |
MT90014 |
Custom Reports |
Report |
MT91001 |
Agency NOC/SOC Console |
MT91002 |
Agency NOC/SOC Console |
MT91003 |
Custom Security Assessment and Authorization Support (previously known as “Custom Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Support”) |
Proposal |
MT91004 |
Custom Security Assessment and Authorization Support (previously known as “Custom Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Support”) |
Proposal |
MT91005 |
External Network Connection |
Connection |
MT91006 |
External Network Connection |
Connection |
MT91013 |
Encrypted DMZ |
MT91014 |
Encrypted DMZ - One security device |
Each |
MT91015 |
Remote Access (CONUS and OCONUS, 1 seat) |
Seat |
MT91016 |
Remote Access (CONUS and OCONUS, 2 - 5 seats) |
Seat |
MT91017 |
Remote Access (CONUS and OCONUS, 6 – 50 seats) |
Seat |
MT91018 |
Remote Access (CONUS and OCONUS, 51 – 100 seats) |
Seat |
MT91019 |
Remote Access (CONUS and OCONUS, 101+ seats) |
Seat |
MT91020 |
Custom Remote Access |
Seat |
MT91021 |
Extranet Connection (CONUS and OCONUS, 1 user at the node) |
Node |
MT91022 |
Extranet Connection (CONUS and OCONUS, 2-to-5 users at the node) |
Node |
MT91023 |
Extranet Connection (CONUS and OCONUS, 6-to-50 users at the node) |
Node |
MT91024 |
Extranet Connection (CONUS and OCONUS, 51-to-100 users at the node) |
Node |
MT91025 |
Extranet Connection (CONUS and OCONUS,100+ users at the node) |
Node |
MT91026 |
Custom Extranet Connection |
Node |
MT91027 |
Inventory Mapping Service |
Network |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing the TUCs supported by MTIPS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. MTIPS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. MTIPS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MT99990 |
MT99991 |
MT99992 |
MTIPS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.5 Managed Security Service
The technical requirements for Managed Security Service (MSS) are defined in Section C.2.8.5. MSS mandatory services are:
Many providers offer an array of potential services and service variations, as well as special tailored services, which use or span the MSS mandatory services. For pricing purposes, the contractor shall provide an MSS Catalog consistent with the service requirements in Section C.2.8.5, and with the pricing catalog requirements in Section B.1.3. The contractor shall use Managed Security Service Category Reference Table B. to relate its offerings to the MSS mandatory services.
B. Requirements for Pricing Information
Where MSS offerings include equipment, all MSS-related equipment or equipment features shall be identified and priced in accordance with the SRE requirements in Section B.2.10. Where MSS-related labor is offered, then labor rates shall be specified and priced in accordance with Section B.2.11.
Otherwise, MSS prices for non-labor and non-SRE elements shall be determined from the catalog based on the information required as shown in Table B. below. Charging mechanisms are defined in Table B. Additional discounts or reduced prices may be negotiated at time of TO award between the ordering agency and the contractor.
B. Security Service Catalog – Product Specification Table
Case Number |
Category* |
Service Description** |
No List Price*** |
Service Class ID |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
End of Sale Date**** |
End of Life Date***** |
Notes |
(from Table B. |
(from Table |
* An array value containing all category codes from Table B. corresponding to the services provided by the catalog item. ** Descriptions shall be sufficiently complete that all capabilities and limitations of the MSS, as priced, are clear to the government *** “T” if the price appearing in the OLP column is not an official list price, “F” otherwise **** End of Sale Date shall be the effective date after which an item may no longer be purchased. Stop Date shall not be later than End of Sale Date. ***** End of Life Date shall be the effective date after which an item is no longer supported by the contractor
The discount to be applied to the OLP is determined by the Service Class, as shown in Table B. The contractor shall identify the trade name(s) for the OLP. The MSS NRC, MRC and/or Usage price shall be the OLP, less the discount for the service class. If no OLP exists, the contractor shall specify its price in the OLP column, populate the No List Price column with “T”, and assign a Service Class ID where the discount is 0% (i.e., Service Class 5000).
B. Security Service Catalog – Service Class Discount Table
Service Class ID* |
Service Class Description** |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
5000 |
(e.g., No discount) |
0 |
5001 |
… |
5999 |
* The number of service classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown ** The service class description and percentage discount for each service class shall be fixed through the life of the contract, unless changed by contract modification. The Start and Stop Dates shall only apply when a change is caused by contract modification.
The Service Class discount and catalog price shall not vary by geographic location.
The contractor shall assign each item in MSS Catalog Table B. to one or more of the MSS categories listed in Reference Table B. Additional MSS categories may be defined upon request by the contractor.
B. Security Service Category Reference Table
Category |
Category Description |
1 |
Managed Prevention Service (MPS) |
2 |
Vulnerability Scanning Service (VSS) |
3 |
Incident Response Service (INRS) |
B. Security Service Instruction Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MS90001 |
Managed Security Service Catalog Item |
MS90002 |
Managed Security Service Catalog Item |
MS90003 |
Usage |
Managed Security Service Catalog Item |
B.2.8.6 Managed Mobility Service
The technical requirements for Managed Mobility Service (MMS) are defined in Section C.2.8.6.
The price structure for MMS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Usage charges
All MRC prices are per device unless specified otherwise. Features are normally separately priced although some features have been defined as NSP. All NSP items shall have a price of zero ($0) entered in the price tables.
Software upgrades shall be included in the price of all MRC subscription software.
B. Device Management
Mobile Device Management (MDM) enables agencies to manage and secure data on a device, including providing enterprise email access. All MDM services listed in the tables below shall meet the security requirements in Section C.
The contractor shall provide at least one of the license alternatives in Table B.
B. MDM Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. MDM Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MM00001 |
On Premises MDM License Per Device |
Device |
License |
MM00002 |
On Premises MDM License Per User with up to three devices per user |
User |
License |
MM00030 |
Cloud MDM License Per Device |
Device |
License |
MM00031 |
Cloud MDM License Per User with up to three devices per user |
User |
License |
B. Application Management
Mobile Application Management (MAM) manages device applications. MAM includes the following capabilities (see Section C.
1) Application deployment
2) Mobile Application Store (MAS)
3) Application security
The contractor shall provide at least one of the license alternatives in Table B.
B. MAM Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. MAM Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MM01000 |
On Premises MAM License Per Device |
Device |
License |
MM01001 |
On Premises MAM License Per User with up to three devices per user |
User |
License |
MM01030 |
Cloud MAM License Per Device |
Device |
License |
MM01031 |
Cloud MAM License Per User with up to three devices per user |
User |
License |
B. Content Management
Mobile Content Management (MCM) includes securely managing files for a single user across devices or between users for file sharing.
The contractor shall provide at least one of the license alternatives in Table B.
B. Content Management Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Content Management Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MM02010 |
On Premises File Sharing Per User with unlimited data storage scalability |
User |
License |
MM02000 |
Cloud File Sharing Per User with unlimited storage (minimum of 1 TB of online storage per user) |
User |
License |
B. Task Order Unique CLINS
The tables below provide the format and instructions for pricing TUCs supported by MMS. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. MMS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. MMS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
MM99990 |
MM99991 |
MM99992 |
MMS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.7 Audio Conferencing Service
The technical requirements for Audio Conferencing Service (ACS) are defined in Section C.2.8.7.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for ACS shall comprise the following elements:
1. NRC for Reservation Charges
2. Usage Charges per bridge for basic ACS
3. Usage Charges for attendant assisted ACS
4. Feature Charges
ACS may use underlying transport services such as landline voice service (CSVS, IPVS) or cellular voice service to provide connectivity. Charges for underlying transport services and dial-in costs are in addition to the charges specified in this section.
B. Basic Service Prices
Table B. provides basic usage pricing for ACS. Table B. provides pricing instructions for the basic ACS usage prices.
B. ACS Basic Usage Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. ACS Basic Usage Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AC11001 |
Audio Conferencing Service |
Bridge port per minute |
AC11002 |
Domestic toll free dial-in Transport |
Bridge port per minute |
Optional |
AC11003 |
Canada toll free dial-in Transport |
Bridge port per minute |
Optional |
AC11004 |
Operator dial-out port |
Bridge port per minute |
AC11005 |
Host dial-out port |
Bridge port per minute |
AC11006 |
Executive bridge port |
Bridge port per minute |
AC11007 |
Executive operator dial-out port |
Bridge port per minute |
AC11008 |
Operator Dial-Out Transport |
Bridge port per minute |
Optional |
AC11009 |
Host Dial-Out Transport |
Bridge port per minute |
Optional |
AC11012 |
International Global Meet |
Bridge port per minute |
OCONUS and Non-Domestic only |
AC11013 |
Host Controls |
Bridge port per minute |
B. Reservation Prices
Table B. provides the pricing format for ACS reservation service. Table B. provides pricing instructions.
Reservation charges shall be non-refundable in the event of cancellation of a scheduled conference less than 30 minutes before a conference is scheduled to occur.
B. ACS Reservation Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. ACS Reservation Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
AC21001 |
ACS Reservation Service |
Conference |
AC21002 |
Executive unused reserved port |
Bridge port per minute |
AC21003 |
Reservation-less Automated Dial In (RADI) - Toll Free |
Bridge port per minute |
AC21004 |
Reservation-less Automated Dial In (RADI) - Caller Paid |
Bridge port per minute |
AC21005 |
Reserved Automated Dial In (ADI) - Toll Free |
Bridge port per minute |
AC21006 |
Reserved Automated Dial In (ADI) - Caller Paid |
Bridge port per minute |
AC21009 |
Reservation Audio Files |
Conference |
B. Attendant Assisted Prices
Table B. provides pricing format for attendant-assisted ACS. Table B. provides pricing instructions.
B. ACS Attendant Assisted Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. ACS Attendant Assisted Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
AC31001 |
Attendant-Assisted ACS |
15 minutes |
B. Feature prices
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for ACS features. Table B. provides the feature pricing instructions.
B. ACS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. ACS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AC41002 |
Audio Recording of Call – Removable Storage Media |
Each |
AC41005 |
Language translation – all languages other than Spanish |
Translation |
ICB, Optional |
AC41006 |
Language translation – Spanish |
Translation |
AC41007 |
Moderator led questions and answers |
15 minutes |
AC41008 |
Participant list report |
Report |
AC41009 |
Password screening |
Screening |
AC41010 |
Replay of pre-recorded audio conference |
Replay |
AC41011 |
Transcription of pre-recorded audio call |
Transcription |
AC41012 |
Temporary blocking of ports |
Conference call |
AC41013 |
Secured Audio Conference |
Conference call |
Optional |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs associated with ACS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. ACS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. ACS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AC99990 |
AC99991 |
AC99992 |
ACS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.8 Video Teleconferencing Service
The technical requirements for Video Teleconferencing Service (VTS) are defined in Section C.2.8.8.
B. Price Structure
The price structure for VTS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC per port for dedicated VTS ports
3. Usage Charges per minute per port for dial-in or dial-out VTS ports
4. Feature Charges
VTS may use underlying transport services to provide connectivity, such as CSDS or PLS. Charges for underlying transport services are in addition to charges specified in this section.
B. Basic Service Prices
Table B. provides pricing for VTS service. Table B. provides pricing instructions.
Prices for dedicated and dial-in VTS shall be in addition to any applicable charges for the underlying access and transport service used for video teleconferencing. The prices for dial-out VTS shall include the transport and terminating access charges to the user. The Country/Jurisdiction ID shall represent the terminating location when dialing out and the originating location when dialing in.
B. VTS Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
Conferences canceled prior to scheduled start time shall not be billable. After the scheduled start time, all reserved ports and features shall be billed for the entire reserved duration whether actually used or not. An ongoing conference that is interrupted through no fault of any of the active participating locations shall be billed at the next lower completed billing increment, and if such an ongoing conference is interrupted in the first billable time increment, there shall be no billing for any time of that conference session.
B. VTS Service Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VC11001 |
Dial-in audio-only capability |
Minute per port |
VC11002 |
Dial-in 384 Kbps or lower (but higher than 128 Kbps) video bandwidth originating at ISDN site |
Minute per port |
VC11003 |
Dial-in 384 Kbps or lower (but higher than 128 Kbps) video bandwidth originating at IP site |
Minute per port |
VC11004 |
Dial-in 768 Kbps or lower (but higher than 384 Kbps) video bandwidth originating at IP site |
Minute per port |
VC11005 |
Dial-out 384 Kbps or lower (but higher than 128 Kbps) video bandwidth terminating at ISDN site |
Minute per port |
VC11006 |
Dial-out 384 Kbps or lower (but higher than 128 Kbps) video bandwidth terminating at IP site |
Minute per port |
VC11007 |
Dial-in 1.92 Mbps or lower (but higher than 768 Kbps) video bandwidth originating at IP site |
Minute per port |
Optional |
VC11010 |
IEEE 802.3 (IPV4 and IPV6) Ethernet interface up to 10 Mbps |
Minute per port |
VC11011 |
IEEE 802.3 (IPV4 and IPV6) Ethernet interface up to 100 Mbps |
Minute per port |
B. Feature prices
Table B. provides the format for pricing information for VTS features. Table B. provides the feature pricing instructions.
B. VTS Feature Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. VTS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VC21001 |
Usage |
Attended Service |
Minute |
VC21002 |
Verification |
Site |
VC21003 |
Usage |
Coding Conversion (Transcoding) Compliant with FTR 1080 Formats |
Minute per port |
VC21004 |
Rate Adaptation |
Conference |
Optional |
VC21006 |
Usage |
Security – CUI |
Minute |
Optional |
B. Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs associated with VTS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. VTS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. VTS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
VC99990 |
VC99991 |
VC99992 |
VTS Task Order Unique |
B.2.8.9 DHS Intrusion Prevention Security Service
The technical requirements for DHS Intrusion Prevention Security Service (IPSS) are defined in Section C.2.8.9.
The price structure for IPSS includes the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Feature Charges
The prices in this section shall cover only the specific technical requirements in Section C.2.8.9. Prices for any associated SRE shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
B. Intrusion Prevention Security Service Price Structure
The CLIN associated with IPSS shall be priced ICB. SRE pricing for required equipment shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10. Table B. provides the formats for pricing information for IPSS. Instruction Table B. provides the pricing information and charging units.
B. IPSS Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. IPSS Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DI00001 |
DI10002 |
Intrusion Prevention Security Service |
ICB. DHS only |
B. Intrusion Prevention Security Service Feature Price Structure
Table B. provides the format for pricing the features supported by IPSS. Instruction table B. provides the pricing information and charging units.
B. IPSS Feature Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
B. IPSS Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DI11001 |
DI12001 |
DHS Email Threat Detection and Countermeasures |
ICB. DHS only |
DI11003 |
DI12003 |
DHS DNS Threat Detection and Countermeasures |
ICB. DHS only |
B. Intrusion Prevention Security Service Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by IPSS. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. IPSS TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. IPSS TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
DI99990 |
DI99991 |
IPSS Task Order Unique |
ICB. DHS only |
B.2.9 Access Arrangements
B.2.9.1 Access Arrangements Pricing
The technical requirements for Access Arrangements (AAs) are defined in Section C.2.9.
AAs connect the customer location to the contractor’s POP. When the customer location is at the contractor’s POP, no access charges shall apply. For pricing purposes, access is categorized in two ways:
1. Access Arrangements, which are priced within this section, connect the customer location to the contractor’s network POP
2. Embedded access, where access prices are included with other service-specific prices, is defined in Section B.2
Switched access (both originating and terminating access) for CSDS, CSVS and TFS is always embedded, and its price is included in the applicable telecommunications service price. Switched access to other services may also be embedded. Access-related pricing information is found in the pricing section for the service being accessed.
SRE is not part of AA, but SRE is often used to meet the service requirements at the SDP when implemented between an access arrangement and the SDP(s). Prices for SRE required for use with AA to provide end-to-end service shall be provided in accordance with Section B.2.10.
For requirements regarding fixed pricing for non-domestic access, see Section J.1.3.2.
AA shall only be used in conjunction with other services provided under this contract. The price for providing access includes one or more of the following elements:
1. NRC
2. MRC
3. Usage
4. Feature Charges
For pricing purposes, the physical address of the SDP location will determine the PHub and will be used for the provision of access. See Section B.4.1 for PHub definitions and requirements.
Domestic Access MRCs depend on the specific access type used to provide the connection defined by the CLIN and a PHub. A PHub is used to group all locations with the same price and the same access service type to a unique identifier. PHubs are used only for pricing purposes. The contractor may decide to arrange pricing so that the PHubs reflect the physical concentration locations (PCLs). The contractor selects and assigns a PHub by Building NSC and access type. Five access types are defined for EIS:
1. Wireline Access
2. Ethernet Access
3. Cable Access
4. Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)
5. Wireless Access
PHubs do not apply to Non-Domestic MRCs. Access NRCs shall not vary by PHub, but may vary by country/jurisdiction.
Access prices for a location shall not increase as a result of NSC/PCL/PHub additions, deletions, redefinitions or relationship changes.
Tables B., B., B. and B. provide the formats for pricing information for access. Table B. provides applicable charging mechanisms and charging units and includes a charging mechanism for Scalable Ethernet Access.
Scalable Ethernet Access is ordered in anticipation of a future, temporary need for increased capacity. Scalable Shared Ethernet Access CLINs shall guarantee a committed bandwidth while ensuring the availability of the increased capacity. An Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand usage CLIN shall provide the increased capacity and must be ordered for the period of time during which the increased capacity will be required. An example of a valid CLIN pairing is Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand usage CLIN AA00920 used with scalable Shared Ethernet Access MRC CLIN AA00901.
Table B. includes an expedited provisioning CLIN that shall be used to provision, within 24 hours rather than the standard provisioning period, an Ethernet Access CLIN at a higher bandwidth, provided the new access CLIN does not exceed the physical capacity of the existing access. This 24-hour provisioning shall be accomplished by ordering the expedited provisioning CLIN concurrent with the new, higher bandwidth Ethernet Access CLIN.
B. Access Prices Table (MRC and Usage)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
PHub ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Pricing Hubs (as defined in B.4.1.7)
B. Access Prices Table (MRC and Usage)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Access Prices Table (NRC)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Access Prices Table (NRC)
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
Wireline Access |
AA00001 |
AA00101 |
Basic Subscriber Line (4 KHz) |
Circuit |
Mandatory if PLS analog transport or CSVS is offered, optional otherwise |
AA00002 |
AA00102 |
DS0 |
Circuit |
AA00003 |
AA00103 |
T1 (1.536 Mbps) |
Circuit |
AA00004 |
AA00104 |
Circuit |
AA00005 |
AA00105 |
Circuit |
AA00006 |
AA00106 |
T3 (43.008 Mbps) |
Circuit |
AA00007 |
AA00107 |
OC-3c |
Circuit |
AA00008 |
AA00108 |
OC-12c |
Circuit |
AA00009 |
AA00109 |
OC-48c |
Circuit |
AA00010 |
AA00110 |
OC-192c |
Circuit |
AA00011 |
AA00111 |
OC-768c |
Circuit |
ICB, Optional |
AA00012 |
AA00112 |
E1 |
Circuit |
AA00013 |
AA00113 |
E3 |
Circuit |
AA00014 |
AA00114 |
OWS 1 Gbps |
Circuit |
AA00015 |
AA00115 |
OWS 2.5 Gbps / OC-48 |
Circuit |
AA00016 |
AA00116 |
OWS 10 Gbps/OC-192 |
Circuit |
AA00017 |
AA00117 |
OWS 40 Gbps/OC-768 |
Circuit |
ICB, Optional |
AA00018 |
AA00118 |
DFS Fiber Pair |
Fiber pair |
ICB, Optional |
AA00019 |
AA00119 |
SDSL – up to 1.5 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00020 |
AA00120 |
ADSL – up to 1.5 Mbps download |
Circuit |
AA00021 |
AA00121 |
ADSL – up to 5 Mbps download |
Circuit |
AA00022 |
AA00122 |
ADSL – up to 8 Mbps download |
Circuit |
Ethernet Access |
AA00201 |
AA00301 |
Dedicated Ethernet 1 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00202 |
AA00302 |
Dedicated Ethernet 2 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00203 |
AA00303 |
Dedicated Ethernet 3 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00204 |
AA00304 |
Dedicated Ethernet 5 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00205 |
AA00305 |
Dedicated Ethernet 6 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00206 |
AA00306 |
Dedicated Ethernet 10 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00207 |
AA00307 |
Dedicated Ethernet 20 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00208 |
AA00308 |
Dedicated Ethernet 30 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00209 |
AA00309 |
Dedicated Ethernet 40 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00210 |
AA00310 |
Dedicated Ethernet 50 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00211 |
AA00311 |
Dedicated Ethernet 60 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00212 |
AA00312 |
Dedicated Ethernet 70 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00213 |
AA00313 |
Dedicated Ethernet 80 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00214 |
AA00314 |
Dedicated Ethernet 90 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00215 |
AA00315 |
Dedicated Ethernet 100 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00216 |
AA00316 |
Dedicated Ethernet 200 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00217 |
AA00317 |
Dedicated Ethernet 300 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00218 |
AA00318 |
Dedicated Ethernet 400 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00219 |
AA00319 |
Dedicated Ethernet 500 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00220 |
AA00320 |
Dedicated Ethernet 600 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00221 |
AA00321 |
Dedicated Ethernet 700 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00222 |
AA00322 |
Dedicated Ethernet 800 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00223 |
AA00323 |
Dedicated Ethernet 900 Mbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00224 |
AA00324 |
Dedicated Ethernet 1 Gbps |
Circuit |
AA00225 |
AA00325 |
Dedicated Ethernet 10 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00226 |
AA00326 |
Dedicated Ethernet 20 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00227 |
AA00327 |
Dedicated Ethernet 30 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00228 |
AA00328 |
Dedicated Ethernet 40 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00401 |
AA00501 |
Shared Ethernet 1 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00402 |
AA00502 |
Shared Ethernet 2 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00403 |
AA00503 |
Shared Ethernet 3 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00404 |
AA00504 |
Shared Ethernet 5 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00405 |
AA00505 |
Shared Ethernet 6 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00406 |
AA00506 |
Shared Ethernet 10 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00407 |
AA00507 |
Shared Ethernet 20 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00408 |
AA00508 |
Shared Ethernet 30 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00409 |
AA00509 |
Shared Ethernet 40 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00410 |
AA00510 |
Shared Ethernet 50 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00411 |
AA00511 |
Shared Ethernet 60 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00412 |
AA00512 |
Shared Ethernet 70 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00413 |
AA00513 |
Shared Ethernet 80 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00414 |
AA00514 |
Shared Ethernet 90 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00415 |
AA00515 |
Shared Ethernet 100 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00416 |
AA00516 |
Shared Ethernet 200 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00417 |
AA00517 |
Shared Ethernet 300 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00418 |
AA00518 |
Shared Ethernet 400 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00419 |
AA00519 |
Shared Ethernet 500 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00420 |
AA00520 |
Shared Ethernet 600 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00421 |
AA00521 |
Shared Ethernet 700 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00422 |
AA00522 |
Shared Ethernet 800 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00423 |
AA00523 |
Shared Ethernet 900 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00424 |
AA00524 |
Shared Ethernet 1 Gbps |
Circuit |
AA00425 |
AA00525 |
Shared Ethernet 2 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00426 |
AA00526 |
Shared Ethernet 3 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00427 |
AA00527 |
Shared Ethernet 4 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00428 |
AA00528 |
Shared Ethernet 5 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00429 |
AA00529 |
Shared Ethernet 6 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00430 |
AA00530 |
Shared Ethernet 7 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00431 |
AA00531 |
Shared Ethernet 8 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00432 |
AA00532 |
Shared Ethernet 9 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00433 |
AA00533 |
Shared Ethernet 10 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00434 |
AA00534 |
Shared Ethernet 20 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00435 |
AA00535 |
Shared Ethernet 30 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00436 |
AA00536 |
Shared Ethernet 40 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional; ICB |
AA00801 |
AA00901 |
Shared Ethernet Access 3 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00802 |
AA00902 |
Shared Ethernet Access 6 Mbps committed, scalable to 10 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00803 |
AA00903 |
Shared Ethernet Access 20 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00804 |
AA00904 |
Shared Ethernet Access 30 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00805 |
AA00905 |
Shared Ethernet Access 50 Mbps committed, scalable to 100 Mbps |
Circuit |
AA00806 |
AA00906 |
Shared Ethernet Access 200 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Circuit |
AA00807 |
AA00907 |
Shared Ethernet Access 300 Mbps committed, scalable to 1 Gbps |
Circuit |
AA00808 |
AA00908 |
Shared Ethernet Access 2 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00809 |
AA00909 |
Shared Ethernet Access 3 Gbps committed, scalable to 10 Gbps |
Circuit |
Optional |
AA00920 |
Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Mbps per day; 1 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Mbps |
Mbps per day |
Requires scalable Ethernet Access circuit |
AA00921 |
Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 10 Mbps per day; 10 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 100 Mbps |
10 Mbps per day |
Requires scalable Ethernet Access circuit |
AA00922 |
Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 100 Mbps per day; 100 Mbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 1 Gbps |
100 Mbps per day |
Requires scalable Ethernet Access circuit |
AA00923 |
Ethernet Access Bandwidth-on-Demand temporary bandwidth increase of 1 Gbps per day; 1 Gbps ≤ committed bandwidth < 10 Gbps |
Gbps per day |
Optional. Requires scalable Ethernet Access circuit |
AA00930 |
Expedited provisioning of Ethernet Access within 24 hours |
Circuit |
Cable Access (Download/Upload) |
AA01001 |
AA01101 |
Cable Access (5 Mbps / 1 Mbps) |
Connection |
Optional |
AA01002 |
AA01102 |
Cable Access (10 Mbps / 1 Mbps) |
Connection |
Optional |
AA01003 |
AA01103 |
Cable Access (20 Mbps / 2 Mbps) |
Connection |
Optional |
AA01004 |
AA01104 |
Cable Access (30 Mbps / 5 Mbps) |
Connection |
Optional |
FTTP Access |
AA01201 |
AA01301 |
FTTP (5 Mbps downstream, 2 Mbps upstream) |
Connection |
Optional |
AA01202 |
AA01302 |
FTTP (15 Mbps downstream, 2 Mbps upstream) |
Connection |
Optional |
AA01203 |
AA01303 |
FTTP (30 Mbps downstream, 5 Mbps upstream) |
Connection |
Optional |
Wireless Access |
AA01401 |
AA01501 |
Broadband Wireless DS1 |
Link* |
AA01402 |
AA01502 |
Broadband Wireless DS3 |
Link* |
AA01403 |
AA01503 |
Broadband Wireless OC-3 |
Link* |
AA01404 |
AA01504 |
Broadband Wireless E1 |
Link* |
ICB. Non-domestic only |
AA01405 |
AA01505 |
Broadband Wireless E3 |
Link* |
ICB. Non-domestic only |
AA01406 |
AA01506 |
Broadband Wireless 1 Gbps |
Link* |
AA01407 |
AA01507 |
Broadband Wireless 5 Gbps |
Link* |
AA01408 |
AA01508 |
Broadband Wireless 10 Gbps |
Link* |
* Link is defined as a line-of-sight connection, or one hop, using licensed frequencies
Tables B. and B. provide the format for pricing information for Access Diversity and Avoidance Prices. Alternate PCL and POP data shall be included in the price table where applicable.
B. Diversity and Avoidance Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Primary PCL** |
Price |
Alternate PCL*** |
Alternate POP*** |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs ** PCLs are defined in B.4.1.5 *** Where applicable
B. Diversity and Avoidance Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AA01601 |
AA01701 |
Access Route or Path Diversity - Alternate PCL |
Circuit |
ICB. List both primary and alternate PCL |
AA01602 |
AA01702 |
Access Route or Path Diversity - Alternate POP |
Circuit |
ICB. List primary PCL and alternate POP |
AA01603 |
AA01703 |
Access Route or Path Diversity - Alternate PCL and POP |
Circuit |
ICB. List both primary and alternate PCL and alternate POP |
AA01604 |
AA01704 |
Access Route or Path Avoidance |
Circuit |
ICB. List alternate PCL and POP where applicable |
Special Access Construction may be required when certain conditions are applicable. See Section C. for a list of those conditions and the technical requirements. Tables B. and B. provide the pricing format.
Special Access Construction prices shall not be applicable to provision a circuit ordered by the CLINs in Table B. if:
1. A domestic building NSC is mapped to a PHub ID in Table B.4.1.7 for which a price exists on contract in Table B., or
2. A non-domestic price exists for the NSC/CLIN combination in Table B.
unless the contractor proves that sufficient capacity is not available solely for the Government.
For each ICB Special Access Construction price, the contractor shall perform a Site Survey and shall provide a Site Survey Estimate with the TO proposals or as specified in each TO. Site Surveys for Special Access Construction are priced under Cable and Wiring in Table B.2.12.1. The estimate must include sufficient information to establish that the special construction price is fair and reasonable. Section J.10 includes a Site Survey Estimate Template for Special Access Construction that identifies the type of data required.
B. Access Construction Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
PCL* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* PCLs are defined in B.4.1.5
B. Access Construction Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AA01801 |
Special Access Construction |
Tables B. and B. provide the format for pricing information for the features available with the access arrangement.
B. Access Feature Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID* |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Access Feature Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AA02001 |
AA02101 |
Channelized or Non-Concatenated Access Circuit |
Circuit |
NSP. Contractor shall use this CLIN to indicate that a channelized or non-concatenated circuit is being ordered (instead of un-channelized or concatenated) at no additional cost |
B. Access Arrangement Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs supported by AA. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Access Arrangement TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Access Arrangement TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
AA99990 |
AA99991 |
AA99992 |
Access Arrangement Task Order Unique |
B.2.10 Service Related Equipment
The technical requirements for Service Related Equipment (SRE) are defined in Section C.2.10.
Unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the government, all equipment (hardware, firmware, and software) needed on the contractor’s side of the demarcation to provide a service is part of the service and shall not be separately priced as SRE.
B.2.10.1 Definition and Online Catalog Requirement
SRE refers to separately identifiable and separately priced hardware, firmware, and software components, along with the installation, maintenance, relocation and/or removal associated with an EIS service.
SRE shall be ancillary to services acquired under this contract.
The contractor shall develop and maintain an online catalog of SRE offerings and pricing in accordance with the requirements specified in Section B.1.3.
The SRE Catalog provided by the contractor shall, at a minimum, contain the data elements defined in this section. In addition, the contractor shall list, where available, the month and year of model introduction, provide references to this information on its websites, or indicate how to find this information on the manufacturer’s website. If the model introduction date is unavailable, or is an estimate, then the contractor shall indicate this in its catalog. Other information may be provided by the contractor in its catalog at its option.
B.2.10.2 Catalog Requirements for Pricing Information
SRE NRC prices shall be based on a discount from the Official List Price (OLP) as described in this section. The SRE OLP shall be the manufacturer’s OLP. The contractor shall identify the trade name(s) for the OLP (e.g., MSRP, OEM list price). The information needed to determine a single discounted CONUS NRC shall be included in the contractor’s SRE Catalog as defined in Tables B. and B. below. Charging mechanisms are defined in Table B.
B. SRE Catalog – Product Specification Table
Case Number |
SRE Type |
Manufacturer |
Model No. |
Part No. |
Model/Part Description |
Device Size |
Rated for Energy Efficiency Compliance |
Energy Efficiency Standards and Ratings |
No List Price |
Device Class ID |
SRE MRC Options |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
End of Sale Date |
End of Life Date |
Notes |
S, B, C, or A |
Y/N |
(From Table B. |
Table notes:
1. SRE Type: S (stand-alone), B (base unit), C (configurable component), or A (accessory) - see definitions in Section B.2.10.5.
2. SRE model numbers and SRE part numbers shall be specified by the contractor. Where a model number is not available, insert “N/A”. Part number shall be the manufacturer’s part number.
3. For each unique case number, the combination of Manufacturer+Model No.+Part No. shall be unique.
4. SRE descriptions shall be sufficiently complete that all capabilities and limitations of the SRE, as priced, are clear to the government.
5. Device Size: a numerical value from 1 to 5 representing the size of the SRE for device management purposes (see Section B. 1=extra small, 2=small, 3=medium, 4=large, 5=extra large
6. Energy Efficiency Standards and Ratings: The contractor shall itemize all energy efficiency ratings such as FEMP, EPEAT, Energy Star, etc. in this column.
7. No List Price: “T” if the price appearing in the OLP column is not an official list price, “F” otherwise.
8. SRE MRC Options: null for SRE Type A, otherwise an array value containing the monthly payment options being offered from the set {12, 24, 36, 48}.
9. End of Sale Date shall be the effective date after which an item may no longer be purchased. Stop Date shall not be later than End of Sale Date.
10. End of Life Date shall be the effective date after which an item is no longer supported by the contractor.
The discount to be applied to the OLP is determined by the Device Class ID. The device class elements are shown in Table B. The SRE NRC shall be the OLP less the discount for the device class.
B. SRE Device Class Discount Table
Device Class ID* |
Device Class Description** |
Task Order Number |
Percentage Discount from OLP** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
6000 |
… |
6999 |
* The number of device classes shall be selected by the contractor from within the range shown ** The Device Class Description and the Percentage Discount for each device class shall be constant and fixed through the life of the contract, unless changed by contract modification (the Start and Stop Dates shall only apply when a change is caused by contract modification).
If the OLP is not available for a particular SRE, the SRE NRC shall be agreed upon between the contractor and the ordering agency at time of TO award. In Table B., the contractor shall populate the OLP column with the agreed upon price, populate the No List Price column with “T”, and specify a device class having a discount of zero. Other price elements shall be provided as appropriate and available.
B. SRE Instruction Table
Frequency |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EQ90001 |
SRE Catalog Item |
B.2.10.3 Specific Catalog Requirements for SRE Pricing
The contractor’s catalog shall include some or all of the following SRE pricing elements:
· An NRC for initial installation and outside moves of SRE connected at a fixed location. The installation NRC is not applicable for Configurable Component SRE.
· An NRC for inside moves of SRE at a fixed location (i.e., an equipment move within same premises without change of the access arrangement). The inside move NRC is not applicable for Configurable Component or Accessory SRE.
· An NRC for on-site modification or upgrade of installed equipment at a fixed location. For a mobile SRE, this pricing element shall apply for an off-site modification or upgrade of delivered equipment, including all associated transportation costs associated with drop-off and return. The upgrade NRC for a Base Unit of a Packaged SRE includes the subsequent installation of one or more Configurable Components at the same time for an already installed Base Unit. The upgrade NRC is not applicable for Configurable Component or Accessory SRE.
· A monthly maintenance charge (MMC) for ongoing maintenance, starting with the accepted installation or completed delivery of the SRE. The upgrade or modification of SRE that is a patch, reload, replacement, add-on, or adjustment to remove design, manufacturing, or programming defects or faults; remove unexpected security liabilities; effect compatibility with formalized standards, or other similar actions of the type typically recommended by the manufacturer to assure optimal performance, shall be part of normal SRE maintenance, is covered by the MMC, and shall not be subject to an additional NRC.
· SRE MRCs for an indeterminate month-to month MRC or for fixed durations of 24, 36, or 48 months. The agency will select either an SRE NRC or SRE MRC and duration at time of order. At the end of the contract, all SRE MRCs terminate regardless of any remaining months in the selected time period.
Reference Table B. shows the pricing elements that shall be provided with each SRE included in the contractor’s SRE Catalog. Additional pricing elements may be defined upon request by the contractor.
B. SRE Pricing Elements Reference
SRE Pricing Element |
Description of SRE Pricing Element |
Frequency |
Calculated Price |
1 |
T |
2 |
Installation NRC |
F |
3 |
Monthly Maintenance Charge (MMC) |
F |
4 |
Inside Move NRC |
F |
5 |
Upgrade NRC |
F |
12 |
Month-to-Month MRC |
T |
24 |
24-Month Installment MRC |
T |
36 |
36-Month Installment MRC |
T |
48 |
48-Month Installment MRC |
T |
Table B. shows the information that shall be provided to price each SRE pricing element identified for a given SRE in the contractor’s catalog. The contractor shall use Table B. to price only those pricing elements from Table B. where the Calculated Price=“F”. Pricing elements where the Calculated Price=“T” in Table B. shall not be priced by the contractor in Table B. but instead will be calculated by the government.
B. SRE Catalog Prices Table
Case Number |
SRE Pricing Element |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
(from Table |
(from Table |
(integer value from Table B. |
(from Table |
De-installation of contractor-owned SRE installed on the customer’s premises, including storage, packaging for shipment, and/or transportation, shall be provided by the contractor at no additional charge to the government. For end-user mobile devices such as phones and tablets, de-installation means arranging for return of the device to the contractor at no additional charge to the government.
B.2.10.4 Payment Methods
The contractor shall offer the government a choice of two methods to pay for use of each SRE. The government will decide which payment method to select at the time of order.
1. (SRE Pricing Element 1) One-time charge for use of SRE paid in a single installment, the SRE NRC.
2. (SRE Pricing Elements 12, 24, 36, and 48) Equal monthly SRE MRC installments for an indeterminate term month-to-month arrangement, or for a fixed designated period of either 24, 36, or 48 months, as defined by the contractor for a particular SRE, starting once service has been accepted by the user agency. The SRE MRC charges shall be computed by dividing the SRE NRC by the designated period (month-to-month shall use 12 as the designated period), and multiplying by the appropriate Monthly Payment Factor from Table B.
B. SRE Monthly Payment Factor Table
SRE Pricing Element |
Cost-of-Money Percent (rate per annum)* |
Margin Percent** |
Monthly Payment Percent*** |
Monthly Payment Factor**** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
12 |
24 |
36 |
48 |
* Cost-of-Money Percent will be populated by the government and will remain constant for a six-month period ** Margin Percent shall be specified by the contractor and remain constant for the life of the contract *** Monthly Payment Percent shall be equal to (Cost-of-Money Percent + Margin Percent) **** Monthly Payment Factor shall be equal to 100% + Monthly Payment Percent, converted to decimal format (e.g., 100% + 4% = 104%= 1.04)
The Cost-of-Money Percent for SRE MRC shall be based on the floating index rate specified below. The floating index rate shall be the monthly average yield, as established every six months, in percent per annum on Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturities. The monthly index rate used shall be the rate published in the Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15 on the first business day of January and the first business day of July of each year. This index rate shall be in effect on a semiannual basis, from the fifteenth of the month in which it is published to the fourteenth of the following sixth month. For orders that use SRE MRC for a device, the index rate used to compute the cost of money factor shall be the index rate in effect on the date the order is issued. Where the order is for a rental period (e.g., 48 months) different from the periods listed for Treasury securities (e.g., 2, 3, and 5 years) in H.15, the index rate used shall be the rate available for the next longer period (e.g., 5 years).
SRE NRC and its associated SRE MRCs shall be those that are in effect at the time a particular SRE is ordered (i.e., the price of the SRE is the price in effect on the completion date on the SOCN). This price shall apply throughout the in-service life of the ordered SRE, irrespective of subsequent price changes for that SRE NRC and its associated SRE MRC(s) shown in the contractor catalog. This requirement does not apply to SRE NRCs for moves and changes, or to the MMC.
If an SRE MRC period selected by a user is terminated by the user before the period has concluded (for the purpose of having SRE removed by the contractor), in addition to all applicable SRE MRCs due up to the notice of termination, a refurbishment payment equal to 25% of the remaining projected payments due for the selected SRE MRC term period shall apply. However, in no case shall the amount of the refurbishment payment exceed the SRE NRC. If a user initially selects an SRE MRC payment term, and subsequently chooses to terminate its SRE MRC payment term early and continue using the associated SRE, the user shall pay the SRE NRC, less the cumulative SRE MRC payments (exclusive of finance charges defined by the Monthly Payment Factor) paid up to the time of notification of such selection.
Table B. provides the format for pricing SRE MRC early termination and Table B. provides the charging mechanisms.
B. SRE MRC Term Period Early Termination Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. SRE MRC Term Period Early Termination Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
EQ99998 |
SRE MRC term period early termination with removal of SRE by contractor |
EQ99999 |
SRE MRC term period early termination with continued use of SRE by user |
Because all SRE MRC payments automatically cease on the end date of this contract, the contractor may decline to provide SRE MRC term periods that are longer than the then-remaining maximum potential term of the contract. If the contract is terminated for convenience, or the government elects not to exercise an option period, any active SRE MRC term periods for SRE cut short by such an event shall be subject to the same rules that would apply for a user-requested early termination of a SRE MRC term.
The payment method for a separately priced, additional configurable component element in a packaged SRE shall be consistent with that selected for the base unit, except when an additional configurable component is added to a base unit after the initial installation/delivery of the packaged unit has been accepted by the user. The payment method for an accessory shall be to pay for it in a single installment (SRE NRC). When a user selects the single installment payment method for a packaged unit, the single installment price shall include the SRE NRCs of all components of the fully functional packaged unit at time of its installation/delivery.
In certain cases, orders may be renewed annually due to the type of funding used. The government’s commitment on order renewal may be limited by funds availability.
B.2.10.5 Pricing Types
SRE pricing shall allow for multiple SRE types. Some types are stand-alone self-sufficient units that include all needed SRE functions for that type, while others are component based and may be configured in a variety of ways to offer different functionality. The following SRE types may be priced separately:
· Stand-alone units
· Packaged units consisting of one or more of the following:
o Base units of packaged SRE
o Configurable components
· Accessories
B. Stand-Alone Unit
An SRE stand-alone unit is a self-contained, fully functioning device (e.g., a CSU/DSU or handset). No separately-priced plug-in, attachable, or loadable components to modify or upgrade its performance or essential functionality are provided. Each stand-alone SRE unit shall be separately priced.
B. Packaged Unit
A SRE packaged unit consists of a package of component elements including a separately-priced “base unit” (containing all minimally-required elements) and a variable list of separately-priced additional configurable components. Examples of packaged units include routers, smart multiplexers, and Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs).
B. Base Unit
The SRE base unit shall include only those underlying base components that are needed to support the common or shared functions of the equipment before the addition of the configurable components. Accordingly, the SRE base unit price shall include common use components such as chassis, shelves, interconnecting and power cables, internal power supply(s), mounting fixtures, antenna, CPU and the hardware and firmware/software components of basic memory and operating system, as applicable.
B. Configurable Components
Configurable components are those separately-priced components needed to equip the base unit of packaged SRE for a specific billed user at the service location.
Such configurable components shall include the plug-in, attachable, or loadable items such as line, circuit, network, and feature cards/blades, memory and/or operating system upgrades, and other firmware or software items needed to configure the base unit so that it can fully implement the required functionality of the packaged SRE. Additional components may be added separately to upgrade or modify a previously installed packaged unit.
B. Accessories
Accessories enhance the use of a device, but are not needed to implement the essential function(s) of the device (e.g., a spare battery or carrying case for a cellular/ mobile satellite device, or an additional copy of a user manual).
B.2.10.6 Monthly Maintenance Charges
An MMC shall apply to each installed/delivered stand-alone SRE unit and/or each installed/delivered base unit of a packaged SRE unit. The ongoing MMC shall cover all maintenance/repair costs for the SRE during its installed life, and shall include the stocking of needed maintenance spares, and any necessary hardware, firmware, and software upgrades required to maintain its functionality and usability during its supported life.
MMC shall not be permitted for the separately-priced additional individual configurable components of a packaged SRE unit or for SRE accessories, except where such components have an OLP equal to or greater than $5,000.
B.2.10.7 Wireless SRE Termination of Support
For wireless mobile devices only, the notice period for termination of support described in Section B.1.3.3 shall be at least 30 days prior to when the contractor no longer offers a particular device. For wireless mobile device accessories only, the notice period for termination of support described in Section B.1.3.3 shall be at least 120 days prior to when the contractor no longer offers a particular accessory or its equivalent.
B.2.10.8 Government Option to Assume Ownership
The government may, at its sole discretion, following payment of the SRE NRC or at completion of the SRE MRC payment term, assume ownership of the SRE, as described in FAR 52.207-5. When the government has assumed ownership of SRE, the user will have the option to continue receiving maintenance from the contractor. In this case, the contractor shall provide the same level of maintenance at the MMC established for the SRE when it was contractor-owned. Continued support following a change in ownership is subject to the termination of support provision in Section B.2.10.7.
B.2.10.9 Abandonment
Unless otherwise agreed to by the user, the contractor shall not abandon or otherwise leave behind contractor-provided and contractor-owned equipment that was installed at a user site and that is no longer invoiced, either during the term of the contract or at end of contract. Such fixed location equipment shall be removed within 45 days after the last effective billing period, or within 10 business days following a formal government request. This provision shall not apply to unbilled maintenance spares in place in support of billed equipment at the same site or to in-place equipment that is in the process of change of ownership pursuant to B.2.10.8.
B.2.10.10 Area of the World Price Adjustment Factor
SRE pricing may be adjusted to reflect certain cost differentials associated with provision of SRE at OCONUS and Non-Domestic locations. Pricing may be adjusted by use of a factor applied to the CONUS catalog prices. These factors may be applied, for example, when a foreign government requires an item needed under this contract to be manufactured or purchased within its country.
Area of the world (AOW) price adjustments shall be identified and specified in the contractor’s catalog in accordance with the AOW price adjustment factors. These factors may be “1” or greater or less than “1”. The CONUS factor shall be 1.0. The contractor shall specify an AOW price adjustment factor for each Area of the World in Table B. below where the contractor offers SRE in at least one of the Country/Jurisdictions contained in that AOW. The correlation of an AOW ID with a particular Country/Jurisdiction ID is provided in Table B.4.2.1.
B. Area of the World Price Adjustment Factor
Area of the World (AOW) |
AOW Price Adjustment Factor* |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
200000 |
1.0 |
Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and USVI (OCONUS) |
200001 |
American Samoa, CNMI, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Midway Island, and Wake Island (OCONUS) |
200002 |
Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda |
200003 |
Central, South America, and the Caribbean |
200004 |
Europe (Western & Eastern Europe) |
200005 |
Middle East (including Egypt and Turkey) |
200006 |
Russia and Eurasian Area |
200007 |
Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan |
200008 |
Rest of Asia (North, South, and Southeast Asia) |
200009 |
Australia / New Zealand |
200010 |
Northern Africa |
200011 |
Sub-Saharan Africa |
200012 |
Antarctica |
200013 |
Rest of World |
200014 |
* Factors shall be constant and fixed through the life of the contract unless changed by contract modification (the Start and Stop dates shall only apply to a change of price adjustment factor caused by contract modification). For each row of the table, the initial Start Date shall be the contract award date, and the initial Stop Date shall be the contract termination date.
B.2.11 Service Related Labor
B.2.11.1 Labor Service
The technical requirements for Service Related Labor are described in Section C.2.11.
Labor service performed under this contract shall be on a time and materials or firm fixed price basis.
B.2.11.2 Labor Categories
The labor categories included in this contract are described in Section J.5.
For each labor category in this contract, Table B. indicates the applicable Bureau of Labor Statistics Standard Occupational Classification (BLS-SOC) O*NET code and the occupational group index that will be applied to escalate labor rates for that labor category.
Labor categories are further subdivided into three levels: Junior, Journeyman, and Senior / Subject Matter Expert (SME), based on years of experience and duties/responsibilities as follows:
· JUNIOR: An individual in the Junior labor category level has up to 3 years of applicable experience. Such an individual is responsible for assisting more senior positions and/or performing functional duties under the oversight of more senior positions.
· JOURNEYMAN: An individual in the Journeyman labor category level has 3 to 10 years of applicable experience. Such an individual typically performs all functional duties independently.
· SENIOR/SME: An individual in the Senior / Subject Matter Expert (SME) labor category has more than 10 years of applicable experience, or is an individual whose qualifications or expertise are exceptional, or is recognized as an industry leader for a given area of expertise. Such an individual performs all functional duties independently, and may oversee the efforts of less senior staff and/or be responsible for the efforts of all staff assigned to a specific job.
B.2.11.3 CONUS Pricing
The contractor shall propose fixed, fully-loaded prices for the labor categories specified in Section J.5 for CONUS (see Section J.12 for definitions of CONUS, OCONUS and Non-Domestic).
For each labor category, the contractor shall propose an on‐site (i.e., on government premises) and an off-site (i.e., on contractor premises) price, in two separate CLINs. The contract prices shall stay in effect for the duration of the contract or until contract modifications have been executed to delete or update the prices. Prices provided in the Service Related Labor tables shall be maximum hourly rates for any location in CONUS during normal business hours.
B.2.11.4 Other than CONUS Pricing
The contractor shall provide pricing for OCONUS and Non-Domestic locations only at the TO level.
The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Administration, Office of Allowances, publishes quarterly report indexes of living costs abroad, per-diem rate maximums, quarter’s allowances, hardship differentials, and danger pay allowances.
The Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) control the allowances and benefits available to all U.S. Government civilians assigned to foreign areas. For TOs issued under this contract, civilians employed by the contractor who are assigned to foreign areas may receive the allowances and benefits in the DSSR, but shall not receive allowances and benefits in excess of those identified in the DSSR.
B.2.11.5 Travel
Travel costs may be firm fixed price or reimbursed at actual cost in accordance with the limitations set forth in FAR 31.205-46 and in applicable agency-specific regulatory supplements. Travel costs shall be priced in Table B. using a Service Related Labor TUC.
B.2.11.6 Materials
Materials are defined and priced in accordance with FAR 16.601. Material costs shall be priced in Table B. using a Service Related Labor TUC.
B.2.11.7 Service Related Labor Price Structure
Pricing for Service Related Labor shall include the maximum hourly rate for each CLIN.
B. Service Related Labor Prices Table
Case Number** |
Task Order Number |
Country/Jurisdiction ID*** |
Max Hourly Rate |
Rate Start Date |
Rate Stop Date |
* CLINs are listed in Table B. ** Applies only to ICB CLINs *** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B. Service Related Labor Pricing Instructions Table
Labor Category |
Occupational Group |
Level |
Site (G or C) |
Frequency |
Charging Unit |
LA00001 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00002 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00003 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00004 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00005 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00006 |
Business Continuity Planner |
13-1199.04 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00007 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00008 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00009 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00010 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00011 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00012 |
Computer Network Architect |
15-1143.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00013 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00014 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00015 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00016 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00017 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00018 |
Computer Network Support Specialist |
15-1152.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00019 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00020 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00021 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00022 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00023 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00024 |
Computer Systems Analyst |
15-1121.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00025 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00026 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00027 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00028 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00029 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00030 |
Computer Systems Engineers/ Architect |
15-1199.02 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00031 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00032 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00033 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00034 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00035 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00036 |
Customer Service Representative |
43-4051.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00037 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00038 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00039 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00040 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00041 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00042 |
Database Administrator |
15-1141.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00043 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00044 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00045 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00046 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00047 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00048 |
Database Architect |
15-1199.06 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00049 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00050 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00051 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00052 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00053 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00054 |
Electrical Drafter – Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator |
17-3012.02 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00055 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00056 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00057 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00058 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00059 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00060 |
Information Security Analyst |
15-1122.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00061 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00062 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00063 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00064 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00065 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00066 |
Information Technology Project Manager |
15-1199.09 |
Management, business, and financial |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00067 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00068 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00069 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00070 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00071 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00072 |
Network and Computer Systems Administrator |
15-1142.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00073 |
Software Developer– Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00074 |
Software Developer – Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00075 |
Software Developer – Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00076 |
Software Developer – Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00077 |
Software Developer – Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00078 |
Software Developer – Applications |
15-1132.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00079 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00080 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00081 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00082 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00083 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00084 |
Software Developer – Systems Software |
15-1133.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00085 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00086 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00087 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00088 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00089 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00090 |
Software Quality Assurance Engineer/ Tester |
15-1199.01 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00091 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00092 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00093 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00094 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00095 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00096 |
Sustainability Specialist |
13-1199.05 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Per Hour |
LA00097 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00098 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00099 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00100 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00101 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00102 |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialist |
15-1143.01 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00103 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00104 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00105 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00106 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00107 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00108 |
Telecommunications Equipment Installer/ Repairer |
49-2022.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00109 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00110 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00111 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00112 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00113 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00114 |
Telecommunications Line Installer/ Repairer |
49-9052.00 |
Service Occupations |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00115 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00116 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00117 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00118 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00119 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00120 |
Web Administrator |
15-1199.03 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00121 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00122 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00123 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
G |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00124 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Junior |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00125 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Journeyman |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
LA00126 |
Web Developer |
15-1134.00 |
Professional and related |
Senior/SME |
C |
Usage |
Hour |
B. Service Related Labor Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs associated with Service Related Labor. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. Service Related Labor TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Service Related Labor TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
LA99990 |
LA99992 |
Service Related Labor Task Order Unique |
B.2.12 Cable and Wiring
The technical requirements for Cable and Wiring are defined in Section C.2.12.
Tables B.2.12.1 and B.2.12.2 provide the formats for pricing these services. CLINs fall under the following categories:
· Site Survey (includes site surveys for Special Access Construction, see Section B.2.9)
· Wiring Install
· Wiring Repair
Fixed price and ICB CLINs are specified for the categories listed above. Fixed prices represent typical cable and wiring activities as described in the Notes column of the Instructions Table B.2.12.2 below. All fixed-price CLINs include labor, travel, and material costs in the price. (e.g., connectors, faceplates, cable). If the fixed-price CLINs do not meet cable and wiring requirements, an ICB CLIN shall be used.
For each Wiring Install that is priced as ICB, the contractor must perform a Site Survey and provide a Site Survey Estimate with TO proposals or as specified in each TO by the customer. The estimate must include sufficient information to establish that the wiring install price is fair and reasonable. Section J.9 includes a Site Survey Estimate Template for Wiring Installs that identifies the type of data required.
B.2.12.1 Cable and Wiring Prices Table
Case Number* |
Task Order Number |
Country / Jurisdiction ID** |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
* Applies only to ICB CLINs
** Country/Jurisdiction IDs are provided in Table B.4.2.1
B.2.12.2 Cable and Wiring Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
CW00001 |
Fixed Price Site Survey Basic CONUS |
Each |
A site survey that does not require a site visit. The results are provided in a summary template. |
CW00002 |
Fixed Price Site Survey Complex CONUS |
Each |
A site survey requiring a site visit. The results are provided in a written quote, with documentation photos and drawings, as required. |
CW00003 |
Fixed Price Site Survey Basic OCONUS |
Each |
A site survey that does not require a site visit. The results are provided in a summary template. |
CW00004 |
Fixed Price Site Survey Complex OCONUS |
Each |
A site survey requiring a site visit. The results are provided in a written quote, with documentation photos and drawings, as required. |
CW00005 |
ICB Site Survey |
ICB. A site survey that cannot be accomplished under the Fixed Price Site Survey types. Examples include, but are not limited to, remote locations and extraordinary construction. |
CW00101 |
Fixed Price Wiring Install CONUS |
Each |
A wiring installation that can be accomplished on the customer's premises in 3 hours or less and includes up to 150 feet of wiring. The charges for the installation apply only when it is not coincident with an SRE installation. Price includes termination, jacks, and testing. |
CW00102 |
Fixed Price Wiring Install OCONUS |
Each |
A wiring installation that can be accomplished on the customer's OCONUS premises in 3 hours or less and includes up to 150 feet of wiring. The charges for installation apply only when it does not coincide with an SRE installation. Price includes termination, jacks, and testing. |
CW00103 |
ICB Wiring Install |
CW00301 |
Fixed Price Wiring Repair CONUS |
Each |
Restore inside wire service by dispatching qualified personnel to resolve a problem within 4 hours on site. |
CW00302 |
Fixed Price Wiring Repair OCONUS |
Each |
Restore inside wire service by dispatching qualified personnel to resolve a problem within 4 hours on site. |
CW00303 |
ICB Wiring Repair |
B.3 National Security and Emergency Preparedness
The technical requirements for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) are defined in Sections C.1.8.8 and G.11.
B.3.1 NS/EP Price Structure
The price structure for the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) system of NS/EP includes the following elements:
1. NRC per circuit to register for priority installation, priority restorations, and priority level for design changes
2. MRC per circuit to maintain priority restorations
B.3.2 NS/EP Basic Prices
Table B.3.2.1 provides the formats for pricing information for TSP of NS/EP. Table B.3.2.2 provides the applicable charging mechanism and charging units for TSP of NS/EP.
B.3.2.1 NS/EP Prices Table
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B.3.2.2 NS/EP Pricing Instructions Table
Description |
Charging Unit |
NS00101 |
TSP Provisioning – No Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00102 |
TSP Provisioning – One Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00103 |
TSP Provisioning – Additional Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00004 |
NS00104 |
TSP Restorations – No Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00005 |
NS00105 |
TSP Restorations – One Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00006 |
NS00106 |
TSP Restorations – Additional Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00107 |
TSP Priority Level for Design Change – No Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
NS00108 |
TSP Priority Level for Design Change – Local Access Coordination |
Circuit |
B.4 General Pricing and Other Requirements
This section defines pricing and other elements that are generally independent of the service categories. It also contains the requirements for contractor-provided domestic and non-domestic Point of Presence (POP) lists, Physical Concentration Locations (PCLs), Pricing Hubs (PHubs) and their service relationships. In addition, this section contains government-provided lists of Country/Jurisdiction IDs.
B.4.1 Point of Presence Identification, Location, and Service Relationships
EIS includes the following identifiers for infrastructure and pricing purposes:
· Network Site Code (NSC) – identifies a physical location, a customer agency building, Physical Concentration Location, and/or Point of Presence. An address is required for each NSC. GSA and EIS contractors will maintain an NSC database to ensure that every government location is associated with a single NSC identifier even where multiple addresses may refer to the same location. This allows services delivered to the government to be priced for each specific location using a unique NSC identifier represented by eight-character Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) codes.
· Physical Concentration Location (PCL) – any place connections (e.g., copper wire, fiber and coax) are aggregated (e.g., POPs, carrier hotels, cable heads, and Serving Wire Centers (SWCs)). PCLs may refer to the access side of the service or to the network side. For pricing purposes, the PCL is identified by the NSC.
· Point of Presence (POP) – contractor-owned or -controlled physical location where network facilities provide EIS services and where access from a user agency’s location is connected to the network. For pricing purposes, the POP is identified by the NSC.
· Pricing Hub (PHub) – used to assign a unique identifier to locations with the same price for the same access service type. This PHub ID is used only for pricing purposes and is independent of the physical network. The contractor selects and assigns a PHub ID to a set of prices by access type (i.e., by bandwidth).
Tables B.4.1.1 through B.4.1.11 provide the formats to list and identify domestic and non-domestic POPs, PCLs, PHubs, NSCs and their service relationships. Each POP shall be separately described by its physical location, as required by the individual table. The contractor shall keep these tables up to date as POPs, PCLs, PHubs, NSCs, and service relationships are added, deleted, and changed.
B.4.1.1 Domestic Points of Presence Table
POP V&H Coordinates |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
V |
H |
* POP NSCs shall be defined by the contractor in Table B.4.1.1 and are defined by the government in Table B.4.1.8
B.4.1.2 Non-Domestic Points of Presence Table
Country/ Jurisdiction ID in which POP is Located* |
Non-Domestic POP NSC** |
Name of Carrier or Entity Operating Non-Domestic POP, if not the Contractor |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* For country/jurisdiction names and IDs, see Table B.4.2.1 ** Non-Domestic POP NSCs shall be defined by the contractor in Table B.4.1.2 and are defined by the government in Table B.4.1.8
Table B.4.1.3 provides the relationship between non-domestic sites and non-domestic POPs.
B.4.1.3 Non-Domestic Site to Point of Presence Relationship Table
Non-Domestic NSC |
Non-Domestic POP NSC |
Bandwidth Group* |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* Bandwidth Groups shall use the values in Table B.
Table B.4.1.4 provides a list of services offered at each POP.
B.4.1.4 Services Offered by Point of Presence Table
Service ID** |
Bandwidth Group*** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* POP NSCs shall be defined by the contractor in Tables B.4.1.1 and B.4.1.2, and are defined by the government in Table B.4.1.8 ** The contractor shall use this column to identify the services offered at each POP, to be selected from the following: VPNS, ETS, OWS, PLS, SONETS, DFS, IPS, CSVS, IPVS, CSDS, TFS, and MTIPS *** Bandwidth Groups shall use the values in Table B.
Table B.4.1.5 shall be populated, updated and maintained by the contractor to identify the PCL to POP relationship by bandwidth capability. The PCL serves as an engineering construct for purposes of identifying physical attributes of a networking solution, such as access routes needed to assure path diversity. At least one POP NSC shall be associated with each PCL NSC identified in Table B.4.1.5.
B.4.1.5 Domestic Physical Concentration Location to Point of Presence Relationship Table
Bandwidth Group** |
POP NSC*** |
* PCLs are defined in Table B.4.1.8. ** Bandwidth Group shall use the values in Table B. Bandwidth Groups *** POP NSCs shall be defined by the contractor in Tables B.4.1.1 and B.4.1.2, and are defined by the government in Table B.4.1.8
B. Groups Table
Bandwidth Group |
Bandwidth Group Name |
Minimum Bandwidth (Mbps) |
Maximum Bandwidth (Mbps) |
1 |
Wireline |
0 |
1.54 |
2 |
Wireline >T1 and |
1.55 |
44.74 |
3 |
Wireline >T3 and |
44.75 |
155.52 |
4 |
Wireline >OC3 and |
155.53 |
622.08 |
5 |
Wireline >OC12 and |
622.09 |
2,488.32 |
6 |
Wireline >OC48 and |
2,488.33 |
9953.28 |
7 |
Wireline >OC192 and |
9953.29 |
40,000.00 |
8 |
Ethernet |
0 |
10.00 |
9 |
Ethernet >10 Mbps and |
11.00 |
100.00 |
10 |
Ethernet >100 Mbps and |
101.00 |
1,000.00 |
11 |
Ethernet >1000 Mbps and |
1,001.00 |
10,000.00 |
12 |
Ethernet >10 Gbps and |
10,001.00 |
100,000.00 |
13 |
Ethernet >100 Gbps and |
100,001.00 |
1,000,000.00 |
14 |
Cable |
15 |
Dark Fiber |
16 |
Wireline >OC768 |
40,000.01 |
17 |
Ethernet >1000 Gbps |
1,000,001.00 |
To identify multiple Bandwidth Groups for a PCL to POP relationship, the contractor shall populate the row with an array containing the applicable Group IDs. Arrays are denoted by a comma-separated list, surrounded by brackets, “{ }”.
Table B. provides an example where PCL 1 has a relationship with POP A for every bandwidth group. Similarly, PCL 2 has a relationship with POP B for two bandwidth groups, and PCL 3 has a relationship with POP C for a single bandwidth group.
B. Example Bandwidth Group IDs for PCL to POP Relationship Table
Bandwidth Group ID |
1 |
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} |
A |
2 |
{8,12} |
B |
3 |
{9} |
C |
Table B.4.1.6 provides the relationship between Building NSCs and PCL NSCs.
The contractor may add sites after award at its option. As orders are submitted, new Building NSCs may need to be created for the locations involved. The contractor shall use iconectiv to obtain NSCs to represent any government building that orders service from an EIS contractor. The contractor shall interface with and use the iconectiv CLONES system to obtain and maintain NSC data. As new NSCs are created, the contractor shall use GSA Systems to update Tables B.4.1.6 and B.4.1.7 as needed to facilitate the validation of orders and invoices without a contract modification. Any order or invoice containing a building NSC that is not found in Tables B.4.1.6 and B.4.1.7 will be placed in dispute.
B.4.1.6 Network Site Code PCL Relationship Table
Building NSC* |
Last Modified Date |
* NSCs are defined in Table B.4.1.8
The contractor shall populate and maintain the relationship between Building NSCs and their respective PHubs in Table B.4.1.7. The PHubs in Table B.4.1.7 shall be used in conjunction with the access pricing tables in Section B.2.9 to set access prices. The government will reference Table B.4.1.6 to verify that the relationships within Table B.4.1.7 result in fair and reasonable prices as identified in the tables in Section B.2.9. Changes to these tables do not require contract modifications.
B.4.1.7 Network Site Code to Pricing Hub Relationship Table
Building NSC* |
PHub ID |
Access Type** |
Last Modified Date |
* NSCs are defined in Table B.4.1.8 ** Indicate the Access Type as (1) Wireline, (2) Ethernet, (3) Cable, (4) FTTP, or (5) Wireless for the Building NSC-to-PHub relationship
The following reference tables will be updated and maintained by the government, and made available to the contractor, to validate all NSCs and NSC-to-PCL mappings maintained by the contractor. Tables B.4.1.8 and B.4.1.9 provide a list of domestic and non-domestic NSCs (these may be PCLs, SWCs, or government-identified buildings) and the associated location data.
B.4.1.8 Network Site Codes Table
Country/ Jurisdiction ID |
Normalized Geographical Name |
Latitude |
Longitude |
NSC V&H Coordinates |
Created Date |
Last Modified Date |
V |
H |
B.4.1.9 Network Site Code/Address Correspondence Table
Sequence Number |
Address |
Address Intersection |
Pos-tal Code |
Coun-ty Name |
Geo-political Code |
Offset |
Second Offset |
Created Date |
Last Modified Date |
Num-ber |
Pre-fix |
Street Name |
Street Type |
Suf-fix |
Unfor-matted Address |
Op-tion |
Num-ber |
Pre-fix |
Street Name |
Street Type |
Suf-fix |
Dis-tance |
Direc-tion |
Dis-tance |
Direc-tion |
Tables B.4.1.10 and B.4.1.11 identify PLS gateways and their relationships to non-domestic connections. The only valid relationships for Table B.4.1.11 are: 1) CONUS to OCONUS, 2) CONUS to Non-Domestic, and 3) OCONUS to Non-Domestic.
B.4.1.10 Domestic Private Line Service Gateways Table
Gateway ID |
Gateway V&H Coordinates |
Physical Address of Gateway |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
V |
H |
City |
State |
Street |
Zip |
B.4.1.11 Domestic Private Line Service Gateway to OCONUS/Non-Domestic Country/Jurisdiction Relationship Table
Domestic Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
OCONUS/Non-Domestic Country Jurisdiction ID* |
Gateway ID** |
Start Date |
Stop Date |
* See Table B.4.2.1 ** Defined in Section B.4.1.10
B.4.1.12 Metro OWS Locations
The contractor shall provide and maintain up-to-date locations where Metro OWS is being provided. Table B. provides the NSCs for those locations.
B. Metro OWS Locations Table
B.4.1.13 Order Related Prices
Table B. provides the pricing format for order related charges. Table B. provides the applicable charging mechanisms and charging units. Order requirements are described in Section G.3.3.2. Agencies may request order cancellations prior to issuance of the SOCN. Order cancellation charges shall not exceed the NRC of the cancelled order.
B. Order Related Prices
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. Order Charge Pricing Instructions
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
GN00001 |
Order Cancellation Charge |
B.4.1.14 General Task Order Unique CLINs
Table B. provides the format for pricing TUCs for operational or administrative items (e.g., customized ordering, inventory or billing requirements, administrative customization) that are not readily associated with only one of the services defined in Table B. General TUCs shall not be used to price new services that are not listed in Table B. General TUCs shall be associated with and ancillary to the services in Table B., shall not be the primary purpose of a task order, and may only be ordered in conjunction with or in support of the purchase of services in Table B. Contractors may be required to provide additional information to support a determination that their proposed ancillary services are offered in support of one or more EIS CLINs. Table B. provides pricing instructions. TUCs shall be used as defined in Section B.1.2.15.
B. General TUC Prices Table
Case Number |
Task Order Number |
Price |
Price Start Date |
Price Stop Date |
B. General TUC Pricing Instructions Table
Usage CLIN |
Description |
Charging Unit |
Notes |
GN99990 |
GN99991 |
GN99992 |
General Task Order Unique |
B.4.2 Country/Jurisdiction Identifications
Table B.4.2.1 provides Country/Jurisdiction IDs and Area of the World (AOW) IDs. The Country/Jurisdiction IDs shall be used in pricing tables that require identification of the origination and/or destination country/jurisdiction. The AOW IDs shall be used in pricing tables that allow for adjustments based on their OCONUS and Non-Domestic locations. For Wireless Service (MWS), Domestic is defined as CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (see Section B.2.6).
B.4.2.1 Country/Jurisdiction Identification Table
Country/Jurisdiction |
Country/ Jurisdiction ID* |
AOW ID** |
Location Type |
Afghanistan |
120038 |
200009 |
Albania |
120039 |
200005 |
Algeria |
120040 |
200011 |
Andorra |
120042 |
200005 |
Angola |
120043 |
200012 |
Anguilla |
120044 |
200004 |
Antarctica |
120045 |
200013 |
Antigua (includes Barbuda) |
120046 |
200004 |
Argentina |
120047 |
200004 |
Armenia |
120048 |
200007 |
Aruba |
120049 |
200004 |
Ascension Island |
120050 |
200014 |
Australia |
120051 |
200010 |
Australian External Territory |
120309 |
200014 |
Austria |
120052 |
200005 |
Azerbaijan |
120053 |
200007 |
Azores |
120300 |
200014 |
Bahamas |
120054 |
200004 |
Bahrain |
120055 |
200006 |
Bangladesh |
120056 |
200009 |
Barbados |
120057 |
200004 |
Belarus |
120058 |
200005 |
Belgium |
120059 |
200005 |
Belize |
120060 |
200004 |
Benin |
120061 |
200012 |
Bermuda |
120062 |
200003 |
Bhutan |
120063 |
200009 |
Bolivia |
120064 |
200004 |
Bosnia - Herzegovina |
120065 |
200005 |
Botswana |
120066 |
200012 |
Brazil |
120067 |
200004 |
British Indian Ocean Territories |
120313 |
200014 |
British Virgin Islands |
120068 |
200004 |
Brunei |
120069 |
200012 |
Bulgaria |
120070 |
200005 |
Burkina Faso |
120071 |
200012 |
Burundi |
120073 |
200012 |
Cambodia |
120074 |
200009 |
Cameroon |
120075 |
200012 |
Canada |
120076 |
200003 |
Cape Verde Islands |
120077 |
200014 |
Cayman Islands |
120078 |
200004 |
Central African Republic |
120079 |
200012 |
Chad |
120080 |
200012 |
Chatham Island |
120302 |
200014 |
Chile |
120081 |
200004 |
China |
120082 |
200009 |
Christmas Island |
120083 |
200014 |
Cocos Islands |
120084 |
200014 |
Colombia |
120085 |
200004 |
Comoros |
120086 |
200014 |
Congo, Dem. Republic Of The |
120266 |
200012 |
Congo, Republic Of The |
120087 |
200012 |
Cook Islands |
120088 |
200014 |
Costa Rica |
120089 |
200004 |
Cote d'lvoire |
120143 |
200012 |
Croatia |
120090 |
200005 |
Cuba |
120091 |
200004 |
Cyprus - North |
120303 |
200006 |
Cyprus - South |
120304 |
200005 |
Czech Republic |
120093 |
200005 |
Denmark |
120094 |
200005 |
Diego Garcia |
120095 |
200014 |
Djibouti |
120096 |
200012 |
Domestic: Alaska |
120036 |
200001 |
Domestic: American Samoa*** |
179627 |
200002 |
Domestic: Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI) *** |
120270 |
200002 |
Domestic: CONUS |
120033 |
200000 |
Domestic: Guam*** |
120269 |
200001 |
Domestic: Hawaii |
120037 |
200001 |
Domestic: Marshall Islands*** |
120171 |
200002 |
Domestic: Micronesia*** |
120176 |
200002 |
Domestic: Midway Island*** |
120177 |
200002 |
Domestic: Palau*** |
120199 |
200002 |
Domestic: Puerto Rico |
120316 |
200001 |
Domestic: US Virgin Islands (USVI) |
120317 |
200001 |
Domestic: Wake Island*** |
120261 |
200002 |
Dominica |
120097 |
200004 |
Dominican Republic |
120098 |
200004 |
East Timor |
120305 |
200009 |
Easter Island |
120099 |
200014 |
Ecuador |
120100 |
200004 |
Egypt |
120101 |
200006 |
El Salvador |
120102 |
200004 |
Equatorial Guinea |
120103 |
200012 |
Eritrea |
120104 |
200012 |
Estonia |
120105 |
200005 |
Ethiopia |
120106 |
200012 |
Faeroe Islands |
120107 |
200014 |
Falkland Islands |
120108 |
200014 |
Fiji Islands |
120109 |
200014 |
Finland |
120110 |
200005 |
France |
120111 |
200005 |
French Antilles |
120112 |
200004 |
French Guiana |
120113 |
200004 |
French Polynesia |
120114 |
200014 |
French Southern Territory |
120314 |
200014 |
Gabon |
120115 |
200012 |
Gambia |
120116 |
200012 |
Georgia |
120117 |
200007 |
Germany |
120118 |
200005 |
Ghana |
120119 |
200012 |
Gibraltar |
120120 |
200005 |
Global Sat |
180025*** |
**** |
Greece |
120121 |
200005 |
Greenland |
120122 |
200014 |
Grenada |
120123 |
200004 |
Guadeloupe |
120124 |
200004 |
Guantanamo Bay |
120126 |
200004 |
Guatemala |
120127 |
200004 |
Guinea |
120129 |
200012 |
Guinea - Bissau |
120128 |
200012 |
Guyana |
120130 |
200004 |
Haiti |
120131 |
200004 |
Honduras |
120132 |
200004 |
Hong Kong, Special Administrative District |
120133 |
200009 |
Hungary |
120134 |
200005 |
Iceland |
120135 |
200005 |
India |
120136 |
200009 |
Indonesia |
120137 |
200009 |
Inmarsat Aero |
180029*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Americas |
180041*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-Asia Pacific |
180043*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) |
180042*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Americas |
180038*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-Asia Pacific |
180040*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Fleet (Maritime) I4-EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) |
180039*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-AOR |
180047*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-IOR |
180048*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Global Express (GX) I5-POR |
180049*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Mini-M |
180036*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Swift (Aeronautical) Atlantic (AOR) |
180044*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Swift (Aeronautical) Indian (IOR) |
180045*** |
**** |
Inmarsat Swift (Aeronautical) Pacific (POR) |
180046*** |
**** |
Iran |
120138 |
200006 |
Iraq |
120139 |
200006 |
Ireland |
120140 |
200005 |
Iridium-8816 |
180026*** |
**** |
Iridium-8817 |
180027*** |
**** |
Israel |
120141 |
200006 |
Italy |
120142 |
200005 |
Jamaica |
120144 |
200004 |
Japan (includes Okinawa) |
120145 |
200008 |
Jordan |
120146 |
200006 |
Kazakhstan |
120147 |
200007 |
Kenya |
120148 |
200012 |
Kiribati |
120149 |
200014 |
Kosovo |
120306 |
200005 |
Kuwait |
120152 |
200006 |
Kyrgyzstan |
120153 |
200007 |
Laos |
120154 |
200009 |
Latvia |
120155 |
200005 |
Lebanon |
120156 |
200006 |
Lesotho |
120157 |
200012 |
Liberia |
120158 |
200012 |
Libya |
120159 |
200011 |
Liechtenstein |
120160 |
200005 |
Lithuania |
120161 |
200005 |
Luxembourg |
120162 |
200005 |
Macau, Special Administrative District |
120163 |
200009 |
Macedonia |
120164 |
200005 |
Madagascar |
120165 |
200012 |
Malawi |
120166 |
200012 |
Malaysia |
120167 |
200009 |
Maldives |
120168 |
200014 |
Mali |
120169 |
200012 |
Malta |
120170 |
200005 |
Martinique |
120310 |
200004 |
Mauritania |
120172 |
200012 |
Mauritius |
120173 |
200012 |
Mayotte Island |
120174 |
200014 |
Mexico |
180020 |
200003 |
Moldova |
120178 |
200005 |
Monaco |
120179 |
200005 |
Mongolia |
120180 |
200009 |
Montenegro |
120320 |
200005 |
Montserrat |
120181 |
200004 |
Morocco |
120182 |
200011 |
Mozambique |
120183 |
200012 |
Myanmar |
120072 |
200009 |
Namibia |
120184 |
200012 |
Nauru |
120185 |
200014 |
Nepal |
120186 |
200009 |
Netherlands |
120187 |
200005 |
Netherlands Antilles |
120188 |
200004 |
Nevis |
120032 |
200004 |
New Caledonia |
120189 |
200014 |
New Zealand |
120190 |
200010 |
Nicaragua |
120191 |
200004 |
Niger |
120192 |
200012 |
Nigeria |
120193 |
200012 |
Niue |
120194 |
200014 |
Norfolk Island |
120195 |
200014 |
North Korea |
120150 |
200009 |
Norway (includes Svalbard) |
120196 |
200005 |
Oman |
120197 |
200006 |
Pakistan |
120198 |
200009 |
Palestinian Authority |
120307 |
200006 |
Panama |
120200 |
200004 |
Papua New Guinea |
120201 |
200009 |
Paraguay |
120202 |
200004 |
Peru |
120203 |
200004 |
Philippines |
120204 |
200008 |
Pitcairn Island |
120205 |
200014 |
Poland |
120206 |
200005 |
Portugal (includes Madeira) |
120207 |
200005 |
Qatar |
120208 |
200006 |
Reunion Island |
120209 |
200014 |
Romania |
120210 |
200005 |
Russia |
120211 |
200007 |
Rwanda |
120212 |
200012 |
Samoa |
120264 |
200014 |
San Marino |
120219 |
200005 |
Sao Tome |
120220 |
200012 |
Saudi Arabia |
120221 |
200006 |
Senegal |
120222 |
200012 |
Serbia |
120223 |
200005 |
Seychelles Islands |
120224 |
200012 |
Sierra Leone |
120225 |
200012 |
Singapore |
120226 |
200009 |
Slovakia |
120227 |
200005 |
Slovenia |
120228 |
200005 |
Solomon Islands |
120229 |
200014 |
Somalia |
120230 |
200012 |
South Africa |
120231 |
200012 |
South Korea |
120151 |
200008 |
South Sudan |
120272 |
200012 |
Spain (includes Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Malilla) |
120232 |
200005 |
Sri Lanka |
120233 |
200009 |
St. Helena |
120213 |
200014 |
St. Kitts |
120214 |
200004 |
St. Lucia |
120215 |
200004 |
St. Pierre And Miquelon |
120216 |
200003 |
St. Vincent And The Grenadines |
120217 |
200004 |
Sudan |
120234 |
200012 |
Suriname |
120235 |
200004 |
Swaziland |
120236 |
200012 |
Sweden |
120237 |
200005 |
Switzerland |
120238 |
200005 |
Syria |
120239 |
200006 |
Taiwan |
120240 |
200008 |
Tajikistan |
120241 |
200007 |
Tanzania |
120242 |
200012 |
Thailand |
120243 |
200009 |
Thuraya Sat |
180037*** |
**** |
Togo |
120244 |
200012 |
Tokelau |
120308 |
200014 |
Tonga Islands |
120245 |
200014 |
Trinidad And Tobago |
120246 |
200004 |
Tunisia |
120247 |
200011 |
Turkey |
120248 |
200006 |
Turkmenistan |
120249 |
200007 |
Turks And Caicos Islands |
120250 |
200004 |
Tuvalu |
120251 |
200014 |
Uganda |
120252 |
200012 |
Ukraine |
120253 |
200005 |
United Arab Emirates |
120254 |
200006 |
United Kingdom |
120255 |
200005 |
Uruguay |
120256 |
200004 |
Uzbekistan |
120257 |
200007 |
Vanuatu |
120258 |
200014 |
Vatican City |
120312 |
200005 |
Venezuela |
120259 |
200004 |
Vietnam |
120260 |
200009 |
Wallis And Futuna Islands |
120262 |
200014 |
Western Sahara |
120263 |
200014 |
Yemen |
120265 |
200006 |
Zambia |
120267 |
200012 |
Zanzibar (Province Of Tanzania) |
120318 |
200012 |
Zimbabwe |
120268 |
200012 |
* IDs shall be fixed through the life of the contract unless changed by contract modification. ** The AOW ID applicable to mobile SRE is the location at which it is installed, if vehicle mounted, or the location from which it is shipped, if it is designed to be carried on the person.
*** Excluded from domestic Wireless Service (Section B.2.6). **** Satellite IDs.
[1] Additional information may be required to determine a price; for example, location information is required to determine access prices (see Section B.2.9).
[2] Modifications can take the form of contract modifications, TO-specific submissions, or catalog submissions.
[3] Where distance-sensitive pricing is provided in the form of distance bands, these distance bands shall be contiguous.
[4] The distance between two locations shall be calculated in miles as: Distance (miles) = ROUNDUP(SQRT(((V1-V2)^2+(H1-H2)^2)/10),0) Where (V1, H1) and (V2, H2) are the V and H coordinates of the locations, respectively.
[5] In SRE Catalog Prices Table B., the value “-1” in the Task Order Number column indicates a catalog price that is valid for all task orders.